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Poems, BS, & Other Things From My Twisted Mind!
This is poems, rhymes, and random things from my mind. PM, comment if U like. READ THEM ALL U MIGHT JUST LOVE THEM!!
False Face
The moment I wake up
I put on my mask,
I walk through the day
with a smile on my face.
I see all those people with their perfect lives
and I just smile,
even I want to cry.
I hide my feelings,
I don't want them to see my pain.
I pretend to be strong
even inside I'm weak.
I live day by day
with a false smile on my face.
People think that I'm really happy
but the truth is that I'm so empty.
My only wish is to find a place,
a place where I belong,
I don't want to be alone,
any more.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 10:36am
Reminds me of a manga called 'Kare Kano'. The main character of that comic seemed to go through the same sort of pain.

I think we all feel like this at one point or another. I always feel fake when I act around friends sometimes, because I'm afraid that my normal self would just be 'boring' or 'depressing'. It's a normal emotion.

commentCommented on: Sat Mar 06, 2010 @ 05:11am
Nice little poem thinger.

Mantangables Revenge
Community Member
User Comments: [2] [add]
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