Name: Xenus
Race: Human
Role: Warrior
Sample: Link

Name: Xenus
Other titles: Nicknames, titles
Sex: Female
Age: Twenty-eight
Race: Human
Orientation: Bisexual
Status/Occupation: Warrior
Biography: bio
Personality: Your character's personality! Make them interestin!
Appearance: Scars, tattoos, general appearance, etc.
Abilities: Please adhere to your selected race's abilities.
Other: Any pets, quirks, likes, dislikes, or any other details you'd like to include?
Crush? This can be updated later in the rp. If you're feeling adventurous, immediately starting a character out with a crush is always fun, too.
Theme Song: Name of song!
Ruler: XxFate_of_the_AkatsukixX.