Age: Differentiates between ages 14-19-20s (Actual age: 56 cool
Weapons: Twin Calibur Guns (later on)
Race: Vampire
Past: Grown up as a slave his mother passed away due to being murdered on the streets. His father left his mother after he was born. Growing up a pure breed of vampire blood he realized he was different from the others. More powerful. He figured that out as he got older, learning things from the mortals and other slaves he joined in the streets as he as young. Time passed and he became a well known man, soon settling in a home ordered by a master who uses him as a weapon to protect the land. His life has turned around making it better, his personality has stayed the same, sadistic in killings and longing for battle. Besides changing his age he can also morph into a dog like creature, known to be a hellhound.
Face at age: 12
Face at age: 19
Slave: Sold
Character name: Aiden (Original)
Age: 568 (Looks about 21)
Bio: I am a Male vampire, one of the most enhanced creatures you will ever set your eyes on, that is if I haven’t ripped them out of your sockets. I ‘only joke’ as the humans say. -laughs- I wish to greet you in the upmost formal way and I look forward to the time we spend, whether it is watching you scream till your throat burns, or having evening tea. -bows, with a devilish smirk- My defenses consist of pure lust for blood and motivation.
Likes: Some mortals, seeing mortals in agony, taunting others, a beautiful moon, and good battle, blood
Dislikes: Annoying people, those who kill without meaning, belittles other vampires who seem pathetic in abilities and actions
Race: Vampire
Powers: My strength is strong enough to physically rip humans apart. My speed is immense; I can pass through walls, and move up vertical surfaces. My other dark powers consist of shape shifting into various forms of demonic dogs and amorphous masses of darkness. I am immune or resistant to sunlight. I Do Not, I repeat, Do Not Sparkle, if you think so or ask why I do not, I will surly kill you. I may seem invincible like my father Vlad the Impaler, but I have one flaw, -smirk- you just have to find it.
Weapons: I hold two twin caliber handguns on me

He can change his appearance, but remain the same in his mind.
[Aged some more]
[Character Name]
Pip Bernadotte
Pip prefers to use mines, grenades, automatic weapons, and intelligence as his weapons. Anything to keep his opponent from closing, and any dirty trick he can find to get an advantage in combat. Honor is achieving your mission objectives, not how you achieve them. While pip regularly fights with dirty tricks and captured opponent weapons, there are a handful of guns he has a distinct preference for.His main gun is an early production AK-74 with full wooden butt stock and Speznaz flash hider, caliber 5.45mm Russian. This is an old, old gun and while it was well cared for, the age shows. The wear on the stock matches Pip's preferred hold for the gun, and there's a long groove along the left of the barrel caused by a close call in a firefight. Furthermore the aim's a bit off, it tends to shoot a bit to the right, but Pip corrects for this nearly automatically when using it. In fact, he considers that an advantage, since his left eye is his good one, so it's easier to aim.His sidearm is a 1873 Colt Single Action Army, "Quick draw" chambered in .45 Long Colt. This gun is similarly old, and well used and he can occasionally pull off trick shots, and ricochets with it. He won this gun in a bet with a friend.
Pip Bernadotte has an effervescent personality and flamboyant style when he's in a peace time situation. He's often described as 'childish'. He's the sort of man who would hire an 'escort' and forget her name in the morning. He's also the sort of man who chokes down a free fish and chips offered by a waitress despite detesting fish and chips just to not hurt her feelings.Despite his childish nature, his distant politeness with strangers, and his all-too-close familiarity with those he considers his friends in battle and operations he drops his light hearten mannerisms and either dons a mask, or removes one depending on what part you consider his true nature. He never loses his charisma but he becomes a calculating man, able to figure out the cost in effort, material and human lives of various situations. Then he can give them a dollar value. And then he can find ways to reduce the price.
Because above and beyond all else Pip is a man who kills for money. He doesn't murder, murder is a sloppy affair with emotions, desires, and causes tangled into things. He just kills with no more emotion then a mild satisfaction at a job well done, and some adrenal response in a particularly tense situation.
[Biography]Pip Bernadotte was born to a long line of mercenaries. His father was a mercenary, his grandfather was a mercenary, his great grandfather was a mercenary. When his mother was pregnant with him his father took a risky contract in columbia in an effort to make a big enough nest egg to take care of them for a few years. His father died there, and pip was raised by his grandfather as well as his mother.
Because of his faimly's history the young and sensitive pip was the frequent victim of teasing from his schoolmates but if the barbs hurt, they hurt less when his grandfather reassured him that it was something the family was proud of, even if others did not understand. Still, the first time Pip truly entered combat as a paid mercenary, he was uncertain. He did not know if he really wanted to kill. But with his grandfather's training everything came as a reflex. His hands hardly shook, his shots rang true, and he found cover before bullets found him.
On the battlefield Pip learned one truth. Killing was easy, it could happen in the blink of the eye. And further, killing changed little. Snuffing out a human life, with all of it's momentous complexity was as easy as pressing a button, and mattered about as much to the world at large. There was no bolt of thunder from the sky. There was no bellow of an angry god demanding that he repent his sin. There wasn't even guilt.
Pip never quite learned to understand those who fought for a cause. They made him distinctly uncomfortable to fight against, or alongside. Over time Pip's fame grew, and he made friends, fellow mercenaries who were killers, not murderers. Together they leveraged their collective skills to get better rates for their contracts. At first this was informal, just a way to make ends meet a bit better, but eventually they decided to formalize the arrangement.

[Other] A very laid back man when not in battle. [He loves his hat]
[Laid back soldier]
Anything else you'd like to add. Pip is a womanizing Frenchman who travels. Initially portrayed as an experienced mercenary but a narrow-minded, shallow, perverted man whose sole pursuit was that of gaining money, he later reveals a soft side, morals, some romance, and disinterested bravery. Pip is also a compulsive smoker, and is shown with a cigarette in his mouth more often than not. And likes a good hunt for vampires.