Haruhi Suzumiya meets DRockNation:
Chapter 2:
*The next day Kyon woke up late again, since Shamisen broke his alarm clock. Not wasting any time he got dressed and quickly ran up the large hill to the school again. The hill was one of the things why Kyon was starting to hate school, but the farther they went up, the more you can see the view of buildings.*
Kyon [Narration]: Today is the day I confront Nagato about the weird thing that happened yesterday. I still have to figure out what attacked and saved miss Asahina... After listening to more of Haruhi's nonsense about the movie and how they're going to find more of those things, I went to the Brigade room to find Nagato. I had a hunch she would always be there, because whenever I go there she's always reading a book. I still wonder if she has any classes in the school? Since no one else was in the room, I was being courageous, and I asked her what was going on. I hope she has the answers, I don't feel like talking to Koizumi.
Kyon: Hey Nagato. Can we talk?
Yuki: Yes.
Kyon: Do you have any idea what happened yesterday? Just who were those guys and what was that... Thing? Is it some kind of data malfunction for you or something?
Yuki: They are incomparable to the world around us. They're DNA does not exist in our world, and a large amount of Data is released when they detect a creature. The Data Thought Integration has not made any new humanoid artificial data, in a long period of time. It has come to the conclusion that these lifeforms come from a different dimension, and so as well as the monsters. The Data Thought Integration has no similarities to these beings, and therefore we must be prepared of the situation in hand...
Kyon [Dialogue]: Damn it, should have known that was the case.
Kyon: So what should we do then?
Yuki: The monsters have a personal trait of destroying, disinfecting and annihilating all human life on each world, the other three are having the job of exterminating them, we must keep a keen eye and keep the town safe from the dangers of what is to become.
Kyon [Dialogue]: I'm sure that if we tell people about giant monsters coming to terrorize the city, we would be the laughing stock of the town. But since we saw the monster then they saw it with their own eyes. They're sure to run away and believe us...
Kyon: Wait a minute, this might be out of topic but. Can't you delete their existence? Or something like that?
Yuki: I am only a Data Thought Integration sent to watch over Haruhi Suzumiya. these creatures have no exact data such as mine, therefore canceling my powers to disintegrate the monstrous beings. I can delete other forms of my Data Thought Integration group; an example is the nonexistent Ryoko Asakura.
Kyon: That doesn't sound good... And what about the other three? The ones that saved miss Asahina?
Yuki: They're Data Thought Integration is also incomparable...
Kyon: So we have to see what happens?
Yuki: Yes. We can hopefully change our outcome of the situation in hand if we can research more information from the three primary suspects.
Kyon: What do you mean? Hold them down for questions?
Yuki: Yes.
Kyon: That seems tricky... Maybe we can try finding those creatures again and try stopping them before they run out of the scene? Do you think that would work, Nagato?
Yuki: Probably. I am still unsure of the possibility of this battle.
Kyon: Right. I'll see if we can get Suzumiya to call in more of those things...
Yuki: Go ahead...
*Right before Kyon leaves the Brigade room, Nagato holds onto his jacket telling him one last thing.*
Yuki: Wait..... Be careful...
Kyon: I will...
*Kyon leaves the Brigade room and let's Nagato finish her book in peace. Nagato sat on her chair for a while wondering to herself, she put her book down and had to think of doing something to fight this new tyranny off.*
Kyon [Narration]: Nagato was only a bit of help. All I get was that she can't help us at the moment. Maybe Haruhi wanted all these creatures to come and cause a bit of mischief, then maybe after she's done they'll leave? Who knows, I just know myself that Haruhi is going to go out and find more of these creatures just for a simple movie that will never win an award. All I can hope is that miss Asahina is going to be okay...
*While Kyon was walking back to find Haruhi, Haruhi ran into him holding a bunch of equipment.*
Haruhi: Hey watch yourself!
Kyon: Sorry. What's all this stuff?
Kyon [Dialogue]: Why do I even bother asking?
Haruhi: This is some of the stuff were going to use for our next scene! We have to find more of those monsters so we can get more filming done! In fact, if we can film more than surely will be famous for finding these creatures!
Kyon: Look to tell the truth, I think your going way too far with this. Don't you even care about what happened to miss Asahina last night? She would've been killed!?
Haruhi: I know already! If we lost Mikuru, then we wouldn't have just lost a mascot, but a dignified friend and soldier! I get it I get it! I have some stuff in here that will help us get rid of those creatures, just in case those three guys don't show up this time! Take a look!
*Kyon looked at the item Haruhi handed to him, it was a spray can. He flipped it over to see that the spray can was labeled "バグスプレー". (Bug Spray)*
Kyon: You can't be serious about this?
Haruhi: Well, when I looked at the footage from last night, the monster looked like a giant bug so I thought, what the heck you know?
Kyon: You obviously think THIS will stop that thing?
Haruhi: Don't worry, I have more where that came from! Now come on! Help me open the door and wait until Mikuru and Koizumi show up!
Kyon: Right.
Kyon [Dialogue]: If we ever used these spray cans on that giant camel cricket we saw a long time ago. Then would that cause any damage to it?
Kyon [Narration]: Anyways, after waiting for miss Asahina, her graceful but yet innocent hands reached and opened the door, she saw Haruhi with this evil grin. She tried to struggle out of Suzumiya's clutches, but her power wasn't enough. I would've jumped in, but I was too busy watching the struggle match between these two. Soon after that, Koizumi jumps in with his stupid smile. While I was trying to consult with miss Asahina, Haruhi finally decided it was time to go out and search for the unknown.
Kyon: I promise you miss Asahina, everything is alright. Your safe. I promise to jump right in if everything goes wrong.
Mikuru: Thank you... Kyon
*She smiled brightly at him with her eyes slightly teary. She was still scared of those giant things, she began to think to herself. "Will that boy come back to rescue me like last time?". While Mikuru was deep in thought something broke her concentration when an uproar of yelling for help was coming from the opposite direction. Haruhi hearing the sound immediately ran to it's direction.*
Haruhi: Come on you guys! This might be the thing we were waiting for!
*She smiled hoping it was the creatures. Whil her other teammates wished it wasn't. When they reached the voices of screaming people everyone was running, it was being held at the baseball field. Students were running because of the mysterious monsters. They were back already! And in daylight too! Haruhi felt confident about this and pushed Mikuru in, Mikuru scared of these monsters terrorizing the field was becoming scared that she would be the next target.
Haruhi's idea for this scene was that; Mikuru was trying to find Itsuki but the monsters got to him first, but he was lucky enough to run and get away, Mikuru being a brave person fought off the monsters once more and was figuring out who was behind this crime. (Which was the evil witch Nagato).
Mikuru was now trembling in fear, the monsters spotted her and went up to her. One of the monsters stood up to ten feet in the sky, Mikuru was sure to run now.*
Haruhi: Come on Mikuru! Time for you to shine!
Kyon: You seriously want her to get killed do you!?
*Without thinking, Kyon grabbed one of the bug sprays and ran in to protect Mikuru. He began to spray them at the monsters but it did no affect. All the bug spray did was irritate the giant monsters. All the monsters were ready to attack the innocent Mikuru and Kyon.*
Haruhi: Kyon! Mikuru! Get out of the way!
*Haruhi realized what Kyon was talking about, she warned them but it was too late to get out of the way now.*
Kyon: Come on... Anytime now...
*Kyon crossed his fingers waiting for those three mysterious people to show up again. Mikuru gasped and quickly hung onto Kyon, she thought it was the end, she closed her eyes tightly. Since Haruhi was in the way, Nagato couldn't get into the arena and fight them off with her powers, Haruhi would see Yuki right there fighting the monsters, her identity was too important to be seen by her.
Just when all hope of surviving was gone, the large dust cloud appeared again! The three voices of people were ringing back in their ears!*
???: Yeah! Take that!
???: You guys should seriously know when to quit!
*As the blinding brawl was continuing, Kyon was holding onto Mikuru's hand, it was slightly hard to see anything because of the large amount of dust. Just then one of the voice yelled.*
???: Hey heads-up!
*Kyon looked up to see an energy beam come hurdling towards them. Kyon covered Mikuru to protect her from the beam but someone else blocked it. It was a boy, the boy was hard to see, but can still be defined by detail. His hair was fire red, he was wielding a sword, and seemed to be wearing the uniform Kyon was wearing. This kid is a student here? Kyon quickly swished his head looking for the other two, but they were too far away to see.*
Mikuru: It's you again! I knew you would come and save me again!
???: It's not safe here! You have to get out before you get hurt!
Kyon: Wait who are you?
???: A friend... Now hurry and get out of this dust cloud as soon as you can!
*The boy grabbed Kyon and Mikuru and pushed them out of the dust cloud. Haruhi saw both of them and ran up to them.*
Haruhi: Are you okay? What happened in there!? Tell me!
Kyon: Miss Asahina was right, there is a boy in there.
Kyon [Dialogue]: A pushy one at that...
Haruhi: Team! Don't let them get away! We have to capture those three for further interrogation!
Kyon [Dialogue]: Since when have we been a police federation?
Koizumi: Aye aye!
Haruhi: Koizumi! Stay right there! From where your at it's a perfect shot!
Kyon [Dialogue]: And to think. I was gonna have another "normal" day... Wait a minute, where's Nagato!?
*Yuki had jumped inside the dust cloud and began to look at the creatures. She was scanning them for information and hopefully get a look at one of the fighters. The creatures were gone, and the three were gonna make there escape. Being quick, Yuki eventually grabbed one of them, and it was the boy that Kyon and Mikuru heard earlier.*
???: What the!? Guys! I need help here! One of them has got me!
???: Hold on! Be right there!
???: Lemme at em!
*Haruhi was growing impatient of the dust cloud, she used her hand-made, yellow mega-phone, and began to swat the dust away, it began to make a clearing.*
Haruhi: Don't just stand there! Help me out!
*Kyon and Mikuru began to swat away the dust. Kyon used his jacket, while Mikuru tried using her hands. Koizumi kept the camera still, waiting and filming to see who these culprits were. The dust was finally all gone it was revealed.
Yuki was holding onto a boy by his neck using her arm. The boy was holding a sword with a yellow handle, his hair was three spikes, the color of his hair was red but with a yellow dyed center also being used for his thick bangs. His comrades were also the same, one of them had five short spikes and the same color, he held a gun, and the other one had only one large spike and his center was green, he was holding a giant mallet. They were all teenagers wearing the school uniforms for the guys. They looked around seeing the surprised group of Brigade members.*
Kyon [Dialogue]: What in the world...?
???: Ahhh crap...
End of Chapter 2!
Chapter 3 Out Now!!!
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