Alex and Nolean were two who loved each others more then freinds. They moved in with each other. Each night was the greatest.
Alex closed his book and put in his back pack. Nolean was behind on Alex and put his hands on alex chest. and went up to rub alex's shoulder. "mmmm, your so hard. worked to much, too much weight in your backpack... do you need me to care it for you." He said in his ear. rubbing alexs neck.
Alexs starting to relaxe. "No you dont have to do that." He smiled. The phone rang Nolean picked up the phone.
"Hello?...Yea, Alright ill do it." Alexs turn to nolean.
"Who was that?"
"Baby sitting sarah. My parents need to go out on a date."

Mizuu had grown into slavery. But her family was different then other slaves. Normally slaves were raised to be one type of slave. Her family was raised in stages. When born they go to the old woman to be cared for of baby stages. And then depending the gender females cleam the house while the boys care for farm food or animals. Many servants were needed in the largest mansion in the country in Europe.
Girls, grow up to be teens and they enter to be sex servants only to do what there master asks pleasure wise. They are trained by woman already sex slaves who are not needed at the moment. This is before the girl has her first incounter with a master.
Boys they grow up to be teens sometimes helping the misteresses sexual needs. but sometimes they keep there duties as a farmer or animal care taker. But they have duties like peregrinate a woman slave who is going to become not a sex slave in 5 years. This is when the woman are 35 years old. But as the men get older to become old they become butler's. Or they still work out on the farm. The woman get old and care for children and make cloths for servants.
Mizuu had just turned 16 and she had been trained to please her master. She hadnt yet had her first time with her master. Woman had tied her up to a bed post. She stood on her knees on the bed. The woman had warned her many things. The old woman had dressed her to cloths that made her figure look more yummy. Woman told her about how even though there were masters in the mansion there were females likes pleasures from the well suited servants. There also days were balls/party's were all the sex servants were taken up to pleasure master's and misteresses.
((now i left the master's and misteress open cause who knows what you want to play. But you have to play a master or misteress. Do what you want to Mizuu. She was trained for most things wink lol so have fun))

Hannah*black hair* and cory *blonde hair* were sister's. They had love for each other since they were little not until they were teens finding out their love wasnt sister love. It was love for their hearts. Their parents didnt agree to this. They told the girls. "If you are going to continue this with this dispreading. We will kick you out. And you will have to live for yourself."
And that is what the girls did. They found a apartment. The apartment was cheap but didnt have cooling or heating. The girls had gotten jobs to pay for rent. Hannah became as sanctuary of a big business. Cory became a waitress. They worked part time.
Summer sit. And hannah had just gotten home. She underdressed cause the heat was a lot for the day. Walking from her job home. Cory had the day off. Hannah had sat on the window seal. Cory was trying to rest the whole day. But couldnt due to the heat.
((you can be either girl's or you can be someone else. This is open to anything. They could have a brother. Or a co-worker of one of the girls come's over or a manger. The manger of the house may do something or a apartment res my come to the room and do something. Hannah could have the habit to sit in the window and someone had been liking the way hannah is. And makes a move to hit up on the girls or hannah. Who knows. Its open))