ΞA monster, a monster...I've turned into a monster...a monster, a monster...and it keeps getting stronger!Ξ

⇜Given Name
Magnus Avery Veros
⇜Other Alises
Mav (Initials put together), Magnus
⇜Date of Birth
October twenty-fifth
I play both sides, fairly simple.
⇜Distinguishing features
I have my ears pierced and stubble, but my most obvious identification is the Maori tattoo that covers all of my right side, my chest and shoulder. The words 'te arawa' down my shoulder. And a whole host of other tattoos, including pyramids, grim reapers, and demons.
⇜If I could I would keep these around me always
||Cherished Rings||
||A Good Fight||
||My Motorcycle||
||The Shadows||
⇜I could live without these things in my life
||Losing myself||
||Feeling Weakened||
||Having No Cigarettes||
||Pent Up Hatred||
||No Outlets For Rage||
||Being Imprisoned||
||Losing Someone I Care About||
⇜You'll never know
||I really do have a kind and loyal heart, behind my rugged exterior.||
||I haven't really grieved properly over my parents death.||
||Hera is my cousin and I have family ties to the Sky. Just no one knows but her and I.||
⇜ I can't let these fears get the best of me
||Being put in a cage frightens me.||
||Being at the wrong place at the wrong time.||
⇜I've been described as
⇜Life thus far
●My life story has its ups and downs. I guess I'll start with telling you about my life before I was caged like an animal for so many years. I had a caring mother and a strong father, both cared dearly of me. I was a great kid, always dreaming, yearning for passions I had held so dear to myself to become a good man. Though I never thought those dreams could be stripped from me and turn into nightmares.
I came home one evening from a fellows house to find the authorities at my door and medics going in and out of the front door. I was so young, I couldn't comprehend the matter of someone dying so fast. Someone I cared about being removed from my life as quickly as my parents had been. It hurt and I felt so alone. I was about twelve when I was living with my aunt and uncle and my dear cousin. She was so nice to me, we became such good friends with one another, really bonding. Though as I aged I had to go to school, a school far from her due to funding. I lost touch with her as time went on even when I did write her letters to tell her I was still existing in this forsaken world.
One day I was out with some buddies of mine, I was about twenty at the time, just having a kick back from the busy day of classes. Though we were rebels and a small gang of smoking junkies he had ourselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. There was a skirmish between two guys, both raging with testosterone and a fighting spirit. I took the initiative to break them up, but as they got louder and louder, those who heard the voices called the authorities right away. I didn't know this until they appeared and shouted at us to stop and stand down. I was in between the two guys pushing one away with such force he hit the ground with a sickening thud. The other guy hit me for doing that, thus causing more of a fuss than needed. The authorities put me down and confiscated my cigarettes that were laced with illegal contents that I was unaware of. Maybe that was what caused my rage against the officer that pulled me back and well I took him out in a blind rage. I hated being man handled and well I got taken to prison for assault of authority and failure to cooperate as well as handling illegal drugs set up by my so called pals.
I was beyond angry, I was a mess and all for hanging with the wrong group and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I should of stayed home and left my gang to be by myself. Coulda shoulda woulda, as the saying goes. I was kept in prison for a few years because every time I got out I was put back in a few days later for my temper getting the best of me and well the authorities knew me by name by the time I was last put in my cell again for being well, me.
Since my release I had made a lot of friends in the prison, mostly bad people that I should never get involved with. Too bad. I left that prison to better days and well that didn't last long, I was in the mafia loop thanks to being introduced to Thanatos and as a newly released prisoner I had a chance to make better of myself but under the authorities noses I was sneaking in the shadows holding Intel for some mafia branches I soon relayed to the newest contact, Derek DeCoste, this man was the real deal. He was the big guy on top and I was his new pet, next to his right hand man and lovely wife, whom I was ordered to be the guardian of as time went on and I became friendlies with the good Sir DeCoste. His wife was easy to watch over, I am an intimidating man so no one bothered me when I was near her. A well played part on my end. My family heard little of me but knew I was into bad stuff so I tried to ease their mind with visits and kind words to tell them I am not going to be arrested again. I did my time, this is nothing. Though I am aware of being involved and that could lead to my downfall but do I care? ******** No!
In my time of visits to see my dear cousin Calandra, I have seen a young woman who had caught my eye several times. I have heard her name, Madilynn, such a pretty name for a woman like her. I felt instantly drawn to her as I would see her for brief moments. I had no time to pull her aside and say hello but I do plan to do so in time. She is beyond beautiful.
I have also kept busy down in the Underworld where I reside and work. On my time off I am see at Fight Ring my good friend Enyo runs. She is a tough girl, I like her attitude and how she runs things, I am usually there when I am not working, either drinking and watching a brawl or being a contender to keep my strength in check as well as work off steam I get from the job. I am no longer a skinny welp as I was when I was first arrested. You have to be tough and strong to be the head of security to protect the bosses wife, so no one crosses me unless they want missing teeth. In my fights I am a spike in Enyo's betting matches, I get her the money from the clients who bet my victory and then everyone's happy. I don't get paid, I just fight for sport and an outlet to ease my temper so I don't go off the deep end and end up in a cell.
Since I am the head of security detail for Mrs. DeCoste, I have many faces and looks so I don't seem like the same person all the time around her. I style my hair differently,, my facial hair either seen or shaved clean, my eyes changed with contacts, or scars applied to make me seem so different, I also change outfits to make it seem like I am a mere passerby as I keep my eye on her. I can't invade her space all the time. I am a shadow man in the Underworld, no one knows about me just that there are eyes watching and my eyes are keen on keeping Mrs. and Mr. DeCoste safe.
⇜The Soundtrack of my Life
As played by XxFate_of_the_AkatsukixX
Posting in the color of Green
Posting in the color of Green
'Inside a crumbling effigy,
But you promised,
So dies all innocence,
But you promised me.
While I waited I was wasting away,
While I waited I was wasting away,
While I waited I was wasting away.
Hope was wasting away.
Faith was wasting away.
I was wasting away.’
"Loki, in his heart, wants to be worthy. And the way he achieves that worthiness, the way he achieves his redemption, his salvation, is to ultimately sacrifice himself for Thor and for Jane. It’s a very cathartic, and moving moment; by saving his brother’s life and avenging his mother’s death."
"Were you not taught that it is rude to stare, my lady?"
"Forgive me, my prince. But, I cannot help myself, for it seems that, in my absence, you have come under some enchantment that has caused the most absurd of horns spout from your head."
"Oh? And this coming from the woman dressed so opulently that I nearly mistook her for a fallen chandelier."