"Zaphekial, one of the seven thrones of heaven. You are charged with treason against heaven, consorting with the enemy, countless sins of the flesh, and lying tongues. Do you confess unto God of your sins?" The booming male voice around him made him dizzy with the black scarf over his eyes. He rose his head, poud as an angel was a smile playing upon his lips. "Hell waits for those who call heaven their own." There was silence around him, "Bold words..." A softer, more feminin voice that had more of an effect upon him than the other. He felt his heart pierced at her voice. The barrel of a human gun touched the back of his head. "Your astral powers stripped from you." the male voice spoke again, "You will die as a human. God shall be your judge."
Zack sat up in bed, sweat beading on his face making his long black hair stick to him. He hadn't worn a shirt to bed and he had slept ontop of his sheets. The ending to a drunken night. He bent, putting his forhead on his knees. It hadn't been the first time he had, had that dream. The voices getting more and more real to him with each dream. Most of the time, when he drank, the dreams wouldn't come, but that wasn't the case this time. The door opened and a young woman stepped into the room.

The pounding of his horse's hooves blocked out most sound. Kasume was in trouble. The princess had given him the slip once again. He could fight off the largest enemy, defend the king and his army, but the princess was someone that always seemed to slip though his fingers, and she never really hid in the same place. That made it difficult to find her after she took of yet again. He pulled his horse to a stop and it reared for a moment before falling back. He was in the forest. This was her favorite place to hide. He had found her several times here. She never went too far off the path and there was fresh hoof prints in the dirt along with tiny shoe prints. She had gotten off here.
Climbing off of his horse he made his way into the shrubs leaving his horse tied to a tree. The sound of water in a stream wasn't far off. He would check there first. He got closer and closer and finally there was an opening to where the stream had flowed out into a small pond before flowing back out and down. Their was a woman there... it was the princess. He let out a sigh of relife of having found her. He stepped out, hands on his hips, "Princess...." He said, his voice slightly irritated.
Climbing off of his horse he made his way into the shrubs leaving his horse tied to a tree. The sound of water in a stream wasn't far off. He would check there first. He got closer and closer and finally there was an opening to where the stream had flowed out into a small pond before flowing back out and down. Their was a woman there... it was the princess. He let out a sigh of relife of having found her. He stepped out, hands on his hips, "Princess...." He said, his voice slightly irritated.

"I am an angel of the lord. The one true lord of our world. I am a messanger. I am to help my father's fallen children. I am Castiel."
"Go, the Lord wishes for this one to be saved." Castiel was upon one knee as he listened to the higher angel. "How will I find this human?" He asked quietly, his head still bent towards the ground. "The world shall align in (pick a city and country). When the clock tower tolls six times, they will be shown unto you." Questions arose within Castiel. 'Would it be that simple to find this person? Would this human be placed within his care? Or... would it be too late?' However, he voiced none of these questions. He was an angel after all. He was to show complete faith. He rose to his feet, his wings spreading forth. "I shall do as the lord commands." He said before bowing his head once more.
Now angels could be seen by the human eye and be heard, if the angel wished for it. However, the problem with that was, the sight of an angel in his or her true form would burn the very eyes out of your sockets. Their voice, unbridled by sound would create the most horrid of sounds. Castiel took upon him, a vessle. The young man was twenty-four. He had light brown hair that normally was brushed back from his golden eyes. However, when Castiel took over him, is posture changed. Stiff and straight, he ran a hand though his combed hair, making it fall into the golden eyes. With this body, he would find the one he needed to protect.
He knew nothing of the person he was to protect. He didn't even know if it was a man or a woman. The people that walked around this time were scattered, the majority tucked away within their homes cooking dinner. There was a few people here and there, but no one made eyecontact with him, and if they did, it was for only a moment before hurring off. The bell tolls drew his attention up to the clock tower. The one he was to protect at all costs would be here... should be here....

The woman's words made Cain's stomach still spin, even hours after the fact. After her final words, she seemed to pass out. It was really weird. Cain and his sister had gotten up and joined their friends. They asked what the woman had said. Cain gave a breif discription, never being the one to over dramatise something. He had always been the kind of person that would sit in the background and watch his tomboy of a sister take the lead. She, on the other hand, was mad at the fact the woman had said that her beloved brother would have a black heart. She said that the woman was full of crap. Still sceptical, Cain remained silent as her and their friends laughted. "Oh!" one of the girls chimed in, "It's you and Cain's birthday tomorrow, isn't it?" She said brightly. "Want to party with us?" Cain smiled, "What do you think sis? Sound like fun?"