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View User's Journal

Poems, BS, & Other Things From My Twisted Mind!
This is poems, rhymes, and random things from my mind. PM, comment if U like. READ THEM ALL U MIGHT JUST LOVE THEM!!
Hades and I
God of darkness
Hades my friend...
Fulfill my sadness...
tell me what you know...
And change it into Happiness....
Darkness surrounding us...
whisper to me those secrets you hold...
By the use of anger and madness...
we see eye to eye..
Take me with you...
share it all..
Because I want to be with you...
And change the world...
to the way we like it...
To seek out that new world of Darkness.
Together we will walk...
Together we will talk...
Together we will stand side by side ...
surveying what we want...
Among the rest of the Land of the Underworld...
they will fear us..
scream in pain at their torture...
writhing in the pits and never to be released.
nothing for them but the Pits.

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