Chapter 5
Aqua! Hold on I’m coming!
No go Gem. It’s too late. Save yourself.
Not without you
Go Gemini!
Gemini snapped awake before falling back writing in pain. He took the time to glance around and notice he was in a forest of extremely tall pines. Not far from the village they escaped. The place they had went after the battle at Virgo’s village.
“Hey you’re awake!” He looked up as the sky blue haired warrior Capricorn flipped down landing lightly on his feet a grin on his face. “Apple?”
Gemini a confused look on his face took the fruit biting into it with a satisfied crunch. “What are you doing here Cap?” he asked standing up now having the knowledge of where his pain was coming from and avoiding the moving of that muscle. His wounds weren’t severe and not many in number so he would be okay soon.
“Well to sum it up I found you guys after you collapsed out here. Lucky it was me and not Cancer’s troops mind you” he smiled again in a joking manor. Gemini nodded smiling back.
“Where is everyone else?” he said looking around for his friends and comrades. Something about the air or feel of the place they were gave him a sense of calm and that gave him the ability to think calmly for once. As he said that Virgo walked from in between the trees a content look on his face.
“You won’t have to look far for us Gemini” he chuckled slightly then pointed toward the middle of the forest. “Leo is that way down the path. There’s a natural waterfall that leads into a small river. I’d advise that you see her later though. She’s there thinking”
Gemini sighed but nodded. He could understand her need to be alone. After all these years seeing Pieces again must not have done her that much good in the way of spirit. He had an aching feeling that his reunion with Cancer wouldn’t be any better if not worse.
“By the way Gemini. I think this belongs to you” he said handing him his eagle guarded sword. Gemini accepted the gift gratefully fitting it against his hip. He sighed again restlessness clinging to every nerve in his body. He felt the urge to do something. Anything.
Capricorn noticed this and a gleam entered his eye as he walked away in the forest leaping into the branches of the trees. Gemini watched him then jumped to the side as the same zodiac member crashed into the ground. His arms and hands were covered in gold gauntlets and boots diamond claws on the fingertips and toes.
“Let’s see if you can still fight just like in the old day’s brother” he said grinning fiercely. Gemini unsheathed his sword and blocked Cancer’s clawed fist gritting his teeth. With some effort he heaved throwing the spry fighter back.
Capricorn landed on his feet again bouncing softly beckoning him forward. Gemini dashed forward splitting apart attacking together. Capricorn raised his knee blocking their blades and jumping over them both kicked them hard. Kuro flew forward but Shiro stopped his movement digging his sword into the ground.
“Not enough Capricorn” he said laughing and running at him again fusing together again.
The two fought each other fiercely making ruin of a small portion of the forest their laughter echoing around. Leo opened her eyes glaring in their direction. I guess that peace was short lived She stood up gripping her claymore tightly skipping lightly from the middle of the spring to the shore more than ten feet apart.
She walked into the forest as Gemini and Capricorn sped toward her. Virgo watched them go and guessed the outcome that he knew would be inevitable.
Leo growled softly swinging her great sword in their direction. Gemini and Capricorn turned and raised their weapons blocking the lethal stroke that would have killed them both if it had hit. Capricorn flipped back clinging to a tree for life like a goat cornered by a hungry lion.
“Okay point made” he stuttered dropping to the ground. “Sorry Leo” he said keeping some distance between them. Gemini did likewise.
“So you’re healed?” she said glancing at Gemini. He nodded folding his arms.
“More then healed. I have a plan” he gave her a sly smirk and she rolled her hand telling him to go one. “The four of us are going to storm Zodiac Castle”
To say they were surprised would be lying. They were shocked. No one had ever broken into zodiac castle. It was the twelve of them grew up and served as Cancers new base of operations. It was almost impenetrable. Gemini stood up and dusted off his pants and shirt.
“Come on. I’ll explain on the way guys” he started walking the other members followed him more curious than anything else to hear this plan of his.
The four of them walked through the forest enjoying the nature of the region while slowly getting convinced to Gemini’s plan. It was beginning to make some sense. There was a small sewer system at the base of the castle. From there if you know where you were going were a series of tunnels that led into the castle itself.
They only had to hope Cancer hadn’t fortified that piece of the castle. If he had this plan had no chance. Gemini walked faster getting ahead of the group by a few feet. “Gem what’s your hurry?” Capricorn asked running to catch up to him.
“I’m just anxious” he said shaking his head. “Part of me doesn’t even believe this plan will work”
Capricorn put an arm around his shoulder and gave him a thumbs up. “Come on Gem it’s your plan. If you don’t believe it’ll work it probably won’t. So stay positive and it will” He grinned and Gemini grinned back.
“Alright I’ll take your word for it”
The group kept walking the sun at it’s peak in the sky when Virgo stopped walking looking ahead of them. The others stopped as well. “Virgo what is it?” Gemini asked looking around them. Then he saw it. An outpost right at the valley that led into the castle. Luckily there were only a few guards. “Alright let’s get to work” he said beginning to unsheathe his sword.
Virgo shook his head holding out his arm. “Allow me my friend” he said eyes glowing white. A sharp whistle rang out and the guards by the out post dropped to the ground. “Let us proceed” he smiled walking past their unconscious forms. The others followed him and stopped at the top of the rise their breath taken away.
White granite walls and ramparts. Tall towers with black shingled roofs. The sun shone on the walls reflecting the light that added to its brilliance. Off to its back and left edge was the pristine and beautiful zodiac forest. It was older then the castle itself. On the right edge was a crystal clear lake. The only mar to the castle was the flag at its tip instead of a white star with gold outline it was a golden crab.
“So we return again” Virgo said
“To besiege our home” Capricorn added
“No, not to besiege” Leo corrected
“To retake” Gemini finished jumping down the rise taking a running start to his home. To his fate. To his destiny.
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Love is an emotion. Like pain it can be tamed. It can be broken. And can be left behind