"TADA! The next transporter, .6 seconds faster then the other modles!" Takami rolled his eyes, "So you gunna let me try it?" His father's eyes lit up, "OH yes yes! Hop in!" The machine wirred and a light appeared above his head as he stepped into the portal. With a flash there was suddenly nothing around him. He blinked to clear his vision. There was trees...all around him... there wasn't a building in sight... The sky was actually blue as aposed to the gray masses that covered the sky at home.... He looked around, "Ho-ly s**t..."
[[Tamaki is from the future and has been sent backwards, you choose when he lands]]

Takami held her in his arms until she stopped crying and fell asleep. He was used to her coming over like this. He lived alone and she lived with her dad. Her dad was a raging drunk and would take out everything on her. She would come over to his house, even when they were little kids. They had been the best of friends sense day one. He had never kissed a girl because she was the only one he felt was right for him. However, he was scared that because of her father and of their history together, she wouldn't accept him. So for the time being... he was happy holding her while she slept

Night knew how that battle was going to end. Heaven lay in tatters at hell's feet. Someone had come to bandage him during the fight, but fled for their life. He continued to fight blindly, hoping, praying, that he would be killed before she reached him. She... the thought of her brought up memories as vivid as a sun set. She was his love, his companion for eturnity... But she had turned her back against heaven one day. Not understanding fully what had happened, she was gone. He didn't know where she was untill that one fatefull day. He was on earth, watching over the humans, and there she was... her wings dyed black. He moaned slightly in pain as he struggled to get to his feet in the battle feild.

Kira sighed as the train rattled along, looking down at her. They had been so close for so long, but one day she just took off. He finally found her. She had been on the streets. She looked like she had been though hell itself. When he called to her, she turned her head, her eyes unreconizable. He wanted to take her to a hospital... but that was out of the question. She wasn't exactly human. He didn't know what she was. She had always hid it from him. She had fallen asleep next to him, Her head falling to his shoulder. He wasn't going to let her go... no matter what had happened.

Cain flushed slightly as she took the controller from his hands. She had always been more agressive then he had and because he was so shy she made him uneasy. He loved her company more then anything, but he just couldn't seem to say or do anything right. She would tease him because of it. He wished he could be more... of a man in terms... then maybe one day she might like him back...

Cain's eyes softened as she placed her hands upon his face. "Congradulations." She whispered, "I'm so glad you won." He wanted to reach out and touch her as well, "Princess..." And she bent in to kiss him-- He woke up with the sound of someone yelling at him. He sat up and grumbled slightly. If only they could have waited one more moment. He got up and streched. It was just a dream... It couldn't change reality. She was a princess... he was just a servent. His dreams had been filled recently by the upcoming jousting matches. Who ever won recived a kiss from the princess... but only knights could enter. He sighed as he began to do his daily chores

Night tossed the bag down at the king's feet. The king bent and opened it, looking in to make sure that what he wanted was in the bag. A metal sculpture of an angel, her face turned upwards to the sky. "She's beautiful." The king murmured. Night rolled his eyes, "You going to give me what you promised?" He asked, holding out his hand. The king smiled and called to one of his guards, "Show Mr. Night to his reward." The guard hit him over the back of the head before he could do anything else.
Next thing he knew he was laying out in the middle of the forest. He cursed, that king was a b*****d, he knew he shouldn't have taken his word. He stood and dusted himself off. His silver eyes flashed, "Guess I'll just have to take something more valuble to the king then gold."