Name: Lady Laurabelle (Full name: Lady Laura Belle Lawler)
Gender: Female
Age: 24-27
Race: Human
Physical Appearance
Hair: Long straight and white with bangs. Usually worn down execpt if she is in her battle outfit then her hair is in a high ponytail.
Eyes: pale blue
Skin: tan
Figure/Height: 5’6" and a slim figure.
Other features: She has a scar (a fine white line) on/right above her left breast and a beauty mark on her left between her lip and her cheek.
Personality: She can be quite the seductress and will quite often tease others for her amusement. Still, she is actually a strong person who stands up and fights for what she believes in. She is willing to put her life on the line to protect what she holds dear weather it is an idea or person. She is more intellegent than many would give her credit for. Despite her high status and wealth she is very knowledgeable about the world and is in no way sheilded from what happens in it. She is strong, agile, and very skilled in combat as well (guns such as muskets and pistols [2] being her favorite weapons). She tries to keep her distance from people, but often finds herself getting attached.
Background/Other information: She was not born into a rich family, in fact, her family struggled to survive on the streets for a long time. It was when she was about eight years old that her family came into a large fortune though inheritance. Unfortunately, when she was twelve years old she came down with a violent illness which resulted in lung failure. She survived because of a complicated and expensive surgery. She has one mechanical lung which was installed to save her life from that violent illness. She still has a fine white scar over left breast from the surgery.
She is also a fighter and leader in an large underground revolution against the government in her country, thus why she is so good with weapons. For the most part she is above suspicion because of her wealth and high status. As someone of wealth she has no need to rebel against the government which appeases the wealthy so they may stay in power. Still, with her upbringing she knows what it is like for those less fortunate and wants to fight against the government oppressing them, the same government that oppressed her.
Outfit Color Scheme: Her normal cloths are a Victorian and Lolita style dress of Black and dark purple or blue. Her traveling/fighting outfit has similar colors but are pants and a blouse rather than her normal dress.
Outfits (I used doll-makers do get as close to my vision of her outfit/look as possible):
Outfit 1 (normal)

-she has a black petticoat and white tights under her shirt and her boots are more of a Victorian style. rather than the Gothic/Lolita in the picture.
Outfit 2 (traveling/fighting)
this top....

or (for the waist down)

She also has a belt that holds her pistols (one on either hip). The eye-patch and belt are completely optional and also feel free to use artistic liberty with this outfit as well. Please note that the gloves/rings in the picture top picture are part of the outfit, but are optional as well.
