"Mommy, who lives there?" Little Jonny asked his mom, on there way to dinner. The house little Jonny pointed to was an old house. Realtors tried to sell it, but anytime someone came to buy it, they would run because something about it just gave them an unwelcome feeling. The unwelcome feeling was caused by a girl. Long ago there was a family that lived there but then a terrible event happened. The girl that now haunts the house wasn't there when they died but later she died from a shadowy person. her soul lingers around the house to revenge her death. Until all the family of her killer and her family's killers are dead she will linger on into the property of the house. Many Ghost Whispers and hunters have tried to talk to her and see why she lingered there, but she just threw them out. (really threw them out.)
One day, a citizen walked by the house and saw her. Whenever anything happend to that house, all media and the entire town would drop everything to see what happened. One day, the media reported someone got the balls to live there, and many bet that the person wouldn't last more than a day to, at most, a week.


Ganza was a son of the MOB leader. He had worked the family business, following his father's foots steps, Killing people and collect money for his father. That was his after school life. The students at the school knew he was a the son of the leader. The school didnt do anything. He was ready for any attack to him at anytime. He was more of a quiet and hear everything type guy at school, but dureing his jobs he was the head of a group and handle things pretty well.
Ganza was always to make everyone plee for mercy and then shoot. But he loved playing with there minds. It was to make him not go insane on his job.
Walking home from school one day his father called him "Ganza i need you to go straight to work,, your first thing to do is go to jonny and see whats holding up the doe." His father said.
"Alright sir got it." He said closing his phone and then walking to Jonnys house he wasnt thinking that it was an ambush to kill the closes thing to the MOB's leader.
When he arrived at Jonnys place he was surrounded with heavly armed men. He wasnt ready for this. He got shot to death.
When his father got Ganza's body greff came apon his father. His father arrange a proper sermony. And revenage came over his fathers heart.
A couple months came by and suddenly Ganza found himself wondering his city's streets. He was really confused he remembered the pain of the gun shots, and seeing Jonnys body standing over him as he went into deaths grasp. But he was still walking the streets. He went to his house.
"Father you wouldnt believe wh-" He said and then breaking off as he saw his father sitting in a chair near the fire place. With a guy holding a guy to his fathers head.
((girls and guys are welcome to pm me and rp on this.))
((no pic sorry but this starter came from my dream))
There had lots of ghost story, But this story is not just of which had been dreamed about. Or even thought of...
Yea when someone had died from a planned excushion there will be some kind of lingering of the soul. Limboing between two different parts of life. Life and death. But then there is one thing of which is rare. When 4 same genders have died at the same exsact time. They will haunt the world tell they revenge there death. They can only be this way if there death was a planned excushion. But The 4 people could not be contected in a plan. But they would linger between both worlds, if they were in the same city. They also have to help guide the other souls that are stuck between both worlds.
Like Old Man, Chariles. He died in a forest tied high in a tree during the night. He had died for no reason and now he haunted the area where he died. Killing whoever comes around that area.
For as the 4 same gender legend that had rarly happened.. January 15th, 1673 6:34 P.M. 4 girls had died at the same time.
Nalie, a 23 year old woman with long black wavy hair. Big brown eyes. Nalie, who was going to get married to the one she had been in love with since she was in high-school.. She died being potioned. During her wedding drinking from a goblet. For there was someone who wanted her died and that happened. For now she will have to find out who wanted her to be died so much to kill her during her wedding.
Sarah, about 19 years of age. She had straight blond hair. Blue eyes. she died in a car crash. Not on accientent but The other driver had Planned so easyily to run into her, And make a hit and run. There had been some kind of reason for killing her. This driver had not been caught, for he had planned so well that he would seem so insent.
Renae, About 17 years of age. She had well her hair color wasnt real so it was different colors different weeks. But when she died she had short green hair. She had died by being dragged into a buchered house and she got slaughtered to death. Her limbs were cut into many peices. Her killer had been doing this anyways. Killing girls from highschools. But with no reason.
Victoria, about 21 years of age. Her ethic background is Native american. She had died from being captured from walking home from a freinds house. And being Raped then getting her throut cut and then being throun off a cliff. This also was planned.As these women had felt there death to be revenged they all gathered up. As for that was the curse... As some say. But They went to search for there killer and for to help others that had been stuck in both worlds.But also word has been out that there is not just these 4 women. There has been males. Is there? Is there not? Now that is something the women have to figure out.
((I dreamed this perfectly but then yea i woke up so i want to continue it in someone's view over it also.))
"Okay Kiel there is a box there. The lights will glow if you say yes. Do you understand?" The Ghost hunters asked
The lights glowed.
Okay so did you die here"
The lights did not glow.
Where you murdered?"
The lights glowed.
Did a teacher kill you?"
The lights glowed.
"Oh wow," The ghost hunters were amazed.
Kiel was a child of Norton highschool. He was murdered long ago and he roamed around the school. Some say he was around showing his face to the current world. Some people would walk by the school and say that he stood in the cortyard. But as for the killer, That was something that was a mistary to others.