▪My file will tell youxxxxx
Vynsent Night Mare
Vince, Night
Age →312
Gender → Male
Sexuality → Bi-sexual
What I am → Dracula's Crazy Henchman
What I wear in battle → [Armor]
Extras → Standing at 6'2", he weighs about 230lbs, his body marred with scars of his past self over his back, sides of his torso and chest. No piercings.
▪More indepthxxxxx
Strengths →
Vynsent is known for his speed in aiding Dracula at any given moment, as well as his special ability he likes to call, "Death frenzy" - an action that takes place when his inner psycho surfaces and he goes into a blood rage.
Weaknesses →
Schizoaffective disorder, involving symptoms of both schizophrenia and mood disorders.
He has always known about his violent side, a side he could not control, soon adapting a phobia to his mental issue - Agateophobia- Fear of insanity.
Likes →
-1- Blood
-2- Dracula
-3- Control
-4- Aiding his master
-5- Battle
Dislikes →
-1- Insanity
-2- No control
-3- Failure
-4- Dracula displeased
-5- Being alone
Crush → No one at the moment...
Weapons →
Ranged: A triple barrel revolver
Melee: Mahogany wood dragon head cane, with a hidden sword within the wood.
Special: "Death Frenzy" - an attack with his sharp claws and fangs
Skills →
-1- Manipulation
-2- Hand to hand - last resort
-3- He is good with his sword, grown up with fencing classes as a boy
-4- Sharp shooter
-5- Servitude
▪My Historyxxxxx
Young Vynsent was separated from his family by the war at age 16. Before that he came from an upperclass family in the middle 1700's. He was an interesting boy, he was known for a twisted mind and a high temper so he didn't get along with a lot of the children he grew up with. Vynsent was put into a foster home and was given a chance to change his ways and be a good boy. Growing up to be a successful businessman he was heading home one night from work to encounter a cloaked man down the street from him, ignoring it he kept walking. Spotting the man again he was getting irritated that he was being followed and so he confronted the man with anger. Though that didn't go as planned, he was then shoved against the wall and bitten. Confused and scared he felt his mortal life fade away. Thinking he was dying for good he was dropped like a doll to the cobbled street. Vynsent looked up at those red eyes returning a gaze to him, he became a monster just like that. A red eyed demon, on the night of October 13th 1792. Faced with such terror of immortality Vynsent went in hiding after he lose control several times and killed a few people for the blood rages he fell under.
Years have pasted and it is no longer the 1800's, its 2087...he still looks like he's from the old victorian ages, but thats his style. He has learned so much in his many years as a vampire, he has even come in contact with the king himself, Dracula. Vynsent is Dracula's henchman, a loyal subject to the king, he is always at Dracula's side when things are calm, other times if stress or battle has surfaced he is following orders leftand right, barely getting anytime to relax, though he loves that part of his job. His only faults are his mental episodes he gets stuck in if given the chance. Recently, he has kept quiet and hasn't lost control just yet. Though who knows, he could turn a corner and WHAM! hes instantly lost in his insanity and won't return to reality for a good few minutes to an hour or more.