Haruhi Suzumiya meets DRockNation
"I bet you're all wondering. "What in the world!? DRockNation already made a DRN fanfic. Is he repeating the thing all over again!?" First off, No, I'm not. This is Haruhi Suzumiya meets DRockNation, I flipped around the words, see the difference? Anyways, this is completely new! This fanfic will have a more Haruhi Suzumiya feeling into it, because in my first fanfic... Let's face it... It was CRAP! I promise to everyone that this one is all new, it's based off the first fanfic, but with MUCH more different settings, dialogue and plots, etc etc. I took a class on English and grammar so I should get a few more things done and corrected. I hope you love this as much as I loved writing it! Either way enjoy Haruhi Suzumiya meets DRockNation!"
Chapter 1:
*Kyon began to walk up the large hill that leads to the school, his life couldn't be any more average because of it, and for the fact Haruhi has been pulling his tie more than usual. Sadly, Kyon overslept and had to walk up the hill alone, all the other students who join the walk were already inside the school.*
Kyon [Narration]: It's almost the end of the school year, and the art's festival has been moved to the last day. In order to solute one of the seniors who devoted his time at the school. Since then, it gives everyone a head start to workout and think of what "tradition" they want to use for their classroom. Since everyone has to think of things, the SOS Brigade or the "Do Absolutely Nothing" club had to think of things as well. Knowing Haruhi, she's gonna probably make us do another movie again, probably staring miss Asahina in her ridiculous combat waitress outfit. Speaking of Haruhi, she began to watch more sci-fi shows, and now she believes in people who are from other worlds, it's starting to get ridiculous! I already have to settle with Aliens, time travelers and espers, I'm pretty sure I would loose my mind if we added more "members" to our group of mystery hunters. But there's pretty much nothing I could do to help out with this situation, it all depends if Haruhi WANTS to forget about them or not. Either way, I know I'm going to eat those words soon enough. After I reached the classroom, I saw Haruhi sitting and staring at the door waiting. Lucky for me, I made it into the classroom with five minutes to spare...
Haruhi: Where were you!?
*Haruhi asked angrily.*
Haruhi: You were supposed to be here earlier so we can talk about what were going to do for the arts festival!
Kyon: Shamisen tipped over my alarm clock and it broke, I accidentally woke up late and ran here as fast as I could.
Haruhi: Who?
Kyon: The cat...
Haruhi: Oh yeah... Anyways Kyon I came up with a whole bunch of ideas when I went to sleep last night!
Kyon: Like what?
*Kyon hated the fact that whenever Haruhi had an idea pop in her head, it would cause a large dilemma of abnormal situations. Which would all be resolved by him, Yuki, and Itsuki.*
Haruhi: Okay, like what if we could get the arts and technician club to work together, to make some giant monster for Mikuru to attack!
Kyon: Your really considering to do that idea?
Haruhi: Well of course! We could pretend that the giant monster attacks Mikuru, only because her powers are very powerful and the monster wants to see if it's all true!
Kyon: Do you already realize the budget that would cost? For one thing, the arts and technician club have been rivals because of the high ranking of competition scores. So it's impossible to get them together to make the monster. Secondly, we would have to get someone to do the voice other than stand behind it. If you want the movie to be a huge success then you should know that it costs a lot.
Kyon [Dialogue]: Not to mention you using miss Asahina's body to pay part of the price. Suzumiya should already know by now not to use Mikuru as a toy so much. I don't want to raise my voice like last time...
Haruhi: *groans* You really don't understand the true essence of imagination.
*Haruhi rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.*
Kyon [Dialogue]: If I don't know "The True Essence of Imagination" Then I'm sure Taniguchi should know it."
*Kyon said sarcastically.*
Kyon [Narration]: After class, Haruhi dragged me into the Brigade room again. She had already got all the other Brigade members in as well. While we sat around, Haruhi was thinking. Thinking of every single detail for the second movie. Oh and by the way, we never got the first film published to a DVD. Like usual there was a budget for the DVDs and knowing Haruhi she WOULD wish that money would grow on trees. All was going well until... Haruhi finally got everything figured out...
Haruhi: Okay! Here's what's gonna happen! Yuki has returned to Earth and plans on taking revenge on Mikuru! Summoning thousands of creatures at her might, she sends them attacking Mikuru. but Mikuru is aware of the danger and she tends to fight them off!
Kyon: Wait a minute! Didn't I say that the clubs were fighting each other, too busy to even help us out? And what about the whole budget of the thing? Your not expecting me to pay for it, are you?
Haruhi: Believe it or not! I have my ways! Get this! Last night I saw some mystery show that proved that these weird things that looked liked monsters were all over the place right here! It was even real, because you could see all of them up-close and one of them attacked the camera-man! If we can get a footage of some of those things then maybe we can do some editing to make it look like Mikuru is fighting them! And were not looking for silhouettes of those things, were looking for the real deal! Were going to show that those things exist up close!
*Mikuru gasps, knowing she would be the victim to fight whatever those things were, Kyon had his signature annoyed face, Koizumi sat there smiling, while Yuki was reading away on her book.*
Haruhi: Then it's settled! Today the SOS Brigade is making a sequel to the movie. "The Adventures of Mikuru Asahina!" And find out the creatures that are lurking around the place!
Kyon [Narration]: And just like that, that was when things got from weird to bizarre...
[This is where the opening theme plays. "Bouken Desho Desho" or "Super Driver"]
*After things settled down for Haruhi, she grabbed her filming equipment and ran out the door, to look for those monsters. The other four members followed her.*
Kyon: Koizumi. Are all the things Haruhi said about those monster's going to come true?
*Like before, Kyon hated it when Haruhi said things then it would come true. He was glad that Haruhi didn't have a brain of an over-active child, or else skyscrapers would be turned into bananas and lollipops.*
Koizumi: We shouldn't worry about it too much. Suzumiya does have an enormous power of belief, but I'm sure she'll be okay. But on the other hand, she believes in these monsters. If they are true, then we would be in trouble.
Kyon: Okay. What the hell are you talking about now?
Koizumi: Don't you remember? Suzumiya said that those things attacked the camera man. If these things are real then they will no doubt attack us, since were filming it.
Kyon: Great...
Koizumi: We have to be careful about this. If Suzumiya really believes in these things and they come to life. Then it will be a hard time to convince her when she see's them...
*Kyon sighed just thinking about it. As they walked along, they reached the park, and went out to the distance of the woods, the path was becoming unclear and everything looked the same, it would look too identical that you could get lost in them and that's what it felt like.*
Haruhi: This looks like a great spot!
*Haruhi began to set up the camera and place Mikuru in spot she told her to stay in. Her idea for this scene was that, Mikuru (In her school outfit) was taking a good walk around the forest until a monster appeared and attacked. Mikuru would "fight" the thing and defeat it, she would then grow suspicious of what was going on an continue on with her walk.
The members waited until something would happen, they were so far they even if you yelled with all your might, you could not be heard. As they waited it was getting a bit dark. Mikuru was shaking very scared if they were real or not, she took in a deep breath every thirty seconds to calm herself down. She felt so alone without anyone beside her, all alone in the forest she was showing small tears in her eyes.*
Mikuru: M-Miss Suzumiya... Can we please stop?
*Mikuru was more scared than ever.*
Kyon: Yeah, it's getting dark already. No reason to stay out here anymore.
Haruhi: Your acting like I don't know that!?
*She said bravely.*
Haruhi: That's the entire point! The scene takes place in the nighttime!
Kyon: So your saying that she's going to fight... In the dark...
Haruhi: Exactly, Kyon! Now shush, I hear something coming! Get ready Mikuru! Kyon! Get the camera ready!
Mikuru: Suzumiya! Please stop this! I-I'm so scared!
Kyon [Dialogue]: Remember when your mom or dad always said to you. "There's nothing to be afraid of in the dark?" Well... You might want to say to them... There's always something in the dark to be afraid of!
*Just then, a giant monster with big teeth was behind Mikuru, it crept up behind her, it had huge claws, and torn up wings, it's eyes were blood red, with no pupils, it's entire skin was rough looking and scratched up. Mikuru turned around slowly to see a giant gargoyle monster roaring with immense power. Mikuru screamed like she had never screamed before, it echoed throughout the forest while birds flew off the trees.*
Kyon: What the hell is that thing!?
Koizumi: What Suzumiya believed in...
Haruhi: Woah! Look at the size of that thing!? Mikuru! Attack!
Kyon: Don't be stupid! we have to get her out of there! This is no time to play pretend now Suzumiya! Miss Asahina is in REAL danger!
*The monster reached it's claws and slashed Mikuru. The slash made Mikuru bleed. She fell to the ground crying.*
*Just as the monster was going to finish the job, it felt like time paused in Kyon's perspective.*
Kyon [Dialogue]: Remember when I said that Haruhi also believed in people who came from other dimensions? Well... You might as well believe in them too.
*A large dust cloud covered the monster and Mikuru, it boomed at the right moment before the monster finished it's job. The others were unable to see what was going on.*
Haruhi: This is new!
*Haruhi did not see this coming. While in the mysterious dust cloud, they could hear a sword making swish sounds, gun shots, and booming thunder. Groans, yelps, and puns were circling around the cloud.*
???: Hey are you okay ma'am? Just stand behind me, you'll be alright!
???: What!? You think you're better than me, huh!?
???: Take this! And some of this! Ha! I'm on a roll!
???: Bet you don't feel so lucky! Huh punk!? Because I got your leg!
???: That's my leg!
???: Oh... Sorry pal!
Kyon: What the hell is going on in there?
Haruhi: Out of all the times! Why can't I get footage of this!?
*The monster made a blood curling yell as light-blue squares were flying out of the cloud and into the night sky.*
???: Your okay now ma'am... Were done here men, let's move move move!
???: You don't have to say it three times you know?
*Three figures jumped out of the fading cloud and vanished. When the dust settled, they saw Mikuru in one piece, not harmed, and her wound was suddenly gone. She looked at the others with a blank stare.*
Kyon: Miss Asahina are you okay!? What happened!?
Mikuru: Kyon... I was saved! I'm so glad I'm safe!
Haruhi: What did you see in there?
Mikuru: Well... The monster almost attacked me, but then there was this boy... And and he saved me! Then two other men came and got rid of him, after that they ran away. And that's all I can remember...
Koizumi: Interesting...
Kyon: [Narration]: Just who were these guys? And what was that thing? I wonder if Nagato knows about this? I would ask her now but it's getting late, and I'll let her think about it. After another fail of shooting a scene, Nagato lead the way back, we were only two miles away from the park, which is utterly amazing if you ask me. For a forest that makes everything sound proof, it does a good job at it. When I finally got home, I wanted nothing else to do but go to sleep for today. I'll think about all of this tomorrow... I have to get as much sleep as I can for the next day. Tomorrow, I'll figure out everything and what is going on.
*Kyon closed his eyes turned off the lights and went to sleep.
Meanwhile outside on top of a building roof...*
???: I don't believe it. The entire place is infested with them...
???: Then what do we do?
???: The same thing we do every time we go into a new world... Get rid of every creature until were done.
???: Stealing my lines?
???: Well someone had to do it.
???: I hope this world can cooperate with what were dealing with.
???: Pfft, hope? These people are gonna have to go to therapy after were done here...
End of chapter 1!!!
Chapter 2 out now!!!
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