Death... Distruction... Pain... Darkness...
The world trembled at his feet. The Dragon Lord. A black beast with silver eyes who ravaged this world until it threatened to break. Countless people died at his claws, the fire from his throat scorched the beautiful forests. Perched high upon a mountain, he looked down at the smoldering villiage that had appeared while he had been asleep. A small form caught his eye, moving against the rocks. A low growl eminated from deep in his throat. Who dared to mock him? To come up in his presence knowing full well they would be killed. His silver eyes narrowed as a woman, dressed in white stepped out around the rocks.
Blood ran down her dress, staining it a beautiful dark color. She clutched to the rock for support. "Oh Great Lord." She called, though her voice trembled. She was answered with another growl from the beast. "I must beg you to leave." Laughter filled his chest. This woman was pleading for the lives that he had already distroyed. "To leave this world and never return" Ah... so that is what she wanted. He lowered his head, humoring her, until it was level with her. Her green eyes were wide with terror, though her mouth was set in determination. "And you give yourself in final feast to me?" the woman swollowed and nodded her head, her long brown locks falling into her face. "Aye." His silver eyes flashed. This woman was giving herself in vein. He would never leave, nor would he allow this woman to leave now. In a swift forward motion his teeth ripped through her. She let out a gasp, then died. He dropped the poor creature, her body landing limply. It was then he noticed the patterns that engraved her skin. His anger flooded him. He had been fooled. The woman sacrificed herself to lock him away. Her blood upon him, he was cursed. His wings arched as he took off from the ground.
That evening... the curse took hold of the mighty dragon. Reduced to nothing more then human himself. Pale skin, soft unlike his black armor, dark hair that fell into his silver eyes. No more could he fly the dark sky filled with the smoke of fire below. THe worse part? He couldn't rid himself of the soft skin. There was no option of dying. He had tried it many of times. The years went on, and he remained the same. Stuck as a human in a slowly building world. He watched as towers were erected that he would have distroyed. The human race began to swell into numbers that were remarkable. Citys packed full of the flee infested flesh. And he, the dragon that everyone feared, lost in the crowd of faces.
[[pm to continue. I'm looking for someone who can play a firy woman who looks close to the woman that trapped him in a human body. Any time period that you would like, any area that you would prefer. Any questions? Feel free to ask.]]