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Claudius is the definition of an obsessed child. What's his is his and no one can take away his toys. He is a part of his own country's council and uses his power of Illusion to make sure no one finds out about his little 'fun time' at the Elder's castle. He was once involved with The Council Leader but that was just a fleeting affair. His eyes are set on The Renewed Sire and The New Childe.

- CLAUDIUS VEROS CROX +++/ Thomas Hiddleston
- Claudius was born into a wealthy family, in England of the 15th century. His father a ruthless Duke, who fell for a beautiful maiden. With his power he made it arranged for his marriage to commence. Just two years after their happy union, Claudius was born. Born into glorious wealth, a perfect story for a boy like him. He should of been racing to the throne of his father, but he spent most of his days at the towns his father ruled and befriended the townsfolk, unlike his father who wanted nothing to do with them. Claudius was well known in the town closest to his home, he knew all of the folk there. His mother was so dear to him and aided his moral intelligence and making sure he wasn't getting into too much trouble when he went out to the towns.
Many of his advisers claim Claudius was simply born in the wrong time period. He is a rash man, too bold and brave for his own good. When he was younger and still learning the ways of war, he would get excited and even prayed that a war would begin so he could show off his fearlessness and bravery. He views warfare as time passed, was a game, not as an effort or serious topic. In all honesty, if he were forced to lead troops into a war, he'd probably just about go insane. He lived a carefree lifestyle and enjoys a party just as much as the next guy, especially one with alcohol involved. He is a well-taught man who speaks eloquently and thoughtfully. Despite his rashness, he is an excellent tactician and has been found in his study playing chess with a poor soul he found wandering the halls.
Well into his adolescent years, young Claude was being matched with young women every week to have his father decide on the union so there was more power to their family line. Claude would of liked to follow in his fathers footsteps and marry a young maiden in the towns near by but it was not so. His father reveled in power and lost sight of his old ways, seeing his son becoming so strong he wanted the best for his boy and he was going to make sure it was perfect. Claudius had conversed such observations with his mother but she could not drive her husbands mind back to the old ways.
Time passed and he had made his decision to let his father take over his voice. His father was the say for his soon to be union with a woman he was unprepared for. Claudius got all dressed up for the event, smiling to his mother who had tucked his hair behind his ear as she always did. She knew he was still wanting another way but he had to represent his new Dukedom. The meeting of the woman he was to marry was less of a stress on Claudius, his eyes saw a beautiful woman and he was glad that he chose this life. His father permitted them to be together and Claudius was happily in love, much like love at first sight. She was this beautiful blonde french woman, barely grasping the English he spoke. He had got to know her through an interpreter, as well as being taught a thing or two about her language. After a year of their marriage, he had been able to speak fluent french to woe her even in this time, his heart was stolen and hers. He had made his father proud with his decision to marry and take his place, his mother was just as joyous and thankful that the arranged marriage worked out. Claudius was always with his wife, even when he would tire away into his study to play chess with another fellow, she was there reading next to him.
They went out on walks under the moonlight, he would show her the towns he now ruled and played as a child. Though one night was not their usual walk, he had taken her to the town closest to home, where he took her the first night they were wed. Having her follow him to a carriage with two black horses at the ready with the driver. He planned for a pleasant ride on the paths into the travelers woods. She was delighted and so happy to be with him. This carriage ride would forever be her last, for he was unprepared for their carriage to be taken siege by raiders. He protected his wife with all he had but she was pulled from the carriage, she screamed out in her native tongue to him, he called back as he too was yanked from the carriage. Both now in the open he fought off his attackers and drew his blade he had with him at all times. His wife screamed still. Claudius demanded their answer to why they attacked, as well as to let his wife live. He glanced to the carriage driver and found him dead at the wheels, no blood split. He stared at the group then with a confused look he tried to wrap his mind around what he was seeing. He had been told tales as a boy about creatures that looked like everyday men but thirst for blood. He panicked and stabbed one of the demons with his sword to show his fighting spirit, though it back fired and he was sent flying backwards. Just like his chess games, one step forward another back. Keeping an eye on his wife he fought them some more but was soon easily taken down and forced to watch his wife be slain. He cried out in a flood of emotion to her but she was gone. Cursing the monsters he barked meaningless words until he was met with the eyes of another man who came from the side. The beasts holding him let go then were taken out so fast, Claudius had not time to breathe. This man was another creature like them. Claudius was still at his knees, bleeding from the various gashes on his body and dirty, mourning his wife there in the dirt. Finding strength he stood and faced the monster not far from him. His eyes burned with hate, that caught the eye of the man just as Claudius charged and then in a second Claudius was on the ground. Knocked out, remembering only the absent screams of his wife in his head.
He had awoken in a new place, his captor had kidnapped him from his home. His father would most likely send out the army to find his son, his mother - his dear mother would worry sick. That did happen but it was a failed search, he was presumed dead after they found his wife and carriage driver dead on the road. He had no time to mourn his old life, he was suddenly slapped with reality that he was no longer a Duke, but a weak man. Claudius sat up and stared at himself, he was anew. A vampire. The very monster that killed his wife. Boiling with anger at his curse he demanded death by his Sire to be free, but he did not get that, he got a sudden torture that no man should endure. His Sire was kind to him in a lot of aspects but did give him a beating as a lesson, to toughen him up for the future.
Decades pass and he had traveled with his sire and the sire's brother that brought along another man like him, innocent and confused. Claudius was a shadow that night the man was brought into the world of the immortal, he had no emotion of pity to the man, he was turning out just like his sire. A monster. Four years passed and they were traveling as a group, training every day since, until their sire's disappeared without a word. Claudius felt abandoned and was angry yet again so he then only traveled with the other man like himself. Time and time again it was just them, living off the lives they made for themselves. Until Caludius decided to make a change in plans. He wanted a childe for his own. She was a beautiful one, though he was trained to be harsh and violent, she had a spit fire in her he liked. Though she was a mere human who disobeyed and that brought Claudius to show her his power, resulting in hurting her. His old self would of been the very opposite, a good man, gentleman, careful. Claudius's mind warped when his sire trained him, telling him all of the knowledge and his power he could have. He was still very much angry at how his mortal life ended, but he channeled that into his hate for most things. He was never going to be happy, until he met her, that damn girl was going to be the end of him. His childe, his and only his. He wanted her to never leave him, he tried to make a bond like his old wife was, which meant changing her attitude, it didn't end well.
She left him. Just like his old companion did when he found his childe. His old friend was gone and now she left him. He was alone and angry that he couldn't fix who he was. He was unstable and needed help. His old companion knew how to talk to him, that mind thing he does was helpful. Claudius was falling into despair, going mad as he remained to his own devices. It wasn't long before he went to find his old friend. It took a lot of travel and people to go through but he found his old friend. He ended up in France, begging with madness to get help in finding her. She was his life at this point and no other childe would suffice. He forced his old friend to join him on this hunting party to get her back, he was glad the man was willing.
Claudius followed a train to India, the land he never thought he would travel to. After a long search he found her with a childe of her own. How dare she! Claudius was fuming and still stricken with his madness. It was like a sickness that never went away. Two vampires got in their way, her allies, easily taken care of. Claudius let loose on one then had his friend take the other. Claudius changed targets, he went for the childe. That abomination was to be destroyed. Micheal was the childes name, what a stupid name Claudius thought as he did what he did best, torture. Getting too wrapped up in his torture he made sure she saw him rip poor Micheal's head off his pretty body. He had no mercy for anyone who crossed him, even involuntarily. After that his girl disappeared again.
Centuries blended together, he was glad his old friend aided him in another search but it failed yet again. They grew distant again, Claudius only wanting his old friend to join him in search parties where he knew he had a solid trail. Time passed on, wars raged in the mortal world, people died every day, while he sat in his home forced to be stuck in his eternal body. Letters cycled between the two companions till the telephone was a new thing to adjust to from the old telegraphs of ink and pen. Now voices could be heard through long distant technology. Claudius still had issues with technology but time and time again he adjusted. His madness was less and less by each year, though deep within him he was still craving her, yearning for his childe to be his again. Claudius had lived in London for quite some time, returning after his last search party so long ago, being busy with his wealth as well as part of the Council. He was an designated Elder now, fancy title for his age. It was a healthy distraction from his old endeavors, even thought he still made time to check up with his allies to see if they had seen her pass by. He was healthy and more stable now, though he was ticking time bomb inside, he wanted his childe first and foremost even with distractions.
For being so well off and happy with his life as of now, he had thought of leaving his mother land to broaden his horizons, maybe even catch a trail of his childe again. It was just a thought at the time before he was contacted by his old fellow who wanted to join his companionship again, with no reason. Claudius obliged and let the old fellow join him, he missed having the other around.
- The Council rules
Six Hundred and Sixty-Six
December 13th
185 lbs
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