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View User's Journal

Poems, BS, & Other Things From My Twisted Mind!
This is poems, rhymes, and random things from my mind. PM, comment if U like. READ THEM ALL U MIGHT JUST LOVE THEM!!
Hidden Garden
What you see isn't what they see
you see beauty in a hidden garden of thorns and vines
they see death and decay, destruction in one thing.
you see all things hidden, good, pure, and untouched.
they see a shell of nothing, just ugliness, and unwanted
you open up that which is hidden behind thorns and vines
those creepers that cover all and hide it all
you see what hides in that destructive soul
opening up the shell of it all
cutting your self from the vines and thorns,
unleashing the beauty, the art, that hidden goodness with in
you with the magical eyes and power to bring out the good
in that hidden garden of vines and thorns
thank you for releasing the power and art that was shackled
for years deep with in it all unused
hidden.... in the hidden garden

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