High above the world rested many children with wings. It was a beautiful place to live filled with beautiful people who all sang beautifully. There were no flaws as the winged children of God worked to keep heaven beautiful. It was an honor to be an angel. It sure beat being a human. Humans were dirty creatures that killed, attacked, raped, beat, abused, ran from, feared, and loathed each other. However, the human race had something that heaven didn't. Love. Of course angels cared, but love was different. Love had highs and lows and wasn't predictable. Was it wrong to want what these vile creatures had?
"Ziel" a voice called, pulling the young boy from his day dreams. "You have work to do." The angel stood in white, his dark hair neatly groomed, his dark eyes upon the blond boy. Ziel rubbed the back of his head, one of his blue eyes closing with his embarrassment. "Sorry Ariel." He moved and hurried to the water gardens of Gabriel. They were beautiful, as was everything else, but for some reason it always took his breath away. Though the garden the sound of water giggled around him while the plants whispered in the absences of wind. He walked over to the pond where he was to draw water from and water all the plants in the garden. He looked down and was taken aback by the picture within the still water. People, humans. moving around. However, it wasn't the normal pictures of humans. They weren't writhing in pain or in filth. It was a grassy area, not nearly as beautiful as Gabriel's garden, but... it was pretty in it's own way. A few trees, but the people were the most interesting of all. They were all, laughing, playing, talking with each other. It was, something he had never seen. He leaned forward, watching with interest. He was over the water so far that his nose almost touched the water. His knee pushed against a piece of soft moss and he slipped, falling head long into the water.
However, he didn't get wet. Wind forced it's way through his hair as he fell and fell and fell. Head over heals in blue nothingness. His eyes pinched shut as he tried to get his wings to work, but they refused. Then suddenly it all stopped. Something soft was under him. He opened his eyes to only close them once more. The light above him was so bright. He opened them slowly this time, sounds finally coming into focus around him. Something like a beast bark but it was metallic, then laughter, the sound of birds cooing softly overhead. He sat up and looked around. There were people all around him. It took him a moment to realize that he was in the area he had seen in Gabriel's pool. He stood slowly, looking over the area, his white clothes seemed slightly out of place to everyone that was around him, but no one really seemed to notice him.
Ziel stepped forward, taking a breath in, and was choked by stale air filled with toxins that he didn't recognize. He breathed out and slightly in trying to get used to it. He stepped forward, his bare feet moving on the grass that pricked his feet. A grey river stood between him and a black one that was filled with large beasts. The one that had heard before. They were different colors and different sizes with people sitting within them as they moved on the black river. He was lost in the sure wonder of it. Never had he seen anything like that before. Suddenly pain wrapped the back of his head as something came in contact with it. The force of it knocking him forward.