Age: 13
Gender: female
Eyes: green
Hair: short light oragne (strawberry blond)
Ears: pointed at the end with two studs on one ear and one on the other.
Race/Species: Mixed (1/2 Human and ½ Unknown)
Figure/Height: 5’1 and slim. She does not have much of a figure either.
Other features: She has a scar on her cheek and markings on her left arm.
Personality: She is very outgoing and a bit of a joker/playful. She does not care too much about her appearance and absolutely loves tinkering with anything she can get her hands on. She is quick witted and extreamely intellegent, but also often hungery as well (she absolutely adores food).
Items: she often has a lot of tools lying about, but she almost always has on tool belt with lots of neat gadgets/tools and her trusty googles (weather around her neck, on her face, or on her head).
Skills: She is the ship’s engeneer/mechanic and she is very good at her job. She is a genius when it comes to mechanics and is a sort of a jack of all trades (she knows a little about almost everything).
Position on Ship: Mechanic and Head Engineer. She also enjoys assisting the Cook (although sometimes she ends up stealing/eating more food than she makes).
Background: She was abandoned on a trade planet (and unfortunately not one of the nice ones) when she was about 10 and had been living doing odd jobs here and there for cash. When the starship arrived on the planet she knew it was her chance to excape. She stowed away on the ship for a couples weeks before anyone notested her (and they only originally suspected something was out of place when the food started to go missing). She was eventually caught (which was difficult with her skills because she was easily able change the controls, sencers, etc. on the ship). After awile they accepted her into the crew.
Outfits/Cloths: She always wears her tool belt and googles. She often wears loose fitting tank-tops and baggie shorts/caprees (which usually have pockets and/or zippers). Her boots (unless she is just wearing socks) are loose fitting and she usually does not bother to tie them all the way up, just enough to keep them on her feet (her favorite pair are brown). If it gets too cold she will throw on a baggie jacket or sweatshirt (usually falling of her shoulder). She often wear fingerless gloves as well.

For these following 2 pictures they are mostly for alternate the outfits (not the hair because it is a bit off)

Special Thanks to Horrifyingly Heavenly for her art (hopefully it will be up soon) heart