Chapter 6 (Final):
*It was bright and sunny outside, Kyon woke up early before his sister could wake him up from bed. He put on his uniform, grabbed his bike; and rode his way to school. On the way to the hill to the school he saw that the usual people who walked up the hill to the school were there with him. It showed that he was going to be super early this time.*
Kyon [Narration]: With my alarm clock fixed I was able to get out of bed in time. Sorry Shamisen no clocks for you to break this time.
As I began to walk up the hill, I began to figure out that most of my days would consume of the ambushes of creatures and such. But I guess Dac can take care of that. Speaking of Dac that fire on the old factory last night makes me wonder if Dac did do all that?
I guess it shouldn't be my concern since I'm not the one who brought him here. It's all Suzumiya's doing, if I was god, and I had the offer to bring aliens, time travelers, espers, and all the other crazy things I would just cancel it, and get on with my life. I know that it would cause more excitement in my life, but there's other ways to have fun. Even a piece of string, or the floor is more entertaining than this.
In due time, I begin to feel sorry for Dac, if everything doesn't turn normal soon, the kids gonna have Koizumi and Nagato stalking him for the rest of his life until he either leaves or gets everything resorted with.
Look at me right now. I'm already worrying about it, and I haven't even started lunch yet. Oh well, I guess that's what I get for joining the SOS Brigade...
*As Kyon was walking up the hill, Taniguchi gave him the friendly usual nudge on the back.*
Taniguchi: Yo!
Kyon: Oh, hey what's up?
Taniguchi: Nothing much. Although I did overhear that you have a new member in the Brigade room.
Kyon: Oh, really now.
Taniguchi: Yeah, from what I saw, he looks weird. I mean, he has that red spiky hair, and he's so short compared to every other guy in the school. Heck, he's even shorter than Kunikida! That kid is probably the same size as miss Asahina probably.
Kyon: His name is Dac. I haven't asked him about the growth spurt, but he said that he has red hair because he lost a bet.
Taniguchi: Well, sucks to be him then. Anyways. Did you hear about that factory that randomly combusted into flames last night? Man that was awesome! But yet, it's so stupid, people like you and me are so weird today you know? Who would do such a thing and why?
Kyon [Narration]: Hold on, why did you just compare me, to you and other criminals out there? If Dac was the case who set the factory on fire, he had to have a reason, I wouldn't go around burning places up for my own amusement...
Taniguchi: Speaking of this, Dac person. Where did Suzumiya find him? He's wearing the uniforms were wearing right now. And I don't think I've ever seen him around the school.
Kyon: He said he just transferred to the school. That's all I know about him, aside from the red hair.
Taniguchi: Hm, oh well. If he just transferred maybe he'll be in our classes...
Kyon: Hey Taniguchi. Do you know what the tre essence of imagination is?
Taniguchi: Wha? You sure your okay, Kyon?
Kyon [Narration]: Knew it.
When we reached the school we did the simple task of putting our shoes in the shoe locker and putting on our school shoes, after the easiest task in school, I went to the classroom to see Haruhi staring out the window.
Taniguchi: I'll talk to you later, good luck with Suzumiya.
Kyon: Thanks.
*Kyon walked up to his seat in front of Haruhi turned his body around, and began to talk to her.*
Kyon: So, sleep well last night?
Haruhi: Not really...
Kyon: What happened?
Haruhi: Last night I was watching that sci-fi channel again. They were so close to seeing one of those creatures until the the news showed up on the tv. They said that some old factory exploded into flames.
Kyon [Narration]: How rich is that broadcasting news anyways? Was it on every channel?
Haruhi: I'm beginning to think that Dac might be one of the suspects. For one thing he is after those creatures. And if those things were attacking the factory then no doubt Dac would be there on the scene... Maybe after class, will go to the clubroom and check it out, What do you say Kyon?
Kyon: You shouldn't point fingers at people, like you usually do. What if Dac didn't do it. You would be accusing someone who was completely innocent, as usual. And not to mention the fact that Dac wouldn't destroy anything for amusement. He's been helping us out get rid of these things since we first saw the guy, and now were accusing him of this? He did save miss Asahina's life for one thing, and secondly helped us out with the movie...
Haruhi: I know I know. But we can't be too sure. I'm gonna ask Dac a few more questions before we start accusing him. There, happy?
Kyon [Narration]: Not really no.
During class I was quiet the whole time, didn't let out one word until the bell rang and Haruhi dragged me to the clubroom. I begin to wonder if Dac did do all these things. Amazing how the police haven't arrested him yet...
*When Haruhi and Kyon reached the clubroom, they saw all the Brigade members present. Yuki was reading a book, Koizumi was sitting on a chair waiting for their arrival, while Mikuru was trying to help Dac who was on the table with his head down.*
Kyon [Narration]When we got to the clubroom my case was closed...
*Haruhi walked up to Dac and tried waking him up.*
Haruhi: Come on Dac! Wake up! We need a few answers!
Kyon: Miss Asahina, what's wrong with him?
Mikuru: I don't know. I came inside the clubroom to see him like this. I tried cheering him up with some tea but he hasn't budged. I'm really starting to worry about him. I have no idea if it was about the fire on the factory last night, but I know something must be really bothering him, I just hope it's nothing to severe... Do you think you can help him?
Kyon: I'll see what I can do...
Mikuru: Thank you...
Haruhi: Come on! Wake up! [Haruhi gives a large hmph]That's it I give up. Kyon it's your turn!
*Kyon walked up to Dac and looked at him for a while.*
Kyon [Narration]: He does look upset. I wonder if he is the cause of the factory last night?
Kyon: Hey Dac, can we talk for a moment?
Dac: ...
Koizumi: Perhaps he needs fresh-air? I would be obliged to escort Hakusho outside to the roof, if you please, miss Suzumiya.
Haruhi: Fine, I'm gonna stay here. Hey, Mikuru, why aren't you in uniform?
Mikuru: [In shock] I-I think I'll try to help Dac too!
*Just then Yuki closes her book and stands up.*
Haruhi: Yuki, you too? I guess your going to help Dac too right Kyon?
Kyon: Might as well.
Haruhi: Hm, well I can't stay in here alone. I'm coming too!
*The Brigade climb a few stairs to the roof, and placed Dac down next to a wall.*
Koizumi: Now, take a few breathes in and out, and tell me what happened last night, after you have calmed down.
Kyon: If you accused him so much of being the culprit who burned down that factory, then why are you helping him? I imagine you completely ignoring him and watching him sit there.
Koizumi: Well I learned that we can't always accuse someone until you have undeniable proof. So will just say that I'm giving Dac a second chance until proven guilty. [grins]
*Mikuru sat on the floor next to Dac and looked at him in a very concerned face. She was very worried that Dac was the one who blew up the factory for no reason. While waiting for him to calm down, Haruhi fell into a deep sleep, due to the long night of staying up and watching the news, Haruhi was very exhausted.*
Koizumi: We just need a few questions from him that's all.
Kyon: What are you planning to say? Why are you ruining our cover for Haruhi?
Koizumi: No, but I think I'll put that in as a bonus question though. The question I would like to ask is, if he did burn the factory.
Kyon: Like I said to Haruhi. We shouldn't put fingers at people, I remember that time when you put us in that Island where supposedly, Mr. Kaichi was murdered. We pointed fingers at his brother until we got the evidence that it was us who supposedly killed him. I think that we should just let Dac get up, and wait till he's ready to talk.
Koizumi: Very well then as you wish... you know, for a second there, it felt like we changed our roles in attitude. Don't you think?
Kyon: Don't start that crap with me.
Kyon [Narration]: Deep down, he was sort of right. Once in a while I would point out fingers, until I eventually saw it was someone else who made the mess. Once again, I was voting for the loosing team...
After ten minutes of impatience, and very strange weather conditions (due to Haruhi's impatience, causing up a storm.) our five-foot two suspect finally had enough time to cooperate with himself.
*Dac began to breath in and out and began to calm down.*
Koizumi: Glad you've calmed down!
Dac: ... Yeah...
Koizumi: For a second I thought you were going to stay like that a little longer.
Kyon: Cut out the compliments Koizumi. Now tell us, were you the one who ambushed that factory last night or not?!
Dac: I have reasons...
Kyon: Why? Was it because you just felt like it?
Dac: It's hard to explain but I'll try... You see... There's a way to get rid of the creatures for good, and that factory that looked old was the answer. They were being built there.
Kyon: So that's it?
Dac: Yes. That's why me, Rick and Kurtis struck down the place last night.
Kyon: Are they all gone?
Dac: So far. But there's just a few hiding around the city. Nothing we can handle...
Kyon [Narration]: Damn you Haruhi. Your the reason this all started.
Dac: I'll make another promise. I promise to finish this once and for all, then I'll go.
Kyon: Go? What do you mean go?
Dac: You heard me right, I'll just leave and never come back, after I'm done here.
Kyon: Hey, don't put yourself down like that. The only good thing I see in this is that you at least got rid of those things for good.
Koizumi: I'll have to agree with him on that one.
Dac: Yeah, your right! As long as we got rid of them for good, there's nothing to fear!
*Just as Dac smiled he immediately froze, like something was lurking.*
Dac: Oh no...
Kyon: What's up?
Dac: Call me "crazy" but I think something bad is gonna happen right now...
Rick: And it looks like we'll have to stop it.
*Rick and Kurtis appeared by jumping out from the top of the roof entrance.*
Kurtis: Howdy!
Mikuru: [A bit freaked out by their appearances.] Why hello there.
Kyon: Is that you worried about?
Dac: No...
*Dac gets up and runs to the edge of the roof, he points to the long awaiting ground where a man is standing there smiling.*
Dac: That!
Koizumi: And who might that be?
Rick: That's Vixion. Ugly person, isn't he?
*Kyon looked at Yuki who was staring down at this evil scientist, her eyes were glued onto this person, her face was still blank but it seemed that something was making him stronger.*
Dac: Will talk later. Come on guys!
*Dac, Rick, and Kurtis jumped down the building and fell for a long time until reaching the ground safely.*
Kyon [Narration]: How did they?!
Koizumi: Stay here. We have to know why this Vixion person is here.
Dac: What's with the special entrance Vixion?
Vixion: Do you really want to say that to my face?
Rick: Start answering.
Vixion: Well you see. This world is holding a large amount of Data, able to be picked off like berries on a tree! In all my years, I have never seen so much data held onto one world! I only came for one thing, and one thing only!
Rick: What's that? Face cream?
Vixion: Wrong. The one known as Haruhi Suzumiya. This woman has a strong power, her power is so strong it holds this world together! Imagine the possibilities of using her powers! The committee would think twice before messing with me!
Dac: If you want to get Suzumiya, you'll have to get through us!
*Immediately, Dac, Rick and Kurtis pull out their weapons. Vixion stands there having an evil grin.*
Vixion: Very well then.
*Just then the ground began to shake fast, an earthquake was in the process, things in the Brigade room were falling off, and the others on the building fell on the ground. Just then a large mechanical machine was rising from the ground, it had gears and lasers everywhere on this thing, but Vixion stood there with his evil grin while crossing his arms. Soon then, a giant mechanical monster was under Vixion.*
Vixion: Have you met my latest invention?
Rick: Ah... Crap...
Dac: Hey, like you always say. The bigger they are?
Rick: The more heroic we look when we take them down!
Kurtis: Let's do this!
Vixion: You think you can beat me this time? Think again!
*The three began to fight the large monster, they tried we everything they could, but it didn't affect much, due to it's hard armor. Meanwhile, Kyon gazes at this new villain and his machinery.*
Kyon: That thing is huge!
Koizumi: It does look like trouble. We can't let Suzumiya see this, we have to get her out of here, and fight this thing as fast as we can. If she saw this thing, her imagination will go wild, and all I can say is that it won't be a good sight.
Kyon [Narration]: Yeah, of course. Try not to let a person see a fifty foot monster behind her. The only way I see we can get out of this is if she's either blind or deaf. I hope Haruhi is both of those things... Come on guys you can do this.
Koizumi: I think we have no choice. I'll have to take this fight to another place. Miss Nagato. Do you think you can transfer this battle, somewhere else?
*Yuki looked at Koizumi with her blank stare.*
Yuki: Data Thought Integration Entity cannot be scanned.
Kyon: Which means?!
Yuki: I am unable to transfer this battle to another location. There Data is not similar nor parallel to our dimension, the two of our Data must be identical in order to surpass the specific demands.
Kyon: So, you can't do anything because of their Data? Can you at least try?
Yuki: The Data Thought Integration Entity will not work on them, I will only be able to transfer our Data but not there Data.
Kyon: So were screwed...
Koizumi: Unless... If that thing has enough mystical power that I need, I might be able to take this battle into closed space! But I need something that is a reference to miss Nagato's statement...
Kyon: Well if Nagato says that thing doesn't match our Data that might be a bit hard.
Koizumi: Maybe... Oh well, I'm out of ideas.
Kyon: Great.
*Mikuru looked at everyone and began to think herself. Dac, Rick, and Kurtis's fight against Vixion's giant monster was turning into failure, no matter what attack they used, it didn't leave a scratch.*
Dac: There has to be someway to defeat that thing!
Rick: Maybe we have to strike harder?
Dac: ... I got it! It's risky though.
Rick: What did you have in mind?
Dac: We have to enter inside that thing, and destroy it from there.
Rick: Ha ha, were gonna be "inside" him. Hey Kurtis? Did you get the hint?
Kurtis: You sick monkey!
Dac: Find any place that we can open up.
Rick: I suggest we look on the bottom half.
Vixion: I will never be stopped!
Dac: And will never give up! Your point?
Koizumi: We can't waste anytime! Suzumiya might wake up soon, and I'm beginning to worry that a "few" students will see that thing soon enough. Miss Nagato, are you sure you can't try?
Yuki: Unable to.
Mikuru: Um, maybe I can try something?
Kyon: Miss Asahina?
Mikuru: Maybe, we can find that Data stuff that Dac keeps on talking about, and then miss Nagato can find a way to change it's structure so it will be identical to ours?
Koizumi: That sounds like a great idea. Do you think you can do that Nagato?
Yuki: Thoughts of the attempt are unsuccessful.
Kyon [Narration]: Come on Nagato! Your practically the brains of the group, you have to think of something! Something that will work, and won't make us useless! Think Nagato think!
*Nagato looks at Kyon, her eyes were still emotionless. She then looked at the three fighters who were loosing the battle to his evil scientist.*
Yuki: Haruhi Suzumiya's dimension is nearly falling apart. I am now willing to try any force necessary. My job was to watch over Suzumiya and her actions, this would be a large amount of Data Thought Integration Entity signals if she ever saw this. I will attempt Mikuru Asahina's plans.
Koizumi: And I will be happy to assist you!
Mikuru: I want to help too!
Koizumi: What about you Kyon?
Kyon: I've learned that life would be boring without you guys. Of course I'm coming with you guys!
Koizumi: Then it's settled! Let's try whatever we can!
Kyon [Narration]: Suddenly I feel like a hero. If this is what Dac goes through, I actually wouldn't mind helping out once in a while.
*The four of the Brigade members ran downstairs to help out, before they left, they left, Yuki added a sleeping spell onto Haruhi, so she wouldn't be able to wake up until it wears off. Meanwhile the three were desperately trying to attack the giant robot. Dac tried his plan and tried prying an open spot so they can go inside, Rick was trying to distract Vixion, while Kurtis went head on attacking the machine with his mallet.*
Kurtis: For all it's worth, we better get some pancakes after this!
Mikuru: Dac!
Dac: What? Mikuru! Get out of here! It's dangerous!
Kyon: We have an idea!
Dac: What is it?
Mikuru: Come over here first!
*Dac stops and runs over to the four.*
Dac: Well?
Koizumi: We need to get this thing out of here before anyone sees it, so miss Asahina thought that miss Nagato can change your data. Is this alright with you?
Dac: I don't know, what's going to be the aftermath?
Yuki: a 25% chance that we will both implode due to the unrelated Data structure.
Dac: No kidding!
Yuki: A 25% chance you will not be able to leave our dimension if the Data change is complete, another 25% chance that everything becomes successful, and the rest of the 25% percent is nothing will happen. If I am able to get the appropriate setting for this task, I will be able to send the Data to another area. As long as I have one, I am still able to take everyone. You will share half of our data and your data. Which is why it enables me to take your other allies with us.
Kyon: Are you sure want to try it now?
Dac: Hm... Well... It is the sake to save a dimension from Vixion, and I wold be willing to do anything to make this world a better place, even if it means sacrificing myself... Okay fine. Let's go!
Yuki: [Shakes her head up then down, showing a "yes".]
Dac: I hope will both be okay after this.
*Dac closed his eyes tight, while Yuki worked on the attempt. Her mouth moved really fast making what seems no sense at all, she was casting a spell. Everyone waited in patience that the attempt would work.*
Kyon [Narration]: Come on Nagato... You can do this...
*Soon enough, Yuki was done, the Data was swirling them both and then it disappeared. Dac opened his eyes and looked at his hands and such, nothing felt different.*
Dac: Did it work?
Koizumi: Hakusho, try something that involves magic, quickly!
Dac: Anything magical? Well I can do this?
*Dac does the "take off your thumb" trick.*
Koizumi: I should be more specific. use any kind of magic that is not cheap ones.
Dac: Oooh... Okay. Rick! Give me your gun!
Rick: What are you doing all the way over there!?
Dac: Never mind that! Hurry!
Rick: Okay fine! Catch!
*Rick throws the gun to Dac, as Dac catches it.*
Dac: I forgot to tell you Kyon, remember when I said that we all had special powers? Well even though I don't know mine yet, I'm able to work with the other weapons too. All I have to do is concentrate and change the shape of this gun, and... Voila!
*Rick's gun turned from a pistol into a sniper.*
Mikuru: Wow! That's amazing.
Koizumi: I think what miss Nagato did worked! I'm starting to feel that power that I needed!
Kyon: Now that it works, Nagato do you think you can do it now?
Yuki: Yes.
*Yuki put her hand up and began to make another spell, everything went white at a blink of an eye then they were put inside what seemed a perfect place to have the battle in, some kind of dark labyrinth.*
Kyon [Narration]: I think I'm getting a little bit of Nagato's replies now. All this time she was able to make these powers because it was in our dimension, so that giant camel cricket, it was a part of our dimension. But since Dac is now sharing our Data, Nagato can find out more about him and his data. All that or were just playing stupid.
Rick: Now were talking!
Koizumi: Since Dac is a part of our dimension now, I think I'm able to help out on this situation. I'm starting to feel some power flowing inside me, and I think it's just about enough to take this thing down.
Dac: That's some power then. Alright. Let's get serious. Attack!
Vixion: I will not be stopped!
*Dac, Rick, Kurtis, Koizumi, and Yuki were fighting against Vixion, while Kyon and Mikuru were hiding. Rick stood back and charged his gun, while Kurtis went head on and attacked the machine with his mallet. Vixion took out a giant laser as Rick used his gun to tackle against his. While the machine was distracted, Koizumi had a ball of power and threw it at the machine.*
Koizumi: [Yelling] Second Rage!
*The ball of energy curved and hit directly at the machine, blowing up on contact. But the mechanical monstrosity jumped out of the smoke and aimed for Kyon and Mikuru. Yuki jumped right in front of them and made a force field around them.*
Dac: Stay back! It's dangerous!
Kyon: You don't have to tell me twice!
Rick: Damn, this thing is actually tougher than I thought!
Kurtis: Pointless attack number four-hundred thirty-six!
*Kurtis kicks the machine then runs away. Koizumi tried another ball, and this time it was paralyzed.*
Vixion: What?! All systems down?! Impossible!
Koizumi: Hakusho, would you like to finish this off? I mean, he is your problem after all.
Dac: Right. Come on guys!
*Dac, Rick, and Kurtis got together to make a straight line. Kurtis threw Dac and Rick into the air, then Rick gave Dac more air-speed by catapulting him. From there, Dac had a large beam come out of his sword and it blasted right through Vixion's defenses, as the monster exploded into smithereens.*
Vixion: Noooooo!
Rick: Over-confidence must really be his weakness.
*The machine exploded as Yuki transported them out of there in time. As they disappeared, Vixion walked out of the flames, with an evil glare in his eyes.*
Vixion: [Yelling] DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!!!
*The seven of the fighters arrived back in Haruhi's world, with no scratches.*
Kyon [Narration]: I think I'm really starting to understand everything now...
*Kyon looks at Dac, Rick, Kurtis and the others cheering.*
Kyon [Narration]: Whenever I think I'm out of the clearing something dramatic always happens next. I guess I'll have to get use to the facts that this is always going to happen. Well on the bright side, Haruhi has another person she can abuse, and that person is Dac Hakusho.
After our little dilemma with the mad scientist, we woke Haruhi up and explained to her that it wasn't Dac nor the creatures who blew the factory up. We made the lamest excuse that the company that owned the factory blew it up, which meant it was condemned, amazingly, Haruhi believed us.
Haruhi: That's it? How did you know this?
Koizumi: While you were sleeping, the school newspaper said that it was all a mistake.
Haruhi: The school newspaper?! They're a bunch of bologna!
Kyon: Says the girl who decided to make a club about; aliens, time travelers, espers and other supernatural things, and then to be friends with them.
Haruhi: Hey! They're real!
Dac: So... Am I banned from your club?
Haruhi: Who said that?! I still need you as an official bodyguard for the SOS Brigade!
Kyon [Narration]: Hold on, do clubs even get to have bodyguards as members?!
Haruhi: In fact! I plan on making you another vice captain if you keep a good job!
Dac: [Looks around at the characters]I... Would be obliged.
Haruhi: Dac Hakusho... Welcome to the SOS Brigade!
Rick: This is still an asylum.
*Mikuru cheered for Dac, as Kyon crossed his arms.*
Koizumi: Well, it seems we have another Brigade member on our hands. And for what it seems, I think closed space has calmed down for now, of course.
Kyon: Good to hear. I just wonder, what about Nagato? Will she be okay?
Yuki: I am unable to transplant original data to the "Dac" specimen. He is now relatively connected to our dimension and now under watch of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Kyon: So is that good news?
Yuki: [Yuki looks at Kyon, close up on her lips] Probably.
Kyon: I guess that's good to hear then.
Yuki: Maybe. I must still investigate on this new specie.
Kurtis: Can I ask something?
Rick: Absolutely not.
Kurtis: Okay..... can we go now?
Rick: Meh, I guess so. Come on.
Dac: Um, see you tomorrow?
Kyon: What are you going to do now?
Dac: I'm part of Haruhi's Brigade now. And no doubt Vixion might come back to steal her... I guess will have to think on what were going to do.
*Dac extends his arm in front of Kyon. Kyon grabs Dac's hands as they shake on it. Dac, Rick, and Kurtis leave.*
Haruhi: Well, might as well go home too, no reason being here now. I'll see you guys later. Dismissed.
Kyon: Wait, aren't we still having class time?
Haruhi: Oh right, whoops.
Kyon [Narration]: Throughout the rest of the entire school day, Haruhi was too tired to do anything, personally I blame Nagato's little sleeping spell.
I went back home and turned on the TV, nothing bad happened this time, no exploding cars, or mysterious rampages, they all stopped. In fact, the police even said it was alright to leave the house due to the less paranormal activity. Since I spent most of the entire day watching TV, I just went to bed.
The next day was Friday it would be until tomorrow it would be Saturday, one of Haruhi's searching expeditions for the mysterious things. As much as I wanted to talk about my life being a total hell, I immediately went to the clubroom, from there I saw only Dac and Nagato.
Kyon: So. You made your mind about staying or not?
Dac: Actually. It took a while but, I'm staying, and so are Rick and Kurtis. Don't worry about us, we found a nice condo to stay in for a while. And were more concerned about this dimension then other ones. See, Haruhi, she's one special person... Just a bit crazy. Koizumi talked with us and gave me the whole situation about Haruhi and her powers, now I know why Vixion wanted Haruhi so badly. Secondly we also like this place, very calm you know?
Kyon: What about Vixion? Shouldn't you be worried that he's sending out creatures in other worlds?
Dac: After what Koizumi did to that machine, I'm sure we won't see him in a long time, but don't worry, if he ever comes back, will be prepared!
Kyon: I guess that's good to hear.
Dac: So, tell me, what do we do now?
*Yuki slightly tilted her head up and began to speak.*
Yuki: You are to be quiet about your actions and not tell anything to Suzumiya about your missions.
Dac: Hey you replied!
Yuki: Quiet. I am unsure. An unusual program deviation occurred when I observed you and your allies fighting yesterday. My higher-brain circuitry malfunctioned and nearly overheated at the sight of your Data. Also, an unidentified impulse sped through my processors. These events of your dimensions are new to me, and I have never faced this situation before. There is more to this phenomenon, as well. I ran a diagnostic programs, and their solution was, I need to observe you. Such as a compulsion has no precedence. Cause unknown. I, a Data Thought Integration Entity, I must diagnose this unusual situation. I will not fail. That is why you are residing here until further notice...
*Yuki looked down and continued reading her book. Dac looked at Yuki with a sad but yet concerned face at her. Kyon looked at Dac and looked confused at Yuki.*
Kyon [Narration]: Nagato... Don't joke around with him like that...
[This is where the ending theme goes "Hare Hare Yukai" or "Tomare!"]
End of Haruhi Suzumiya meets DRockNation!!!
Well. It was fun working on the next fanfic for the "series" I really had fun making this one. I hope people will like this one more, and I hope I make another series soon! Oh and a special shout-out to all the people who supported the fanfic. You guys are awesome!
And for fun reasons, here's a pic of Dac, Rick, and Kurtis:
((Dac is on the left, Rick on the right, Kurtis in the middle.))
Thanks again guys! And thank you for reading!