Haruhi Suzumiya meets DRockNation:
Chapter 4.
*Kyon let's Dac, Rick, and Kurtis inside the house so they can discuss the situation in hand. Dac was explaining to Kyon, while Rick was smoking a bubblegum cigarette and Kurtis was playing with Kyon's pet cat, Shamisen.*
Dac: Like I said before we are three people from another world sent to fight these "mysterious" creatures you just saw.
Kyon: So tell me. What's going on?
Dac: There called Creatures, and just Creatures. They were made by a madman known as Vixion Sevivon.
Kyon: Who's Vixion?
Dac: He was once an inventor, but the committee refused all of his ideas. All his ideas contained using a thing called "data" A large force of energy that comes from almost everything, sort of like mass, atoms, or DNA. But then one crucial day, Vixion had invented the creatures, during that time they were able to go to different worlds and collect enough data to make an ultimate weapon that can annihilate an entire dimension with one blow! This made the committee of inventors mad and threw him out. Frustrated, Vixion made dozens of creatures to go out and seek revenge on every world on his sight, the creatures are mechanical-monsters that only have a craving to destroy and collect whatever they see. According to reports, the creatures were based off Vixion's nightmares. Creatures went around terrorizing the worlds until we came in.
Our job is to protect the innocent from these things and make sure they never hurt anyone again. The things that Vixion wants is Data and just Data.
Kyon: What is this data thing your talking about?
Dac: Data are light blue squares that is necessary to protect your world from the dangers of the creatures. When we destroy a creature it releases Data, the Data then makes a large barrier covering your entire dimension to protect it from the invasion. Once all Creatures are destroyed the barrier will be complete, therefore no more creatures can access the world we just saved.
Kyon: You guys are completely out of your mind. And even if you are the saviors of dimensions then why the heck did they choose you three?
Dac: We were sent to fight the creatures because it's been our life's mission. Ever since we were born, the three of us were born with unnatural powers. For example. Rick can slow down time with a blink of an eye. Kurtis can enlarge the mallet he holds. As for me, well, I haven't figured it out yet...
Kyon [Narration]: Rick can slow down time? I wonder what miss Asahina would say? If Kurtis can make things grow bigger, than he could have a little too mush fun there; for all I know he could be brain damaged. As for Dac, he seems perfectly fine enough not to even have a power. I know how that's like, everyone else gets cool powers but us normal people have to sit around and watch, good for you, Dac. Stay strong.
Kyon: Where are these creatures anyways? There not out destroying things already right? And are they in other countries?
Dac: Creatures would rather attack whenever they want to. They can attack anyone or anything they sense and see. But when they sense were around, they'll hide until they can't sense us and decide to attack someone else. Creatures are always after one primary source, something that holds everything together in a world. And whatever the source is it has a huge critical effect only here. Every creature is in this spot of your city no other places.
Kyon: Great, more torture for us.
Dac: I'm not so sure why every creature is here but they're looking for something. Something powerful. And not just powerful but something that controls the world. But don't worry too much, as long as were on the job, will make sure this world will never be in the clutches of Vixion!
Kyon: I have a weird feeling I know what source there looking for...
Dac: You do?
Kyon: It's Suzumiya. She's the ones the creatures are probably after. Believe me when I say this but, if there are many other worlds out there then, Haruhi is our god here. She is able to change things to whatever she wants, and almost a lot of things change each day. Whenever she gets mad, this thing called closed space happens, it's hard for me to explain but just believe me when i say that Haruhi is the one you should be after.
Rick: So talking to you was a big waste of time?
Kyon: I can only look at myself as the chore boy of the Brigade room. I'm also known to the others to be Haruhi's chill pill. From what I remember, Haruhi can't be allowed to know that the supernatural exists right in front of her. If she does then that means bad stuff will happen.
Kyon [Dialogue]: Many bad things...
*Kyon had a quick flashback of all the bad things happened when Haruhi's moods changed. He remembered when he was stuck in closed space with Haruhi.*
Rick: Wait a sec, weren't we the ones explaining stuff?
Kyon: By any chance are you three brothers? And what's with the red hair?
Dac: Were not brothers, were all best friends here. In earlier times we lost a bet and we had to dye our hair red! The yellow and green streaks were our option.
*Dac gives a little smile of humiliation.*
Rick: It was a pathetic sight. But then later on, kinda liked it.
Kyon: So I see you guys are wearing the uniforms for our school.
Dac: These? We wore them to keep ourselves secret from the students so we can keep a close eye on everything else. I think of them as a costume for camouflage purposes.
Kyon: Are you going to take that deal with Suzumiya you said earlier? If you do destroy these things, then will you join the club? Or did you just lie and have your fingers crossed?
Dac: I always keep my promises. But now that I know that Suzumiya is our prime objective to keep your world safe. Then I'm canceling the offer and joining your club immediately tomorrow. I'll be able to keep a closer eye on her.
Kyon: What about these two?
Rick: I'd rather not go. Too stupid. And will be right there if Dac needs us.
Kyon [Dialogue]: I feel like I'm being watched by the government when these guys are around.
Dac: I'll see you tomorrow at the Brigade room. I'm sure that Haruhi will use me for your "movie" So I'm gonna give it all I got.
Kyon: I think you answered all my questions so far. I guess I will see you tomorrow.
Dac: Come on guys. Let's get going.
Rick: Come on let's go cone head.
Kurtis: But I'm still playing with the kitty!
*Dac, Rick, and Kurtis leave Kyon's house.*
Kyon [Narration]: Three men set out to destroy creatures made by some mad scientist because he had nothing better to do than destroy other worlds. Why do I feel like I'm playing a horribly made game? Since it was night time there was nothing better to do except fall asleep and wake up the next day.
Aliens, Time Travelers, Espers, Gods, and now people from other worlds. Damn you Haruhi. Why did you make my life more harder than it is? This is the part where I go insane yelling for my life, but I'm too tired to do that now. But hey, if those three finish their duties soon, then no more people from other worlds for a while right? I think I'll let this slip my mind until tomorrow.
*Kyon turns off the lights and goes to sleep.
The next day it was morning, and Kyon walked up the tremendous, agonizing hill again.
Kyon [Narration]: While I had the time to sleep, I'm already coming to the conclusion that having Dac around in the brigade might not be so bad. For one thing, an extra boy is added to the club, now were all equal, three girls and now three guys. And the second fact, Dac is supposed to be a strong guy, then maybe if the computer club shows up again, Dac can just chase them away. This seems alright to me.
After I reached the classroom, I decided to ignore Haruhi because she was asleep and it wasn't the best idea to wake her up and tell her the good news. I'll just let her know by herself, that Dac is going to be part of the craziness and never ending hell of the SOS Brigade. When Haruhi amazingly fell asleep throughout the entire period, she woke up and we went to the clubroom again.
Haruhi: I'm starting to get worried.
Kyon: What's going on?
Haruhi: If Dac is going to join or not. Those creatures could be all over the place and by the time he's done getting rid of them all, there won't be enough left for us to film!
Kyon: That's it? If I were you I would just drop it and forget all about it.
Haruhi: I guess your right.
Kyon [Dialogue]: Even in worries she's still greedy.
*Haruhi opens the door to see, Yuki, Mikuru, Koizumi, and Dac waiting for them.*
Haruhi: Dac? What are you doing here?
Dac: Haruhi. I decided to cancel the deal.
Haruhi: WHAT?!
*Haruhi took it the wrong way thinking he didn't want to do the deal, therefore not joining the Brigade. Haruhi was starting to get furious.*
Dac: I've decided to immediately join the Brigade.
Haruhi: Woah! Are you serious!?
Dac: Every word.
Haruhi: This is great!
*Haruhi dashes to her desk, took out a marker and an armband and began to write on it. Dac looked confused, and curious what she was doing.*
Haruhi: Dac Hakusho. Congratulations! Welcome to club!
*Haruhi hands Dac the armband written ""SOS団のメンバー" Which meant, SOS Brigade Member. Mikuru happy about the good news begins to cheer.*
Haruhi: Now get acquainted with your new members while I get ready for filming for our next scene!
*Dac looks around and sees the four other Brigade members. Just then Mikuru tapped Dac's shoulder.*
Mikuru: Let me get you some tea!
Dac: Oh, um thanks!
Koizumi: Glad your part of the team Hakusho! I'm Itsuki Koizumi.
Dac: Nice to meet you.
*Dac smiles. Nagato looks at Dac with a stare then looks back at her book. Yuki was still unsure about Dac and was planning to inspect his data thought integration later. Mikuru brings six cups for everyone.*
Mikuru: Here you go!
*Mikuru smile brightly at Dac as she handed him a cup. She then handed a cup to Kyon, but being clumsy she tripped and almost fell on the floor, but in a quick flash and in a blink of an eye, Dac caught Mikuru and the cup of hot tea that was almost going to splash in Kyon's face.*
Dac: You okay?
Mikuru: I'm fine. Thank you!
*Mikuru smiled while blushing at Dac. Dac smiled and blushed back at her. After a second or two Dac put Mikuru back on her feet.*
Kyon [Dialogue]: Hey buddy, I don't care if your new to this club, but keep your hands off her! I think I'm getting more second thoughts why this kid shouldn't be here...
Haruhi: Okay guys! I'm ready! Now let's get filming!
Dac: Right. Filming.
*Dac said in a type of monotone voice.*
Koizumi:You sure you can handle what were about to be doing. And I hope you explained everything to Kyon?
Dac: I've faced worse. And don't worry I did.
Kyon [Dialogue]: Was this all planned out!?
Kyon: Koizumi what the hell?! Did you tell Dac what's going on?
Koizumi: A little... But I would rather not tell you.
Kyon [Dialogue]: The world. The world is against me!
Haruhi: Just for Dac I think I'll start off with the easy stuff. Will do the action stuff later. Now let's get moving!
End of Chapter 4!
Chapter 5 Out now!!!
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