Name: William
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Physical Features
Ethnicity: Caucasian American
Eyes: light blue
Hair color: light sandy brown hair
Hair Style: very short and scruffy styled slightly forward.
Body/Figure: 5’8” and slightly lanky, but not weak or terribly tall.
Appearance: Slightly geeky appearance, but handsome in a way as well.
Facial structure: very average facial/jaw structure (but more pointed than round), his nose is also a bit bigger.
Other: He is paralyzed from the waist down and needs the assistance of a wheelchair

Top: often wears a nice collared shirt with some sort of hooded jacket or cardigan ( blue or green are his favorite colors).
Bottom: black/gray slacks or skinny jeans
Shoes: black converse
He is the founder of a convert missions team. He also acts as surveillance and a behind-the-scenes leader of sorts since he is unable to work in the field himself due to his disability.
Very open, friendly, and optimistic despite his circumstances. He is also a bit of a geek and loves superheroes and comics, one of his idols being Barbara Gordon (Batgirl/Oracle) from Batman because of his relation to her paralysis. He is extremely smart intellectually especially when it comes to technology.
He was born with his disability and has been in a wheelchair for most of his life. He was also born to a rich family, which spoil him because of condition and because of the guilt they feel as they are rarely around. They are both extremely busy and traveling around leaving in the big mansion by his self and their staff. He also has some trouble at school. Although there is a small degree of bullying, the worst is the looks of pity he receives from others, that is what frustrates him most. His love for superheroes, what they represent, and need to prove that he is more than his disability drive him to do his own version of “superheroing” and found his team.
Because he is rich, and his parents give him anything he desires, he often pays for most of the team's expenses including their headquarters/base.
He is also the closest to the team’s hacker and technician Emiko and he was the first one of the team she ever truly trusted. They become good friends and later love interests. They are both very good with technology and she constantly takes the time to help him with his projects and even has one of her own, which is to create a device to ease his paralysis and allow him to walk again.

Cloths (This is not an exact outfit, just an idea of the types of clothing he wears and his general style):

Art/References emotion_bigheart