Chapter 3
We let a day pass before I was healed. We healed a lot faster then most people so I was ready to go. We had packed up food and supplies for about a week and met on the roof.
"Alright thieves litsen up!" I said addressing the rest of my coven. "Are mission is the mission/breakout of our friends. Failure is no where near an option. There is only one condtion. Don't allow yourself to get captured or die!"
I nodded to myself liking the speech. Best one I'd ever come up with. The others thought so cause they nodded or smiled at me. I turned and bent over fastening the straps on my roller blades. "Thieves let's rock!" I yelled jumping off the roof landing on the ground with a soft jolt. I imedaitely took off not bothering to see if they were following me.
I jumped into the air grinding on a rail. Rogue zoomed past me following the trail we took yesterday. We made it to the building and defying gravity skated up the walls. Don't ask how. From the top Rogue scanned the building looking for the trail of the helicopter.
"Well?" I asked starting to get impaitent.
"Found them" he said grinning. He jumped off the building us following him. Don't worry Flare, Ray, Faint. We're coming to save you.
Faint was shoved back into her cell roughly. She was covered with brusies. She was alone in her cell. When they brought her here, wherever that was, and was seperated from Flare and X-Ray. She didn't even know if they were together.
What she did know was that this wasn't the police. These guys were some kinda crazy scientist. They kept testing her like some sort of lab rat! Made her run through mazes and if she failed she was eletrocuted. They tested how she reacted to pain and hadn't fed her in the past few days. They kept asking questions about the others but she never answered.
She crawled into the corner of her cell and wrapped her arms around her knees, her pendent held tightly in her hands and for the first time in years she cried. She cried for Flare. For X-Ray. For herself. All the while she begged for Phase to find her.
"Phase" she whispered to herself tears streaking her face. "Please come find me"
The trail of this mother f*cking helicopter went on and on and freaking on! We stopped once or twice on the way for food and bathroom breaks. We stopped again as the sun was starting to sink.
"Hey Rogue how far away is the trail?" I asked eating a granola bar. He shook his head breathing ragged.
"To hard to tell" he told us. "Could be another day or a week" We groaned at the mention of a week. Not for our own stamina which was still up there. I did it for the others. Who knows what was happening to them.
We all made ourselves comfortable against or in a tree and let ourselves drift to sleep. We'd start searching again after some rest.
I was walking in a dark space. I couldn't see that far but I was pretty sure there wasn't much to see. I kept walking and soon started hearing dripping. I looked around trying to fiind where it was coming from. I started walking again and the dripping intensified.
Before I got close to where I thought it was I woke up. Everyone else was waking up too. Turns out we only got a few hours of sleep. The moon had sunk and now it was completly dark outside.
"Dripping?" Shade repeated after I told him about my dream. I had to admit I was skeptic too but it did happen.
"Yeah" I said shaking my head. We were in the country now. We started in the city and this copter led us here to the country. Now the trail led out to a building in the middle of scenic no where of a dessert.
It was completly white the sun reflecting off walls. It kinda looked like a castle. "Are you sure this is the place" I asked feeling like I went back in time. I had that dumb struck look on my face. The same one you get when you see something really freaky happen and it hasn't registered yet.
"Yeah" Rogue said his expression matching mine.
"Good lord" Shade muttered sitting down.
"So let me get this straight" I said holding my chin. "We're going to besiege a fortress?"
"Apparently" Echo said standing up. I shook my head as we skated forward. The dessert sped past in a light brown blur with flecks of green which I guess were catuses. Or cacti. Catuses or cacti. I still don't know. We made it to the wall of the castle then jumped flipping onto the rampart. We found a nearby door. Echo placed her ear to the door then nodded.
We walked through and moved into an open room. Thankfully it was empty. Rogue was already getting to work searching the floor for Flare, X-Ray or Faint's trail. "It's really weak but I think I've found Flare"
We nodded. I was already starting to feel hope at finding one of my friends. Yeah that's right their not just my coven but my friends. If I find out any of them were hurt there'll be hell to pay.
We ran the hallways being as stealty as we could. There were guys in whitecoats up the wazoo. It was like I was in a science nerd convetion. We did see a few armed guards which we avoided completly. We could fight of course but an armed guard had a gun who would call more guys with guns and that would be the biggest problem for us right now.
"Stop" Rogue said forcefully. We all abided as he walked slowly to a door. He jiggled the door but it didn't open. "Phase" he said.
I nodded a moved my hand through the door and opened it from the inside. It opened and we looked in. The place looked like a dungeon! It was dark. It was dirty. And I could smell the distinct scent of piss. I may not have told you but my sense of smell was way better then everyone elses. Who knew.
There was a figure in the corner eyes wide looking scared. "Hey don't be scared Flare. It's me Phase" Her eyes widened further and she came running to me wrapping her arms around my waist. I could her choked cries muffled against my shirt.
I gave her a quick look over and blood instantly began to boil. Her clothes were torn and her skin was covered in bruises, cuts, and burns. Whoever the hell did this was going to pay.
I picked her up holding her as close as I could whispering "Flare, It's okay now. It's okay" I repeated over and over until her cries turned to choked hiccups.
"I want to go home" she whispered in my ear her voice craking in places. "I want to find Ray and Faint and go home" she pleaded.
"We will Flare" I said. "I promise" I felt her nod against my head and we both walked out of her prison. Rogue looked down the hallway then turned to me.
"X-Ray and Faint's trails split up down there." he said. I nodded and gave Flare to Echo. We nodded our understanding as we split up at the fork in the hallway. Flare and X-Ray had the knack to find each other no matter how far away they were so there was no problem that they would find him.
Me and Rogue followed Faint's trail to a room identical to Flare's. The only difference was the smell. It was the smell of sickness. Sickness mixed with death. I didn't bother waiting for Rogue and walked through the door. I looked in the corner and their was a body.
I rushed to it fearing the worst. I crouched down and rolled it over. It was Faint's. My eyes closed in anguish. Her body was covered in bruises, cuts and welts from some sort of torture they put her through. A good number of them were infected from what I could see. I checked her pulse then her heartbeat.
They were there but really... faint. Ironic.
"Phase" I heard Faint say weakly.
"Faint? Faint! Faint don't talk. We're gonna get you out of here." I said.
"Don't waste your time Phase. I can tell it's too late" Faint said weakly.
"Don't talk like that" I said doing my best to clean her wounds she had. She laughed weakly at me.
"I'm sorry we couldn't make our dream come true together" Faint said smiling at me.
"Don't say that Faint" I said my tears welling in my eyes. "Please Faint don't die on me!"
"I'm sorry Phase" she said stroking my cheek softly.
I took her hand in mine shaking my head. "Faint I don't want you to go" I whispered.
"I have to. It's my time." she said smiling weakly and closing her eyes. I felt the life leave her a few seconds later. I don't know how but I just knew she was gone.
"Faint" I said hanging my head over her body shouldars shaking. "Faint. Faint. Faint"
She couldn't be dead. She just couldn't. Why? Why Faint?! She was my best friend. My life. I needed her. I loved her.
"So you found that failure"
I turned my head at the sound of the voice. It was a man in a white coat. He had black hair and a smart a** expression on his face. "What did you say?" I asked.
"She was a failure. She was of no use to any of us. Plus she kept calling out for some guy named Phase. It was pathetic" he said shaking his head arms crossed.
"You'll pay" I whispered standing. I felt a new emotion come over me. I didn't know what it was. It felt evil but I didn't fight it.
"I'm sorry?" he said not catching me.
"You'll pay for killing her!" I roared dashing at him. I grabbed him by the throat and shoved him into the wall.
My eyes blazed with anger as they reflected back to me in his. I yanked him down shoving him into the ground so hard it craked. Concrete cracked! The guy choked up blood and I heard the craking of several bones.
I rose my fist and punched him repeatedly in the face over and over until something stopped me. I looked up and it was Rogue.
"Stop Phase" he whispered. "Stop" I lowered my arm. I stood up and walked back towards Faint's body. I sank to my knees again tears flowing a new.
"Faint" I said over and over.
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Love is an emotion. Like pain it can be tamed. It can be broken. And can be left behind