L o k iLLL a u f e y s o n
G o dLLo fLLM i s c h i e f

G o dLLo fLLM i s c h i e f

"My King" was spoken and made his heart soar. Loki felt so loved by this woman that he has accepted in himself that he was okay. For now, in this moment. With his queen he dearly loved. Holding her close to him comfortably he watched the stars of the cosmos go about. Sigyn pointed to a shooting star, wishing upon it and looking to him, his emeralds smiled as he loved seeing her happy. Kissing her forehead he closed his eyes and relaxed. Praying to Valhalla that Frigga is at peace, hopefully watching over them all with a smile. Opening his eyes to Sigyn mentioning their times as children, climbing trees and his cheating efforts. He laughed lightly at the memory, "Yes, that was correct, I was a devious child wasn't I? he smirked as he remembered.
Turning his head to hear voices call their names he sighed heavily. She took the words from his mouth "I don't want to go back there..." Halvir was having trouble with entertaining Lorelei, he hoped to bore her at some point, having her attached to his arm was rather tiring. Looking to Sigyn who mentioned their return to reality as it were, by him playing his part and saving the damsel. With a smile his eyes locked with hers, emeralds smiling yet again. Watching her descend the tree to the ground he looked down to her with a smirk, he leaped from the branch, thankful for his height and ability to easily land without injuring himself. Standing up right he fixed his tunic and belts that held his sword and dagger. Looking presentable he look at Sigyn one more time through the eyes of Loki that soon faded to brilliant blue hues to be Hal.
Walking through the gardens he waved to Thor who was looking about until spotting the couple walking to him. Sif and Lady Lorelei in his company. Halvir presented Sigyn, as Sif made sure she was alright. Thor was happy to see her well, he looked to Hal and gave a 'thank you' nod then let Sigyn explain Hal's heroic deed. Relishing in it for a moment he prided himself in his seek and find. Before he knew it Lorelei took his arm and he happily obliged and walked with the group. Soon disbanding. Thor looked to the group, "I have to speak with the All-father, I'm glad the search is over. Good day." he nodded to Sif as he then left the group on his own path to the throne room. Halvir watched in envy of the throne still, sitting upon it a few years ago was the most powerful he felt, he yearned for it again. Returning to Lorelei's word of wanting to see his tapestries and such he nodded with a kind smile. Sif left with Sigyn making sure she got where she was needed to go then returned to training with the warriors three.
Halvir walked with Lorelei to his chambers leaving the door open as he moved to the bag he carried into the palace and left here, within it was old tapestries of the Vanaheim world. "My father gave me these...just as a comforting gift while I am away from home. Sentiment..." he shrugged as he sat on the chair near the open window. Servants came in and cleaned it all up, what good people. He would have to thank them later. Lorelei was fascinated by them all as he showed her the battle tapestries and then portraits. She looked about the room and was in awe, a wonderful guest room for a royal. Asgard had class. She returned to him and sat on his lap without his acceptance, wrapping her arms about him leisurely. Hal rose his eyebrows in surprise to her actions. "Has anyone every told you that your eyes are stunning? I find them most beautiful in a man." her words were soft as her hand touched his chest, feeling his heart beneath the flesh pounding. Hal got nervous, she was close to him that was for sure. "Oh--um...gratitude. You are very stunning yourself." he stumbled over his words at how close she got to him. Smiling awkwardly he could feel her breath about him as her serpents gaze locked on his. She was about to kiss him but he stopped her with a hand gently on her shoulder, "Please. I do not wish this for us, in the moment. The door is open..." Hal played the shy boy getting his first kiss by the pretty girl. She smiled to him and flicked her wrist and the door shut. Hal looked at the door and then her, That isn't good. she placed her lips upon his forcibly in a heated kiss. His eyes widened, the Loki in him was screaming to throw her off and out the window. He played Halvir still, and made it believable. Kissing her back, regretting it all in one fell swoop, he knew exactly how Sigyn felt with Fandral kissing her. By the Gods themselves he couldn't handle this and wished to be struck by Thor's thunder this instant. Feeling her hands travel he grabbed her wrists with his hand roughly. His other placed on her neck to push her back without harm. Breaking the kiss his brows knitted with a followed frown.
"Lord Hal, what is the matter?" her voice shaken in disbelief he was rejecting her.
"You force pleasure upon me when I do not have it. That is enough." his voice stern.
"Oh, you haven't felt the best part, let me pleasure you my Lord" she respected him as such as he let go of her wrists slowly and her hands grabbed him forcibly once more. Internally screaming at himself he forced his body to resist magic as he then couldn't handle her on him anymore. "I said ENOUGH!" his voice boomed in the empty space that echoed to outside the cracked window. His blue eyes violent as he pushed her off him as gently as he could muster without harming her and stood up. "Forgive me, I crossed a line with myself. I would never harm you, I do not feel this is appropriate at this time. Give me another day...we are guests, I wouldn't want to embarrass you by them finding us entangled within my bed sheets." he recovered it quickly by explaining himself. Lorelei was shocked at his frustration but enjoyed it nevertheless. She knew she had him, this wasn't the right time, he was right. Her hand touched her neck remembering his hand there with such demand. She gave a bow, "I understand M'Lord, I wish not to take advantage of you as so. Forgive me." Hal straightened his tunic as he stood there and rested his wrist on his hilt of his blade relaxed now. He gave a nod, "Yes, yes, you are forgiven, please. Allow me to have some time alone for a moment." he breathed as calmly as he could. She smiled and took his hand, kissing his knuckles in respect then left his chambers.
Halvir locked the door with his magic and made sure she stayed out. His red hair burned black as a ravens feathers. His hair lengthened to be messy curls and untamed. His small stubble on face was cut clean as his skin paled as his face was now striking. In a fit of rage he removed the red tunic, belts and boots. In a rush he grabbed a chair and threw it at the wall. He was pissed off by playing such an innocent man that he was not. With Sigyn he was a different form of himself in the face of love, with others he was a lie and will always be a lie. Anger boiled as he was tired, very tired of his two faced look. Leaning against the wall where the chair was he stared at its broken bits. Feeling numb he sat there in disbelief he was alive still. He went to far deep in his mind, remembering everything.
He had always known Sigyn and though it took him long to speak to her there was a festival where she got him to dance. Their conversations were like reading a part of a play, he knew her voice and her words as well as his own.
"Were you not taught that it is rude to stare, my lady?"
"Forgive me, my prince. But, I cannot help myself, for it seems that, in my absence, you have come under some enchantment that has caused the most absurd of horns spout from your head."
"Oh? And this coming from the woman dressed so opulently that I nearly mistook her for a fallen chandelier."
She was entertaining and he enjoyed that from her. Even when she jested over his helmet, many a times. Loki reminisced for a while longer until voices called his name "Halvir" "Lord Halvir" it sounded foreign to him still. Even with using it so much, he stared at the door in a daze, his green eyes tired and glossy. More pounding on the door, it was the guards. "I am here. Do not worry. I am alright, I just tripped. No harm done. he called out to silence the dogs. They mumbled alright and let him be. Loki was sure they were going to barge in an see the dark prince in his sulking glory. Loki remained on the floor staring off into the distance, his body weak and tired. He kept thinking what magical abilities Lorelei had since he saw her shut the door so fast with a flick of her wrist. His mind went to Frigga then again.
"You are our son Loki...you must know that" came her voice in his head, so comforting. "So I am not your mother?" those words...he cursed his reply, "You are not..." his own voice whispered in his head as he rejected her motherly love in less than five seconds without thinking it over. Then when approached by Thor in his cell after the fact he heard of Frigga's death soon after she left him alone in his cell with his words. He destroyed the cell with the tossing of objects and breaking of things. Cutting his foot in the act of his rage, wailing in anger that he could not attend the funeral. The guards let him mourn and didn't calm him down. Ignoring the dark prince completely. "It's my fault" he heard himself say so. He told the beast to take the door to the left, destroying the shields and letting Malekith barge in the palace and the beast taking Frigga's life. He blamed no one but himself. He couldn't even blame Thor, he had not reflected much on this since his adventure with Sigyn. He had to tell her sooner or later about his unstable mentality on such a touchy subject. His last words to Frigga were of hate and anger, he was upset about it and it plagued him like Thor was plagued with nightmares of Loki's death. Raising his hand to his lips he sat there thinking to himself, biting his nail in frustration. His mind absent his actions. Spacing out again as the night went on. Looking up at the ceiling sky light he saw the cosmos twinkle, wondering if Frigga was there. He recited a poem he read long ago, "Inside a crumbling effigy,
But you promised,
So dies all innocence,
But you promised me.
While I waited I was wasting away,
While I waited I was wasting away,
While I waited I was wasting away.
Hope was wasting away.
Faith was wasting away.
I was wasting away."
He took a shaken breath, "And I will continue to waste away...as a beast who plays a man of lies and mischief. Never to be allowed in Valhalla with you...to your open arms...mother. Forgive me." his voice cracked as he stared as if he could see her. Tears formed in his eyes, allowing one to trickle down his face in his sadness.
Meanwhile in the throne room, Thor presenting himself to Odin and stood before the King telling him of his dreams, he had no one to go to. Explaining everything, all had Loki had done and then to see his brother throw it all away in one foolish act of heroics.
Odin sat there, looking to his son, his heir, seeing how the absence of the trickster had taken its toll on his son, as well as the absence of Frigga both hurting from that. Odin sighed as he spoke to Thor as a father rather than the King, "My son...The way I see it is that Loki, in his heart, wanted to be worthy. And the way he achieved that worthiness, the way he achieved his redemption, his salvation, was to ultimately sacrifice himself for you and for the Midgardian. It’s a very cathartic, and foolish yes; by saving you, his brother's life; he reached his goal."
Thor stared at Odin in slight disbelief, "Now of all times you show compassion to a man whom you lied to his face? You think me not of ear to such things, Loki told me himself. You lied of his parentage, he saved my life, gave his to avenge mothers death by destroying the beast that killed her. You must know that!" Thor was angry now, the clouds in the sky formed but only rolled thunder. Odin stared at Thor, seeing the challenge of truths. "He wished for his death, he is a master manipulator Thor. Do you not understand what he had done? He was a criminal! Trialed and lost in the same, he deserved death for what he had done. He was not fit to be King in the beginning, he never was." boomed Odin in frustration that his son was fighting him.
"Father, Loki was my brother, I respect him as such, he was a trickster yes and he may be of Juton blood but that doesn't change the fact that he was my best friend."
Odin stared at Thor
You must be truly desperate...

Turning his head to hear voices call their names he sighed heavily. She took the words from his mouth "I don't want to go back there..." Halvir was having trouble with entertaining Lorelei, he hoped to bore her at some point, having her attached to his arm was rather tiring. Looking to Sigyn who mentioned their return to reality as it were, by him playing his part and saving the damsel. With a smile his eyes locked with hers, emeralds smiling yet again. Watching her descend the tree to the ground he looked down to her with a smirk, he leaped from the branch, thankful for his height and ability to easily land without injuring himself. Standing up right he fixed his tunic and belts that held his sword and dagger. Looking presentable he look at Sigyn one more time through the eyes of Loki that soon faded to brilliant blue hues to be Hal.
Walking through the gardens he waved to Thor who was looking about until spotting the couple walking to him. Sif and Lady Lorelei in his company. Halvir presented Sigyn, as Sif made sure she was alright. Thor was happy to see her well, he looked to Hal and gave a 'thank you' nod then let Sigyn explain Hal's heroic deed. Relishing in it for a moment he prided himself in his seek and find. Before he knew it Lorelei took his arm and he happily obliged and walked with the group. Soon disbanding. Thor looked to the group, "I have to speak with the All-father, I'm glad the search is over. Good day." he nodded to Sif as he then left the group on his own path to the throne room. Halvir watched in envy of the throne still, sitting upon it a few years ago was the most powerful he felt, he yearned for it again. Returning to Lorelei's word of wanting to see his tapestries and such he nodded with a kind smile. Sif left with Sigyn making sure she got where she was needed to go then returned to training with the warriors three.
Halvir walked with Lorelei to his chambers leaving the door open as he moved to the bag he carried into the palace and left here, within it was old tapestries of the Vanaheim world. "My father gave me these...just as a comforting gift while I am away from home. Sentiment..." he shrugged as he sat on the chair near the open window. Servants came in and cleaned it all up, what good people. He would have to thank them later. Lorelei was fascinated by them all as he showed her the battle tapestries and then portraits. She looked about the room and was in awe, a wonderful guest room for a royal. Asgard had class. She returned to him and sat on his lap without his acceptance, wrapping her arms about him leisurely. Hal rose his eyebrows in surprise to her actions. "Has anyone every told you that your eyes are stunning? I find them most beautiful in a man." her words were soft as her hand touched his chest, feeling his heart beneath the flesh pounding. Hal got nervous, she was close to him that was for sure. "Oh--um...gratitude. You are very stunning yourself." he stumbled over his words at how close she got to him. Smiling awkwardly he could feel her breath about him as her serpents gaze locked on his. She was about to kiss him but he stopped her with a hand gently on her shoulder, "Please. I do not wish this for us, in the moment. The door is open..." Hal played the shy boy getting his first kiss by the pretty girl. She smiled to him and flicked her wrist and the door shut. Hal looked at the door and then her, That isn't good. she placed her lips upon his forcibly in a heated kiss. His eyes widened, the Loki in him was screaming to throw her off and out the window. He played Halvir still, and made it believable. Kissing her back, regretting it all in one fell swoop, he knew exactly how Sigyn felt with Fandral kissing her. By the Gods themselves he couldn't handle this and wished to be struck by Thor's thunder this instant. Feeling her hands travel he grabbed her wrists with his hand roughly. His other placed on her neck to push her back without harm. Breaking the kiss his brows knitted with a followed frown.
"Lord Hal, what is the matter?" her voice shaken in disbelief he was rejecting her.
"You force pleasure upon me when I do not have it. That is enough." his voice stern.
"Oh, you haven't felt the best part, let me pleasure you my Lord" she respected him as such as he let go of her wrists slowly and her hands grabbed him forcibly once more. Internally screaming at himself he forced his body to resist magic as he then couldn't handle her on him anymore. "I said ENOUGH!" his voice boomed in the empty space that echoed to outside the cracked window. His blue eyes violent as he pushed her off him as gently as he could muster without harming her and stood up. "Forgive me, I crossed a line with myself. I would never harm you, I do not feel this is appropriate at this time. Give me another day...we are guests, I wouldn't want to embarrass you by them finding us entangled within my bed sheets." he recovered it quickly by explaining himself. Lorelei was shocked at his frustration but enjoyed it nevertheless. She knew she had him, this wasn't the right time, he was right. Her hand touched her neck remembering his hand there with such demand. She gave a bow, "I understand M'Lord, I wish not to take advantage of you as so. Forgive me." Hal straightened his tunic as he stood there and rested his wrist on his hilt of his blade relaxed now. He gave a nod, "Yes, yes, you are forgiven, please. Allow me to have some time alone for a moment." he breathed as calmly as he could. She smiled and took his hand, kissing his knuckles in respect then left his chambers.
Halvir locked the door with his magic and made sure she stayed out. His red hair burned black as a ravens feathers. His hair lengthened to be messy curls and untamed. His small stubble on face was cut clean as his skin paled as his face was now striking. In a fit of rage he removed the red tunic, belts and boots. In a rush he grabbed a chair and threw it at the wall. He was pissed off by playing such an innocent man that he was not. With Sigyn he was a different form of himself in the face of love, with others he was a lie and will always be a lie. Anger boiled as he was tired, very tired of his two faced look. Leaning against the wall where the chair was he stared at its broken bits. Feeling numb he sat there in disbelief he was alive still. He went to far deep in his mind, remembering everything.
He had always known Sigyn and though it took him long to speak to her there was a festival where she got him to dance. Their conversations were like reading a part of a play, he knew her voice and her words as well as his own.
"Were you not taught that it is rude to stare, my lady?"
"Forgive me, my prince. But, I cannot help myself, for it seems that, in my absence, you have come under some enchantment that has caused the most absurd of horns spout from your head."
"Oh? And this coming from the woman dressed so opulently that I nearly mistook her for a fallen chandelier."
She was entertaining and he enjoyed that from her. Even when she jested over his helmet, many a times. Loki reminisced for a while longer until voices called his name "Halvir" "Lord Halvir" it sounded foreign to him still. Even with using it so much, he stared at the door in a daze, his green eyes tired and glossy. More pounding on the door, it was the guards. "I am here. Do not worry. I am alright, I just tripped. No harm done. he called out to silence the dogs. They mumbled alright and let him be. Loki was sure they were going to barge in an see the dark prince in his sulking glory. Loki remained on the floor staring off into the distance, his body weak and tired. He kept thinking what magical abilities Lorelei had since he saw her shut the door so fast with a flick of her wrist. His mind went to Frigga then again.
"You are our son Loki...you must know that" came her voice in his head, so comforting. "So I am not your mother?" those words...he cursed his reply, "You are not..." his own voice whispered in his head as he rejected her motherly love in less than five seconds without thinking it over. Then when approached by Thor in his cell after the fact he heard of Frigga's death soon after she left him alone in his cell with his words. He destroyed the cell with the tossing of objects and breaking of things. Cutting his foot in the act of his rage, wailing in anger that he could not attend the funeral. The guards let him mourn and didn't calm him down. Ignoring the dark prince completely. "It's my fault" he heard himself say so. He told the beast to take the door to the left, destroying the shields and letting Malekith barge in the palace and the beast taking Frigga's life. He blamed no one but himself. He couldn't even blame Thor, he had not reflected much on this since his adventure with Sigyn. He had to tell her sooner or later about his unstable mentality on such a touchy subject. His last words to Frigga were of hate and anger, he was upset about it and it plagued him like Thor was plagued with nightmares of Loki's death. Raising his hand to his lips he sat there thinking to himself, biting his nail in frustration. His mind absent his actions. Spacing out again as the night went on. Looking up at the ceiling sky light he saw the cosmos twinkle, wondering if Frigga was there. He recited a poem he read long ago, "Inside a crumbling effigy,
But you promised,
So dies all innocence,
But you promised me.
While I waited I was wasting away,
While I waited I was wasting away,
While I waited I was wasting away.
Hope was wasting away.
Faith was wasting away.
I was wasting away."
He took a shaken breath, "And I will continue to waste away...as a beast who plays a man of lies and mischief. Never to be allowed in Valhalla with you...to your open arms...mother. Forgive me." his voice cracked as he stared as if he could see her. Tears formed in his eyes, allowing one to trickle down his face in his sadness.
Meanwhile in the throne room, Thor presenting himself to Odin and stood before the King telling him of his dreams, he had no one to go to. Explaining everything, all had Loki had done and then to see his brother throw it all away in one foolish act of heroics.
Odin sat there, looking to his son, his heir, seeing how the absence of the trickster had taken its toll on his son, as well as the absence of Frigga both hurting from that. Odin sighed as he spoke to Thor as a father rather than the King, "My son...The way I see it is that Loki, in his heart, wanted to be worthy. And the way he achieved that worthiness, the way he achieved his redemption, his salvation, was to ultimately sacrifice himself for you and for the Midgardian. It’s a very cathartic, and foolish yes; by saving you, his brother's life; he reached his goal."
Thor stared at Odin in slight disbelief, "Now of all times you show compassion to a man whom you lied to his face? You think me not of ear to such things, Loki told me himself. You lied of his parentage, he saved my life, gave his to avenge mothers death by destroying the beast that killed her. You must know that!" Thor was angry now, the clouds in the sky formed but only rolled thunder. Odin stared at Thor, seeing the challenge of truths. "He wished for his death, he is a master manipulator Thor. Do you not understand what he had done? He was a criminal! Trialed and lost in the same, he deserved death for what he had done. He was not fit to be King in the beginning, he never was." boomed Odin in frustration that his son was fighting him.
"Father, Loki was my brother, I respect him as such, he was a trickster yes and he may be of Juton blood but that doesn't change the fact that he was my best friend."
Odin stared at Thor

(Out.Of.Cigars: more feels while Sigyn is off being drunk, kinda puppeted Lorelei, hope you dont mind. PM me if you want me to change things.)
My Queen
Remove yourself woman.
What would Frigga think...
Memories flash
"Did she suffer?"
"It's my fault"
All I ask is forgiveness.
How long can I keep acting?
My Queen
Remove yourself woman.
What would Frigga think...
Memories flash
"Did she suffer?"
"It's my fault"
All I ask is forgiveness.
How long can I keep acting?
... to come to me for help...
You must be truly desperate...

L o k iLLL a u f e y s o n
G o dLLo fLLM i s c h i e f

G o dLLo fLLM i s c h i e f

Walking with Sigyn he smiled proudly with her in his arm, unaware that his treatment of her was too formal. One he was drunk. Two he didn't care at all. Laughing at Sigyn to telling him he was intoxicated he shook his head no, "Oh no no no no, my dear, I cannot get drunk off that. Whoa!" he spoke then slipped slightly again, finding amusement in his stumbling and laughing at himself. He was drunk and now he was sure she was right. "Okay, you're right. I can't walk so proudly anymore, pppsshshhhhh" he busted up laughing at himself, enjoying the moment.
Hal righted himself with some what balance with another breathy laugh at himself. Just waiting for her to tease him for his foolishness. Though before their conversation could continue there was footsteps chasing them. Pausing he turned slightly to see the red headed woman Lorelei he met earlier. Charming woman, wonderful to talk to. He forced himself to focus really hard to try to hear her and understand her. Sigyn put space between them again, he felt that distance and did his best to be serious. Placing his hands at his side relaxed he stared at Lorelei and tried to get what she was saying. Hal rose an eyebrow then spoke, "I am staying here, yes. Just in the guest room, somewhere...over there"he turned to point the direction hoping he was pointing the right way. Sigyn spoke up and tried to take her leave. "Wait" he grabbed her wrist as gently as he could but enough force to stop her. "I need you. You are my guide to the chambers, if I were not with you I would get lost and probably end up in the gardens. Please stay." he spoke softly. His brain his racing and telling him to focus really hard to function and not make a fool of himself.
Looking to Lorelei again he let go of Sigyn and took her hand and kissed it as all gentlemen royals do. "Forgive me, I am very intoxicated and I need to rest right away so I can function later tomorrow, I would love to grant you audience to whatever you want to talk about." he smiled and let her hand go as he touched Sigyn's shoulder and used her to walk. "Onward!" he said childishly.
You must be truly desperate...

Hal righted himself with some what balance with another breathy laugh at himself. Just waiting for her to tease him for his foolishness. Though before their conversation could continue there was footsteps chasing them. Pausing he turned slightly to see the red headed woman Lorelei he met earlier. Charming woman, wonderful to talk to. He forced himself to focus really hard to try to hear her and understand her. Sigyn put space between them again, he felt that distance and did his best to be serious. Placing his hands at his side relaxed he stared at Lorelei and tried to get what she was saying. Hal rose an eyebrow then spoke, "I am staying here, yes. Just in the guest room, somewhere...over there"he turned to point the direction hoping he was pointing the right way. Sigyn spoke up and tried to take her leave. "Wait" he grabbed her wrist as gently as he could but enough force to stop her. "I need you. You are my guide to the chambers, if I were not with you I would get lost and probably end up in the gardens. Please stay." he spoke softly. His brain his racing and telling him to focus really hard to function and not make a fool of himself.
Looking to Lorelei again he let go of Sigyn and took her hand and kissed it as all gentlemen royals do. "Forgive me, I am very intoxicated and I need to rest right away so I can function later tomorrow, I would love to grant you audience to whatever you want to talk about." he smiled and let her hand go as he touched Sigyn's shoulder and used her to walk. "Onward!" he said childishly.

I'm drunk? Nah!
Oh norns
Feeling it now
Wow, focus Loki
Ehehehehehe hi pretty lady
Sigyn don't leave me
Still drunk
I'm drunk? Nah!
Oh norns
Feeling it now
Wow, focus Loki
Ehehehehehe hi pretty lady
Sigyn don't leave me
Still drunk
... to come to me for help...
You must be truly desperate...

L o k iLLL a u f e y s o n
G o dLLo fLLM i s c h i e f

G o dLLo fLLM i s c h i e f

Conversation was a joy, with drink he was feeling great, not drunk, just relaxed. The woman in his lap though made him think, just who was she. He felt some sort of energy around her, though he was unsure what it was. Halvir smiled as she sat there in his lap, arms around his neck loosely. Laughing with the group he eyed Thor, the man was laughing but his eyes were not. His happiness was a lie and Hal saw that. Thor was still in deep mourning of his brother and is plagued with that memory of Loki dying in his arms. Hal--no. Loki knew that, he saw that, he watched his older brother cry out for him, wanting him to stay. Loki had to play his part, all in order to rid the world of the dark elves and himself as he was, a monster. Slain by a beast.
Looking to his cup he breathed a laugh with Lorelei hanging on to him some more. Hearing footsteps he saw Sifori appear with worried eyes as she presented words to Thor asking for audience. Hal got quiet, with the rest of the group. One of the sisters was missing, Sigyn. Loki's heart stopped in that moment, where had she gone. He was about to speak up but Fandral beat him to it and offered his help. Playing as if he was careless about the situation as Fandral had it taken care of he took a silent drink. Lorelei snuggled up to him some more, making him feel more uncomfortable.
Thor allowed Fandral to go with Sifori in search, though sitting there he looked down at the floor and stood. "I should help, everyone split up, she couldn't have gone far. Halvir and Lorelei, join us to find a female servant, Sigyn who was helping you this morning Hal and whom you've met before Lady Lorelei.' he set his cup down and looked to Sif, "Go with Lady Lorelei, please. Hal, join me." he asked kindly to the red headed man. Lorelei frowned in a slight pout to Hal, "Awe, just when we were having some fun. I'll see you when we rally together right Halvir?" she asked as she remained close to him for a moment, Hal nodded nervously but gave a charmed smile to get her to remove herself from him. He rose and walked over to Thor as Sif joined Lorelei. Everyone split up and Hal was stuck with Thor Odinson.
Walking with Thor the air was quiet, the crowned prince was troubled, he made it seem like he wasn't but Loki knew when his brother was troubled, even when he wore a new face, "You seem distant Thor, what is the matter" he asked, just to strike conversation. Thor smiled to himself, "You know, you are the second person to know when I am troubled." he replied.
"Who was the first?" Hal asked.
"My brother."
"Forgive my curiosity. I did not wish to offend you." Thor shook his head, Hal was fine, just being kind to him. Halvir watched as Thor was worlds away in his mind at the idea of Loki now on the subject. Halvir kept silent as they continued on.
Silence struck them again as he saw he struck a wrong chord with the Thunder god. Thor walked at a relaxed and slower pace with Hal at his side, feeling as if Loki was there instead of Halvir, his brother he missed dearly. His mind trailed back to memories, Loki he mentally sighed to himself as he thought about his brother. The man was his best friend, now gone. Thor felt it hit him all over again, Loki's death haunted him, even in his dreams. Prior the night Thor rested and saw his brother there in his dreams, calling for him, sounding so afraid of the darkness around them, and by the time he got to Loki when the darkness faded he saw his brother dying on the ground, trying to breathe.
Thor returned to reality as Halvir was looked around with him, asking guards if they had seen a young woman running through here, Thor was so dazed from his thought process he realized he had walked far ahead of Hal. Seeing the red head notice this he watched Hal catch up, "No sign of her yet, let's split up, maybe make it easier?" he offered as Thor nodded, wanting the time to himself to think things through rather than find a servant who ran off. Halvir smiled then took his leave.
Hal knew exactly where Sigyn ran off to, well the Loki half of him did. Walking around he found his way to the royal gardens and looked around the paths of flowers and plants. He stealthily made his way through brush and plants without harming them.
You must be truly desperate...

Looking to his cup he breathed a laugh with Lorelei hanging on to him some more. Hearing footsteps he saw Sifori appear with worried eyes as she presented words to Thor asking for audience. Hal got quiet, with the rest of the group. One of the sisters was missing, Sigyn. Loki's heart stopped in that moment, where had she gone. He was about to speak up but Fandral beat him to it and offered his help. Playing as if he was careless about the situation as Fandral had it taken care of he took a silent drink. Lorelei snuggled up to him some more, making him feel more uncomfortable.
Thor allowed Fandral to go with Sifori in search, though sitting there he looked down at the floor and stood. "I should help, everyone split up, she couldn't have gone far. Halvir and Lorelei, join us to find a female servant, Sigyn who was helping you this morning Hal and whom you've met before Lady Lorelei.' he set his cup down and looked to Sif, "Go with Lady Lorelei, please. Hal, join me." he asked kindly to the red headed man. Lorelei frowned in a slight pout to Hal, "Awe, just when we were having some fun. I'll see you when we rally together right Halvir?" she asked as she remained close to him for a moment, Hal nodded nervously but gave a charmed smile to get her to remove herself from him. He rose and walked over to Thor as Sif joined Lorelei. Everyone split up and Hal was stuck with Thor Odinson.
Walking with Thor the air was quiet, the crowned prince was troubled, he made it seem like he wasn't but Loki knew when his brother was troubled, even when he wore a new face, "You seem distant Thor, what is the matter" he asked, just to strike conversation. Thor smiled to himself, "You know, you are the second person to know when I am troubled." he replied.
"Who was the first?" Hal asked.
"My brother."
"Forgive my curiosity. I did not wish to offend you." Thor shook his head, Hal was fine, just being kind to him. Halvir watched as Thor was worlds away in his mind at the idea of Loki now on the subject. Halvir kept silent as they continued on.
Silence struck them again as he saw he struck a wrong chord with the Thunder god. Thor walked at a relaxed and slower pace with Hal at his side, feeling as if Loki was there instead of Halvir, his brother he missed dearly. His mind trailed back to memories, Loki he mentally sighed to himself as he thought about his brother. The man was his best friend, now gone. Thor felt it hit him all over again, Loki's death haunted him, even in his dreams. Prior the night Thor rested and saw his brother there in his dreams, calling for him, sounding so afraid of the darkness around them, and by the time he got to Loki when the darkness faded he saw his brother dying on the ground, trying to breathe.
Thor returned to reality as Halvir was looked around with him, asking guards if they had seen a young woman running through here, Thor was so dazed from his thought process he realized he had walked far ahead of Hal. Seeing the red head notice this he watched Hal catch up, "No sign of her yet, let's split up, maybe make it easier?" he offered as Thor nodded, wanting the time to himself to think things through rather than find a servant who ran off. Halvir smiled then took his leave.
Hal knew exactly where Sigyn ran off to, well the Loki half of him did. Walking around he found his way to the royal gardens and looked around the paths of flowers and plants. He stealthily made his way through brush and plants without harming them.

THOR'S Expression/action:
In dreams I see you die...
and again...
and again...
and again...
and again.
LOKI'S Expression/action:
Everyone jest!
Someone's missing?
Search party
Thor...you fret still, when I am right here, just with another face.
Sigyn, my queen.
My love, what has made your heart heavy? No one will hear us here.
THOR'S Expression/action:
In dreams I see you die...
and again...
and again...
and again...
and again.
LOKI'S Expression/action:
Everyone jest!
Someone's missing?
Search party
Thor...you fret still, when I am right here, just with another face.
Sigyn, my queen.
My love, what has made your heart heavy? No one will hear us here.
... to come to me for help...
You must be truly desperate...

L o k iLLL a u f e y s o n
G o dLLo fLLM i s c h i e f

G o dLLo fLLM i s c h i e f

Conversation was a joy, with drink he was feeling great, not drunk, just relaxed. The woman in his lap though made him think, just who was she. He felt some sort of energy around her, though he was unsure what it was. Halvir smiled as she sat there in his lap, arms around his neck loosely. Laughing with the group he eyed Thor, the man was laughing but his eyes were not. His happiness was a lie and Hal saw that. Thor was still in deep mourning of his brother and is plagued with that memory of Loki dying in his arms. Hal--no. Loki knew that, he saw that, he watched his older brother cry out for him, wanting him to stay. Loki had to play his part, all in order to rid the world of the dark elves and himself as he was, a monster. Slain by a beast.
Looking to his cup he breathed a laugh with Lorelei hanging on to him some more. Hearing footsteps he saw Sifori appear with worried eyes as she presented words to Thor asking for audience. Hal got quiet, with the rest of the group. One of the sisters was missing, Sigyn. Loki's heart stopped in that moment, where had she gone. He was about to speak up but Fandral beat him to it and offered his help. Playing as if he was careless about the situation as Fandral had it taken care of he took a silent drink. Lorelei snuggled up to him some more, making him feel more uncomfortable.
Thor allowed Fandral to go with Sifori in search, though sitting there he looked down at the floor and stood. "I should help, everyone split up, she couldn't have gone far. Halvir and Lorelei, join us to find a female servant, Sigyn who was helping you this morning Hal and whom you've met before Lady Lorelei.' he set his cup down and looked to Sif, "Go with Lady Lorelei, please. Hal, join me." he asked kindly to the red headed man. Lorelei frowned in a slight pout to Hal, "Awe, just when we were having some fun. I'll see you when we rally together right Halvir?" she asked as she remained close to him for a moment, Hal nodded nervously but gave a charmed smile to get her to remove herself from him. He rose and walked over to Thor as Sif joined Lorelei. Everyone split up and Hal was stuck with Thor Odinson.
Walking with Thor the air was quiet, the crowned prince was troubled, he made it seem like he wasn't but Loki knew when his brother was troubled, even when he wore a new face, "You seem distant Thor, what is the matter" he asked, just to strike conversation. Thor smiled to himself, "You know, you are the second person to know when I am troubled." he replied.
"Who was the first?" Hal asked.
"My brother."
"Forgive my curiosity. I did not wish to offend you." Thor shook his head, Hal was fine, just being kind to him. Halvir watched as Thor was worlds away in his mind at the idea of Loki now on the subject. Halvir kept silent as they continued on.
Silence struck them again as he saw he struck a wrong chord with the Thunder god. Thor walked at a relaxed and slower pace with Hal at his side, feeling as if Loki was there instead of Halvir, his brother he missed dearly. His mind trailed back to memories, Loki he mentally sighed to himself as he thought about his brother. The man was his best friend, now gone. Thor felt it hit him all over again, Loki's death haunted him, even in his dreams. Prior the night Thor rested and saw his brother there in his dreams, calling for him, sounding so afraid of the darkness around them, and by the time he got to Loki when the darkness faded he saw his brother dying on the ground, trying to breathe.
Thor returned to reality as Halvir was looked around with him, asking guards if they had seen a young woman running through here, Thor was so dazed from his thought process he realized he had walked far ahead of Hal. Seeing the red head notice this he watched Hal catch up, "No sign of her yet, let's split up, maybe make it easier?" he offered as Thor nodded, wanting the time to himself to think things through rather than find a servant who ran off. Halvir smiled then took his leave.
Hal knew exactly where Sigyn ran off to, well the Loki half of him did. Walking around he found his way to the royal gardens and looked around the paths of flowers and plants. He stealthily made his way through brush and plants without harming them.
Looking to his cup he breathed a laugh with Lorelei hanging on to him some more. Hearing footsteps he saw Sifori appear with worried eyes as she presented words to Thor asking for audience. Hal got quiet, with the rest of the group. One of the sisters was missing, Sigyn. Loki's heart stopped in that moment, where had she gone. He was about to speak up but Fandral beat him to it and offered his help. Playing as if he was careless about the situation as Fandral had it taken care of he took a silent drink. Lorelei snuggled up to him some more, making him feel more uncomfortable.
Thor allowed Fandral to go with Sifori in search, though sitting there he looked down at the floor and stood. "I should help, everyone split up, she couldn't have gone far. Halvir and Lorelei, join us to find a female servant, Sigyn who was helping you this morning Hal and whom you've met before Lady Lorelei.' he set his cup down and looked to Sif, "Go with Lady Lorelei, please. Hal, join me." he asked kindly to the red headed man. Lorelei frowned in a slight pout to Hal, "Awe, just when we were having some fun. I'll see you when we rally together right Halvir?" she asked as she remained close to him for a moment, Hal nodded nervously but gave a charmed smile to get her to remove herself from him. He rose and walked over to Thor as Sif joined Lorelei. Everyone split up and Hal was stuck with Thor Odinson.
Walking with Thor the air was quiet, the crowned prince was troubled, he made it seem like he wasn't but Loki knew when his brother was troubled, even when he wore a new face, "You seem distant Thor, what is the matter" he asked, just to strike conversation. Thor smiled to himself, "You know, you are the second person to know when I am troubled." he replied.
"Who was the first?" Hal asked.
"My brother."
"Forgive my curiosity. I did not wish to offend you." Thor shook his head, Hal was fine, just being kind to him. Halvir watched as Thor was worlds away in his mind at the idea of Loki now on the subject. Halvir kept silent as they continued on.
Silence struck them again as he saw he struck a wrong chord with the Thunder god. Thor walked at a relaxed and slower pace with Hal at his side, feeling as if Loki was there instead of Halvir, his brother he missed dearly. His mind trailed back to memories, Loki he mentally sighed to himself as he thought about his brother. The man was his best friend, now gone. Thor felt it hit him all over again, Loki's death haunted him, even in his dreams. Prior the night Thor rested and saw his brother there in his dreams, calling for him, sounding so afraid of the darkness around them, and by the time he got to Loki when the darkness faded he saw his brother dying on the ground, trying to breathe.
Thor returned to reality as Halvir was looked around with him, asking guards if they had seen a young woman running through here, Thor was so dazed from his thought process he realized he had walked far ahead of Hal. Seeing the red head notice this he watched Hal catch up, "No sign of her yet, let's split up, maybe make it easier?" he offered as Thor nodded, wanting the time to himself to think things through rather than find a servant who ran off. Halvir smiled then took his leave.
Hal knew exactly where Sigyn ran off to, well the Loki half of him did. Walking around he found his way to the royal gardens and looked around the paths of flowers and plants. He stealthily made his way through brush and plants without harming them.

THOR'S Expression/action:
In dreams I see you die...
and again...
and again...
and again...
and again.
LOKI'S Expression/action:
Everyone jest!
Someone's missing?
Search party
Thor...you fret still, when I am right here, just with another face.
Sigyn, my queen.
My love, what has made your heart heavy? No one will hear us here.
THOR'S Expression/action:
In dreams I see you die...
and again...
and again...
and again...
and again.
LOKI'S Expression/action:
Everyone jest!
Someone's missing?
Search party
Thor...you fret still, when I am right here, just with another face.
Sigyn, my queen.
My love, what has made your heart heavy? No one will hear us here.
... to come to me for help...