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Poems, BS, & Other Things From My Twisted Mind!
This is poems, rhymes, and random things from my mind. PM, comment if U like. READ THEM ALL U MIGHT JUST LOVE THEM!!
The Wizard is there laughing taunting.
Putting me down at every turn.
He lives in my minds eye.
Playing with a different skull each time.
I try to smoke him away, pop the pills to get rid of him but he is there always, dissing, putting me down.
His body cloaked in black robes, torn and tattered.
Yet all you see of his face is blackness, pearly white fangs and those demonic glowing red eyes.
His laughter echoes in my mind, driving me to my knees, making me beg him to go.
I met him face to face once.
He is the harbinger of those addicts that passed his doors.
His floor covered in skulls of the addicts that have past way.
He dances with them, and plays with them, talks to them.
He wants me but I’m just his friend he can drive to the point of craziness.
Screw him he wants my soul he’ll have to fight for it bitches.

His home covered in skulls.
His throne made of skulls,
His life filled with the skulls of the dead addicts.
Watch your back.
He’ll take you and play with you until someone new comes a long that catches his attention.
Right now that is me. I’m his drug of choice now.
Always there, never leaving, never changing, always picking on me, putting me down.
He will never leave tell he gets what he wants.
ME! My soul, and my skull to play with.


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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 11:09am
If I'm not mistaken, The Wizard is a metaphor for addiction. Once you get ensnared, you can never escape. He continues to haunt you, no matter if you try to take the pills and smoke him away, he continues to taunt.

This is my favorite so far. I really feel your word choice and sentence structure here is really strong.

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