Chapter 2.
He looked around to the voice.
"Gemini!" he looked around and the owner of the voice came up to him. She was just like he remembered. Her long sky blue hair and soft blue eyes.
"Aqua" Gemini said quietly taking her hand
He was back to when he was ten. Was this a dream? Even if it was he didn't want it end.
"Come on Gem. Everyone’s waiting for us" she said taking him along
Gemini smiled at his old nickname letting her drag him along.
"Give it a rest Aqua. Gemini is always a slow starter"
They both looked up and Aqua smiled.
"Like you one to talk Cancer" she said back
Gemini grinned at seeing his best friend back to the way he was.
Before he became the monster he is now.
Water splashed against his face and Gemini sat straight up startled. He looked around and saw Leo standing over him holding a wooden bucket. She threw it away and sat down near a fire that was crackling softly in the night.
Gemini looked around and saw that Aries and Taurus were both gone. "Thanks Leo" he whispered. Before he finished Leo stood up and punched him in the face so hard he split into Kuro and Shiro.
"Ow what was that for?" Kuro shouted rubbing his cheek. Leo glared at him and he shut up fast.
"What the hell were you two idiots thinking?!" she yelled glaring at them. Kuro and Shiro froze up scared to death. "Well?!"
"We were just trying to fight them off" Shiro responded standing up. Before Shiro could do anything Leo grabbed them both by the collar and raised them above the ground.
"You little shits are lucky you aren't dead right now!" she yelled shaking them. "If I hadn't come in to save your asses you'd both be dead right now!"
"We're sorry Master" Kuro said quickly. "We promise not to do something like that again" Shiro nodded furiously and Leo looked them over before dropping them to the ground.
"You better keep that promise" she said walking away. Kuro and Shiro fused and Gemini watched Leo panting scared.
We could've been killed brother!
I know! Leo could spare a shred of compassion on the this matter
Yeah but then she wouldn't be Leo
True. Heh who are we tryin to kid we'd never ask Leo to change.
In the war worn torn country of Nerodala the twelve zodiacs were the reason for the war. Five years before now the twelve were friends that grew up together with these powers. Cancer changed that when he rebelled taking control of the country. When he came to power the other eleven either joined him or fought. Those who fought were captured or fled.
Gemini sat down across from Leo and stared into the flames. "How many of us are left Leo?" he said softly.
"Three" she told him bitterly. "You, me, and Capricorn are the only ones left that are free. Sagittarius, Pisces and Scorpio just joined Cancer. Virgo refuses to fight and chooses to run instead. Libra and Aquarius are captured. Cancer's winning the war Gemini"
Cancer had legions of soldiers under his command while the rebellion led by Leo was few in number. Capricorn and Gemini helped in the way they could but it was a losing battle.
"What can we do?" Gemini asked angrily. How could his best friend have become this? "Is there anyway we can win?"
"I'm not sure" she replied. "If we had Virgo, Libra and Aqua we'd have a chance. But with Aqua and Libra imprisoned I doubt it. Even with Virgo"
They both grew quiet as the enormity of their situation sunk in. If they lost this war they'd lose everything.
"What if we tried to rescue Aqua and Libra?" Gemini whispered softly.
"What do you mean?" Leo scoffed. "The three of us would get killed before we got to the gate"
"Not if we have Virgo on our side" he said a plan falling into place.
"What makes you think you can convince him to join us?"
"I have an idea but let's keep it a secret till we get there"
Leo thought about it a second then nodded. "Alright we'll try this idea of yours. I just hope it works" she muttered turning over.
Gemini laughed and nodded "Trust us Leo" he said turning over "It will"
Gemini and Leo woke up early the next morning their fire burning itself out. The sun was bright and the sky was clear. "Come on" Leo said not waiting to see Gemini join her or not. "We have a stop to make before we start this plan of yours"
Gemini nodded and ran after her. Leo and Gemini broke the clearing and ran into the lush green forest signifying the summer. They dashed through the trees not touching the ground.
"Leo where are we going?" Gemini asked grabbing a branch and swinging to the next.
"To get our weapons" she answered not turning back. Gemini raised an eyebrow in surprise. He didn't know Leo had brought them.
All twelve members of the zodiac before Cancer's rebellion had had weapons made for them. Each one was unique and fit that member’s strength. The blades were made of diamond. The guards were made of gold and the hilts and staffs were made of ebony.
Leo led them to a small area where the trees parted revealing a large stone set in the middle. Leo walked up to the grey stone running a hand along the smooth surface. Her hand quickly curled into a fist and smashed it to bits in one punch. Gemini covered his face as bits or stone flew at him.
He opened his eyes and was slightly awed. In between the two split halves of the rock were two swords. One Leo walked to and took hefting it over her shoulder. It was a giant claymore sword the hilt like a triangle with the top cut of and the center cut halfway down where the blade reached up stopping short of six feet. The blade of the great sword was an arm and a half wide and she wield the sword with one hand now. Before she'd always need Leo's strength to aide her. In the center of the guard was a circle with her symbol: a lions head.
Gemini walked past her taking the other sword. It was a sword as long as his arm and the same width that ends in doubled sided blade. The guard was shaped like two diagonal waves that the bottom end were two eagle heads while on the tops were the tips of their wings. The design was mirrored on the other side. On both sides was the symbol of the Gemini: twins holding hands. The sheath was red along with the hilt.
Gemini gripped the blade with both hands pulling it apart the sword becoming two mirrored blades in each hand.
"Feels like I never let them go" Gemini whispered giving them a few experimental swings.
"Good" Leo said tightening her grip on her sword. She dashed at him swinging the massive blade down on his head. Gemini had literally a split second to spilt apart taking a piece of the sword and rolling away. The sword struck the ground splitting it wide open scattering rock and dust everywhere.
"Leo what the heck are you doing?!" Shiro shouted. Leo lifted the sword and rested it over her shoulder looking at him with disdain.
"Let's see if all that time away has made you forget what I taught you" she grunted running at him. Shiro shifted his sword half to his other hand and spun it around so it lined against his arm. Kuro jumped into the air slashing down over her head.
Leo spun kicking him in the stomach. He coughed and raised his sword in time to block Leo's claymore. Kuro shook from the force of the blade and went flying into a tree. Shiro took Leo's back thrusting his sword. Leo closed her fist sending it crashing it into the side of his head.
Shiro fell to the ground wincing then rolled to the side as the claymore dug into the ground. Shiro called Kuro back to him becoming Gemini again. He brought both blades together and ran at Leo.
She scoffed swinging her blade down on him with enough strength to split the air. Gemini brought his blade up and instead of blocking it he deflected it sending the blade crashing into the ground. Leo gasped as she lurched forward then glared as he jumped her through the smoke. She dropped the blade and punched him square in the chest.
He coughed falling to the ground then looked up grinning "Fooled ya" he said grinning. Leo turned her head but Shiro was already behind her sword pressed to the small of her back.
Leo snarled at him then started laughing. She turned to him and smiled. "It seems you haven't forgotten everything I taught you" she said affectionately.
Kuro smiled back at her turning back into Gemini. "You taught us well" he said holding out his hand. She shook it picking up her blade and sheathing it against her back.
"Come on then" she said pointing toward the mountains in the distance. They looked so small from where they were but you could barely see the ice caps at the top or the purple grey color they were. "That's were Virgo's village is"
"Alright" Gemini said pounding his fist into his hand. "Let's go"
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Love is an emotion. Like pain it can be tamed. It can be broken. And can be left behind