xxxxxxxxxxxxxH E A L T H☠ ███████████ 100%
V y n s e n tLLE r e b u s
G o dLLO f T h eLLU n d e r w o r l d
G o dLLO f T h eLLU n d e r w o r l d
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Previously: ''Fellow Gods and Goddesses, I came to you in an understanding that we need to live in a world without Gods, without of influence to make them feel dependent on themselves, not us to watch over them, as my pathetic little brother seems to think. It's sad that you all make them rely on you, so I have come up with a solution. Lets let them know how they will be without us!" He says to them all as he pulls out one of the black pearls, bringing it up into the air and throwing it into the ground, but as it was in the ground, Zeus struck Hades with a bolt of lightning, shattering the pearl and surrounding the group in a black fog. Hades smirked, "This is your fate brother..." his eyes met Zeus's who stared with such rage at his brother. "Hades!!!" He boomed as thunder roared and lightning cracked. Hades clutched his arm where Zeus struck him, feeling his injury slowly but surly heal he noticed the fog start to engulf each God and Goddess around him. Hades cackled as the fog over took him as well sending them all into the future rather than the past. Unaware of his failure Hades lost all memory of his true self, his immortality stripped from him for he was just a mortal living in the big city...Alone.
Now: Waking from his slumber to whining dogs at the foot of his bed he sighed, grumpy yet welcoming the large beasts to join him on the bed with a pat to the mattress. That was a regret as he was given slobbery kisses from three full grown Dobermans. With a slight chuckle and groan to have them stop he sat up and petted them each aggressively in a playful way. They were just happy as ever whipping their tails like propellers. Once they had enough each dog leaped from the bed and chased one another to be the first outside. The man rubbed his scruffy face with a yawn, "Okay okay I'm up..." he sighed as he got up from the comfort of his sheets. Walking in only his boxers, he made his way slowly toward the stairs, descending slowly to then reach the sliding glass door to the backyard. Releasing the beasts to go have their fun chasing rabbits and what not he left the doggy door unlatched for them to come inside as they pleased.
One of his servants appeared, half spooking him to death and prepared a breakfast for him. Leaning against the counter he held his hand to his chest, "Are you mad? Never sneak up on me like that." he was stern with his tone, still grumpy from waking up, receiving an apology he ignored it and moved to take a seat and have some coffee. He had to work today, part of him wanted to just go to the bar and drink but he was the boss and he knew he had to work today. He had five meetings throughout the day that needed him and he had a lunch date with his secretary, she was a sweet one but there was no attraction for him. He just liked her company. Not sure why but he was sure he knew her from somewhere.
Sipping his coffee he relaxed while eating his breakfast omelet. Flicking the telly on he watched the news and its dramatic disaster reports and media exploitation's. Finishing his meal and coffee he rose and left his plate and mug in the sink for his servants to take care of. Walking to his room up the stairs he disappeared into the elegant bathroom and took a shower to get ready for the day. Once all clean he dried himself off with a towel and wrapped it around his waist. Staring at the mirror he looked to his scar on his arm and chest, it was so distracting, he hated it. He couldn't place exactly where he got the wound but his medical doctor said he must of gotten struck by lightning as a child. He's had it ever since he could remember. Fixing his hair he left the bathroom to get dressed in one of his finer suits, he had to look his best for the interviews. Adjusting his tie he look to his bed to find one of his dobermans laying on the bed sheets asleep, must of played till his hearts content. Shaking his head he sighed, these dogs were like his kids, energetic, wild, and crazy his dogs were. One was named Eli, the other two Rafe, and Samson. Their personalities fit the names so he left it at that. Once ready he left his room to his sleeping pup Eli and descended the steps to the front door. One of his servants met him with the keys to one of his vehicles. Taking the keys with a nod of gratitude he left his home. Starting up the shiny black Mercedes he drove off into the New York traffic to arrive at his office, well his building actually. He is Vynsent Erebus of the Erebus Law firm, Ere for short. He controls all that goes on below him. He runs the business like a pro and he is not a force to be reckoned with. He is a tyrant and can fire someone in a heart beat if they screw up just enough for him to think about letting the person go. He organizes lawyers to their work and make sure they are in tune with their cases. No case is too small for Vyn he makes sure they are the best in the state so that profit will be made. His lawyers have made progress with keeping the numbers high when it comes to how many cases they have won. His role as CEO involves setting the strategy and overseeing his firm’s back-office operations, without interfering in the work or legal performance of the lawyers, which is the responsibility of the managing partner, who is himself a lawyer.
Parked at his reserved parking spot he exited his car and headed into the building. Sticking to the anonymous look he has about him and disappeared in the mass of people. Reaching the elevator he took it to the very top, where his room was. Once there he opened the door and went straight to work, he knew today would be long but he was looking forward to lunch with his secretary.

Location: Ere Law Firm | Company: Himself | occ: First post, bleh I could of added more. Next post will be better,
...that I am proud to hunt...
He is a Lion...


xxxxxxxxxxxxxH E A L T H☠ ███████████ 100%
V y n s e n tLLE r e b u s
G o dLLO f T h eLLU n d e r w o r l d
G o dLLO f T h eLLU n d e r w o r l d
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Vynsent sat at his desk, papers stacked like a towers around him, sighing to himself he ran his hand through his hair out of habit. Thinking deeply he turned in his swivel chair and stared at the window scene, New York. The Big Apple, he was amazed to see how much this place has grown, people bustling about, it was second nature to keep moving, to keep going. Vynsent chuckled to himself at the thought. His mind reeling back to the dream he had, a woman's voice, so distinct and familiar he still couldnt place it. Giving himself a headache about it he turned back to his work and scribbled on a note pad the words that haunted him. "Your not a monster..." He placed his pen down and looked at the shadow at the foot of the door, a visitor. His secretary, dear Penelope. She opened the door gently and knocked as she did. Smiling at him she waved, he gave a nod. "Welcome." he said softly as he rose from his chair out of respect. She was the only one he ever was generous to in the firm. He wasn't sure why he was so nice to her but he was.
"Ready to go?" she asked lingering at the door, her hands folded in front of her. Vynsent was mesmerized for a moment, she was stunning, then back to reality he nodded and said he smiled faintly

Location: Ere Law Firm->Coffee Shop->Bar | Company: People/Penelope | occ: Ta-daa!
...that I am proud to hunt...