Name: Rai
Age: Unknown
Weapon: Swords and knives
Rai is the stoic swordsman.He is very sarcastic and mean (always calls Konoe a "stupid cat" wink .Occassionally, he is taken over by "madness" and goes berserk. His tattoo on his chest is the like the markings Konoe and Rai have.
Race: Cat Demon/Bounty Hunter
&a href="" target="_blank"&<img src="" border="0" alt="Rai ish a devil thing! 0.0 Pictures, Images and Photos"/>&/a&
&a href="" target="_blank"&<img src="" border="0" alt="^_^~ Konoe Pictures, Images and Photos"/>&/a&
Name: Konoe
Age: Unknown
Weapons: Sword-named Scimitar
Due to changes on his body, he’s forced to leave the village he lived in and embarks on a journey alone. He seems to be a loner, though he lived in a village he seldom have contacts with the other village. He was cursed as his body continued the change on his journeys with Rai who he met and Asato as well as he traveled. The markings on his forearm and wrists are able to make him turn into a demonic form, just like Rai when he goes into 'Madness' His horns wrap around his head neatly.They are black and pointed at the end, his eyes glow red.
Race: Cat Demon
&a href="" target="_blank"&<img src="" border="0" alt="Konoe Pictures, Images and Photos"/>&/a&
&a href="" target="_blank"&<img src="" border="0" alt="asato Pictures, Images and Photos"/>&/a&
Name: Asato
Age: Unknown
Weapons:Sword and Scabbard
His looks does give the impression of a wilder nature. He’s armed with a sword and his scabbard is sling over his shoulder and rest on his back. He wore a bandage around his right arm and an armband on the left. The clothing quite suite his more secluded nature. He also have a nice tattoo on his left bicep. He's kind of a goof ball at times, but when serious he is relaxed(sometimes tense) and gets the job done.
&a href="" target="_blank"&<img src="" border="0" alt="Lamento Pictures, Images and Photos"/>&/a&
--------Fun with Images---------

Rai vs Asato


