The stargate or "gada modol." is what the next planet the sg-1 visit called it. The stargate started to move. Suddenly the vortex went out. The gaurds of the next planet started to around the stargate trying to make sure that nobody that would cause harm to there planet would go any further. One of the gaurds was one of the princesses of the planet. (which isnt me) She looked at the sg-1. Trying to figure out if they were trustworthy. What sg-1 didnt know yet, was that they were the Furlings one of the 5 races. The gaurds had huge mask on to provent those who were untrustworthy would not see what they were. And those who have never went though the stargate would never use it again. The princess started to talk in Furlings. Trying to see if they would understand her. Nothin around but a building. Plan just walls. Making it so that one those that came from the gate wouldnt see the world, and also so that those who come from it cant get out. IT had many codes to open the wall like door. More like the guo'lad code to each door on mother ships. The princess in the group was orginal not sappose to be on watch, It was sappossed to be the other sister, The two sisters are twins, The only reason The one watching the gate, is because the other was falling sick from traveling to other worlds. They had been trying to see what of the gua'uld had done, They knew what who orginal was at what planet, And they knew what kinds were out there. One time as they ran into the gua'uld Pando'ra (my character) was kept prisoner and tested on. They had placed somthing that was slowly killing her, There was only one way to make her well, And that was somthing her people didnt know.Pando'ra was getting closer to death. As Naira was protecting her people she was hoping someone come and help her sister. Pando'ra was a advertious soul. And it could help... but as she layed slowly comeing into death the hope of seeing and helping other planets was slowly dieing.
((i slowly reviled in the rp we do ill tell you what else can be done... just tell me who you will play who you will not. Also i want to do the sg-1 with jack,sam, teal'c, and daniel.... Also i love daniel so yea. If you dont like this new character then we can do a just normal sg-1 and somthing happens between them.... rules, nothin from the episdoes unless resource. Ummm if you really really really want to try doing a little change or something like the one were tilc and jack goes back in time and do different things they did then we can do that. anything else you have questions on then ask me dont be shy i dont bite... hard... rolleyes ))
Zelda: based on the ocarina of time
Times has been passing after link had destroyed gandelf. Zelda had made it so that he could live a normal life again, And do whatever he wanted. He had skipped 10 years of his life to help the land of hyrule. Everyone had forgoten what happened. Link had tryed to tell everyone what happened, but they would think he was dreaming or nuts. So he stopped with the stories. Zelda had always tooken a ride out of the castle to see what had been saved.
Impa always came with her. Years past and everything had been so peaceful. Zelda started to have dreams, Dreams of danger, She didnt know what was coming but she had let Imp know. Zelda didnt want to turn to link once more but it started to get closer to it. Imp had called Sara to tell link about what was going to happen. And that Zelda was to meet him on the hill by the town. And sara had told him.
Zelda waited on the hill for link looking at what would soon turn to disaster. The day started to turn to night. Imp stood there waiting for him with her. It was a long ways from the hidden forest to the hill. Link had no ocarina and he had his sword and shield. Sara didnt give him his ocarina this time.
((i dont know what to happen but i was just starting up something))
Riki The DQ (tokyo drift rp)

((this is all based on the movie Tokyo Drift))
Riki had been a involved since Han showed her the basic's on cars. Which lead her liking being around them. Han and her were good freinds until a couple years before Han died from saving Lucas Blake from DK. Han and her were together. When Han died it hurt her so much before she never drifted for compaction or even drift against people. She used to drift for the fun. But after Han's death just to get the empty feeling, The sadness away she would race as long as she could. After Beating so much people she because the DQ. Neele didnt want to become the DQ, So Riki was always just raceing for it. Not for the money or anything just for her feelings. She didnt know what to do. She wished She could have saved Han from the crash on time. Riki knew almost everything about any car because of Han. But sometimes she would lose a race because she would think about Han and get distracted. These events started to happen more often. So most of the time she would not race. It was starting to get rare to see her at races.
Captain Renae

I Set this Rpc as a either one Of the ones below.
Pirate of the carribean Rp
Captain Renae Turner. She is Will turns sister. Captain of The Lega. Renae Is the oldest of the them. She made a promise to her father to keep a eye on Her brother. But after the years went by it got harder. So when Jack meet Will she asked jack to keep a eye on him for her. She cared a lot for her brother. When Will became bound to the sea. She sighed but she was happy now that her brother and Her father were together now. After the war between the British and the pirates were over Will found out he had a sister. After all those years, He didnt know he had a sister. Boot straps was worried She might have died.
As Renae set sail for her next journey she notice there was a small row boat out on the water seeing from her spy glass it was Jack, She Ordered her crew to get him onto the ship. As jack got onto the ship see it was her.
"Oi, You cant believe what my crew did." He said walking drunk still and the map in his hand.
"What do you got here, this time Jack?" she said to him. Looking at the map.
Jack plopt the map down onto a table and pointed to the fountain of youth.
"that there is what im going for now. After your dearly brother took up my need to live forever, Im going to go for the fountain." he said.
She waved her hand infrount of her face. "you have been drinking havnt you?"
"Yes." he said guilty.
((you can be jack or a crew member, Or will. or even anyone you like to add in. HAve fun))
Captain Renae, Captain of the Leshalo. She had been captain since she was a teen-ager. As the boat sailed Out to space, She turned the wheal.
"Get ready for anti-gravity. Jock Ready the gravity pole when i give my ready." she tyes herself to the railing holding the wheal. The crew tyes the
new comers telling the ropes of the ship.
((again its all open, You can be anything))

Here at the Ouran high school academy, For rich students in Japan. Theres a host club and our motivation is We keep all the girls happy. The host club has guys that have to much time on there hands and to the girls also with to much time on there hands.
Haruhi Fujioka- the natrual type- first year. When she first came to the host club she was discuised as a guy. She came from a lower class family. The only reason why she is at the school is because she was a honor student. She wanted to become a lawyer like her mother. Her father is a transy. She first became a host because of a vase now just for fun. But she is a host guys. The customers used to be all girls once she revealed herself that she was a female the guys start coming in for Haruhi. But that ticks of Tamaki Suou. Her fear is thunder storms.
Tamaki Suou- present of the host club and the prince of the club- second year. Prince type and is a huge flirter. But none of his moves worked on haruhi. Tamaki a guy of many richs. The only air for his family. The only friends he has are from the host club. He is very gifted in the piano. Which set off anyone. Everyone loves his piano music. He is half french and half Japanese. Also he is the son of the chairman of the school
Kyoya Ootori- vice president of the host club. a second year. Cool type. Kyoya and Tamaki had been best friends since middle school. He is the third son of his family. Kyoya also is the one to follow every financial stuff in the club.
Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin- The twins. first years. Little Devil types. They love to play games. There favorite game is which on is hikaru and which one is kaoru. The girls love them because there brotherly love. There love each other. They have never been away from each other. Ever since middle school they never let anyone to close to them. Ever since Tamaki got the club up they have had been more open to others and they not excluding themselves from other people.
Mitsukuni Haninozuka AKA Hunny. A third year. Loli-shota type.The girls love him because of his sweetness. He loves cute and sweet stuff. He has one brother which go to the school and is the karate club perseant. Hunny had his brother never get along. Hunny is cousins with Mori. Hunny is a master at karate. Better then his own father. Hunny loves to take naps.
Takashi Morinozuka AKA Mori. A thrid year. The silent type.cousins with Hunny. Always with hunny. Never take hunny out of his sit. He is more quite then others. He barly talks. When he does he has a really deep voice. He only gets angry when hunny gets injured or hurt.
Starter 1:

There was a new student comeing to Ouran. Koura Tomasha , Daughter of Higkou Tomasha the famous assassin. She was trained by her father very well. She is cousins with hunny. Because her mother is hunnys fathers sister. She came to the school as a guy. The chairman was fine with it as so, her father. She didnt like the dresses the girl wore. She was very to herself. She told hunny about her arrival but she wanted to keep her female side away from the school so she confinance hunny to make sure to act even though he knew her like she was a guy. Her guy name was altered from Koura to kourou. Still had the last name. She went to visit Hunny in the music room #3. As the door open rose petals blew to her. Hunny couldnt wait to see her. She was a 1 year. She was in the say class as The twins and Haruhi.
((you can be hunny you can be any of the host members))
for starter 2 i can be any member of the host team and then we would talk more about what would be the starter. Just tell me what member ill be and what youll be and what plot you like to do. just pm me.
It had been an ordanary day in Gothim city. Batman saving it. And all of that. It started to settle down. After batman had put most of the villians in jail. The joker one of the last to be put in. He stood there, waiting for a perfect day to get out. Everyday he would chuckle to himself to his evil plans.
A couple days later. There had been a break out of jail. Most everyone got out. Potion ive, Joker, pengain, Mr. freeze, and cat women. All got out. And wreak habit all at once. Makeing it hard for batman to capture them. Everyone at there own game. At there own reveange on batman.
Joker found a warehouse and got some minions and planed his way of killing batman. Was there a way to kill batman? Maybe. Did the joker really want to kill his toy. Mmm Maybe. Batman was the jokers thing to play with, to mess around with.

People used to think about where there souls went when they died, And where it went. Many had different idea's some were odd. Some were well, unique. One was the most popular for most times.A crow would take a died soul to where its destination was. The crow was the reaper. Sometimes, death takes a sad turn, it would take one's soul and that soul would be sadden and not able to join their love ones. This soul would linger the world tell all is right. Only sometimes the crow would see what has happened. And bring that soul to justice.
Renae and Desmon were madly in love. They had it, everyone wondered how they would not even be mad at each other. Also more of how they stayed together for so long. They werent counting.
Desmon was a man of sweet caring heart. For those he knew and cared. Those who didnt know him. Would think he had a hard heart. He would go all out on people's birthday's, anniversary's and other events. His family saw the love he had for Renae. They were gleefully for there love.
Renae was the sweat heart. Before and when she meet Desmon. She was a total goth. She went the full meter. All her wardrobe was dresses and other stuff of her Gothic self. That was her style she pushed a lot of people away from herself. She had a huge Knife collection. But deep down she was a carrying person. She would be true to those she loved. She met Desmon while at a bus stop.
As Renae sat at the bus stop, Desmon was standing next to her. Renae kept looking at him. There was something that she just couldnt keep her eye off him. What she didnt know was that she was falling in love with her. As Desmond's hair covered his eye's he was looking at her. The bus came and they went there ways. After that there were many times they meet. They once thought it was something that was met for them to know each other. And so once again riding the bus. Desmon turned to Renae. "Hello, My name is Desmon and believe we kept running into each other. What is you name." Desmon had a deep voice. But kind. She was also a soft spoken person.
"Renae." She softly. Looking away from him. Trying to be hard heart.
Desmon smiled. "Pretty name. I like it."
They talked for awhile. Got to know each other. Every time they see each other. If Renae was in a hurry or Desmon was in a hurry they would nod there head. As they were together she slowly got her Gothic wardrobe away. And became normal. She wore Tripp pants the most. But that was it. Sometimes her nice dress to a date.
As they got to know each other, Desmon and Renae became of one heart. Not married. But as lovers.
"So when are you going to ask her." His sister asked.
"Hehe, Tonight. when Renae and I go to the restaurant."
"Alright." He's sister smiled.
That night. Desmon gave Renae a bag of items. Which was his usual for dates.As Renae searched the bag. She came Upon a paper box. It was a origami. She knew how to open them. She loved them. She opened it up. And out came a rose. Which in the middle of the rose, was a ring. Desmon was right by her chair. "Would you do me the honor of marrying me?" He asked.
Renae blushed. She looked at him. She had a smile. She kissed him lovely.
"Yes i will." She said softly.
Later that night as Desmon and Renae walked to her apartment, a group of people ambushed them. Dragging them into a alley. Renae struggling. She couldnt get away. Both Desmon and Renae were tied up. One man grabbed her hair. And another man grabbed Desmon's hair.
"Look at the lovely couple. Hey, Jewl what should we do to them. Should we just kill them or should we make them suffer."
Renae Screamed. A man slapped her. "Hey shut up." Then the two men tied cloth in there mouth so they wouldnt make much noises Desmon struggled to get up to get Renae. The man who held his hair kicked him in his nuts. "Oh no you dont."
A man from the dark looked at Desmon and then Renae. He had a smirk. Taking a knife out. And going to Renae. He grazed the blade to Renae's cheek. Then going down her neck going to her chest. Renae screaming. Not much sound came out. She started to cry. Desmon fighting to get to her. But his hair was being held to. They were a couple meters away from each other.
The man with the Knife then turns to Desmon, "Well, Well. I know what to do. We will make The girl watch her love die right in frount of her. And then kill her." The men laughed.
The man with the knife chuckled. Taking the knife to Desmon's face, and grazing it. "What should we do to that pretty face of yours." Desmon scowled the man. His eyes filled with anger.
The man smirked. "Alright i know what to do. Take those pretty eyes and TAKE THEM OUT." He said gruesomely "Then cut your face off."
Renae Screamed. She didnt want her love to die.
Desmon kept moving. "Stop moving or or going to get a stab in the face and not get your eyes removed." He said evilly. Desmon, knew there was nothing to do. He sat there breathing hard.
Renae started to cry cause she couldt stop her love not to get killed. She was to weak.
The man started to carve Desmon's eyes out. Both Renae and Desmon was screaming. Renae cry at the same time. Her heart hurt so bad. If she could speak. she would scream "DESMON, NOOO. KILL ME INSTEAD." But no she couldnt.
The man continue. After both eyes were out. Desmon was some what still alive. Then The man started to cut Desmon's face off. Afterward he cut Desmons throat. The man threw the skin and eyes infrount of Renae. Renae looked away at the horror.
The man then goes to her. "What should we do to you?" He thinks. He Licks her cheek. Chuckling.
"Hey jewl lets have fun with her." A man said.
The man with the knife shock his head. "Not tonight this one is fitsy."