Name: Lynne
Age: 18-21
Gender: female
Race/Species: Chimera (1/3 human, 1/3 demon, 1/3 elf)
Physical Appearance
Eyes: blue
Hair: long white hair down to her waist with and loosely tied at the end with a hair-tie.
Ears: long and pointed with tuffs of orange fur at the end. She often wears multiple gold studs/rings.
Skin: lightly tanned skin
Figure/Height: On the slim side although she also has a well toned body (not a twig). Average height for her age (between 5'5" and 5'6" wink
Markings: She also has two stripes on either side of her face. She also has stripes on her right shoulder and left arm. She has a cross or “X” shaped scar on her stomach as well
Other Appearance: She also has a orange tail with a white tip.
Weapons: She carries a sword on her bet and is a fairly good swordsman, but she is also knowledgable with knives.
Other skills: She is an excellent theif and very good at slight-of-hand tricks.
Occupation: Bandit
Background: She never reveals anything about her past before she established her band of bandits.
She is not particularly a bad person, but she is very mischievious and selfish as well. She often finds herself in trouble because of it, but she is also skilled enough to usually get herself out. Dispite this, she still has a good nature even if her morals are questionable. She is a excellent leader and she has very strict rules for what is acceptable in her trade. Although she steels for herself (this is the reason she has all her golden jewelry) she can be a bit a greedy Robin Hood and will distribute it back to those who need it, after she has taken what she wants that is. She also refuses to steel from anyone who would need to money to survive.
Reference: (I'm sorry the reference is not the best, but I am not much of an artist).

top: short green tank with a darker green tassel in the middle.
bottom: a brown fur cover skirt with short green shorts underneath.
arms: white wrap on one arm to cover where she places her leather like arm shield. She also has golden shoulder armor with sapphire accents.
Jewelry: a golden necklace with a ruby in the center, gold earrings, and gold bangle-like bracelets on her wrists. She also has a green choker necklace.
Legs/feet: bandage like wraps cover from her lower-thigh and continue down to cover all but her toes. She does not usually wear shoes.
Artwork emotion_bigheart