Many people have thought that the forests was token care by the rain and the sun. But some believe that, the forests were taken care by little flying people, or known as Fairies. The people believe that Fairies had there on job to take care of the forests. Like take care of flowers, make moss, put dew on the planets. Care for the insects, care for the animals. Just many jobs. Most of the people laughed at those who believed that. They have never seen a fairy once.
The reason why humans couldnt see the fairies were small, and also there was a shortage in fairies. Once in time there was tones of fairies, but over time. Fairies started to have daughters, rarely they would have a son. So most of fairies took up a huge part. Instead one fairy take up a area. One fairy would do the whole forest. Like for intents a job of taking care of flowers. That fairy would have to take all the flowers in the forest.
Naira a young fairy of the age 25. Her job since childhood. Was to help the spiders. She loved it. sometimes she would rest on a web. And talk to them. Sometime she thought to leave the forest to see what was put there. Naira then kept remembering that the spiders needed her.
One day many of the single Fairies woman started to gossip saying that Revgo was getting ready to choose his fairy woman. Now when two fairies are together no other fairy could steal the other fairy. Naira didnt care for if she was choosen or not. She didnt care much about that one of the only guy fairy was ready to have a bride.
((pm me if you like to rp... also you can twich it and it could be a girl that is choosing a bride... i rather stay a girl. i rp with girls and guys))

Noe was a fairy that had been all around the world. Not much humans had seen him. But some humans almost killed him. He had been capture sometimes and was used for witchery but he excaped. He had more have seen everything in his life. But it was rare to see any more fairies around the human world. There were more in the nature world, and not in the cement jungle. But someone fairie had to be in the human world. To tell stories one day about.
((short because leaving for you to do whatever you want on it.))