It all started with the first two people on earth. A female and a male. The day the female ate the forbidden fruit, The Male and the female were sent out of the lovely garden. The garden was filled with lovly things. They didnt need to worry about food and warmth. Now since they were went out. They had to hunt for food. They had to weave and Skin animals for cloths. While they were busy with there business. The devil was making demons in Gods image. When The devil was finished He sent out many demons.Ages past and each creation became better and smarter. One of the creations was Benewva, She lived on earth peacefully feeding on humans emotions. She loved hurting mens feelings. But she doesnt go for any man. She goes to the men that hurt other women. Men thinking it was all a game to them. And then Using thing for there own pleasure. She loved to see there faces after sucking all there emotions all out. They still lived but they were left for the demons who eat men like them. It was more of a team work, She sucks them dry with emotions leaving them for a demon to eat them. Or even take over them.
Benewva looked young as a high schooler but she was way older. But she loved the youth. All her games were what kept her ot going insane on what she was. But there was times where she got bored on earth.
((you can be anything i just let people do whatever.))

It had been so long since God had sent Lucifer to hell and kept him there. But that was the Christian story. The Greeks store was way different, He was a god and to be condemned the depth of heal. And many other legends of him. But his own store was what he lived. There was no way to go up to earth. He watch those who die slowly, And some quick. Depending on what they did. He had connections to heavens. More like a 'telephone or email' for the connections. There was no war going on between heaven and hell for there was no point only there would be a war for that of end times. The war would last for ever. Yes there was evil on earth of demons and unholy spirits. But those were the spirits caught between heaven and hell, those whom have had been judge and those whom souls escape hell.
Lucifer was the type of guy who would get interested of a holy man dying and going down to his depths hell. Because he did something he shouldnt. Because god was a merciful man on certain matters. He started to get bored with his normal days. Killing judging. And then watch the long deaths die slowly. He need someone to join him in his life, someone like him. Human.... demon.... angel... It didnt mater to him