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The Insane Asylum
My little journal about my random life. Enter if you dare.
Yeah, what a wonderful ******** day.
I just had to listen to my mom badmouth me and my dad because the house is a mess. Yes, I know this, MOM! I don't need you to reiterate it a thousand times and then tell me I'm probably diseased and s**t. God, I hate her. She makes it sound like it's all my ******** fault that the house is a mess, and that I need to get Daddy to clean it. I'd love to get him to help me clean, but I'm only 16! There's not much that I can honestly do to get him to do anything! I slept from 4 o'clock last night to 2 o'clock this afternoon. She said I'm getting depressed. Well, no dip Sherlock, my dad's in the hospital, and I'm stressing about school. She said that I just need some activity to help. Yeah. Cleaning the house while listening to her give me a bunch of bullshit is *DEFINITELY* going to help my depression. Oh yeah. Sounds like a ******** good plan to me. I know that it's partly my responsibility to help keep the house clean, but there is no feasible way that I can get my dad to do anything! I just want to go cry somewhere. And possibly cut, but I can't cut, because I'd disappoint to many people. Well, what else is ******** new? I disappoint everyone, it seems. What's one more ******** disappointment.


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