Yay ch 2! I finished it so here ya go lol
Band of Thieves Chapter 2
"Dang they weren't kidding!" Shade said looking down on the city. The whole building was staked out by police. There were at least twenty cops down there and I think I heard at least one helicopter.
"Looks like fun" I said jumping down Faint following behind me. We both phasesed through the ceiling landing in a control room. Faint's power worked like mine accept she was more like a ghost. She could turn invisible, float, and walk through walls. "Okay go down the hallway on your left. It'll lead you to the control room" Echo said through our com link.
"Roger that" Faint said. We ran the hallway avoiding contact. We could walk through walls but I wasn't invisible. When we got to the door we paused. Faint put a finger to my lips and walked through the door. I stayed still then heard voice followed by a lot of thumps before the door opened Faint walking out with a satisfied smirk on her face.
"Doors open" she said waving me in.
"Have I ever told you how much you amaze me" I said spinning the chair around so I could sit.
"You could stand to mention it more" she said leaning over the chair looking at the screans.
"Okay guys it's safe to come in" I said into the com. I had turned off the alarms on the roof but that was all I could acces. The other alarms would have taken too long. The guard Faint knocked out groaned and Faint flew me up to the roof. We passed through just as the others made it onto the roof.
"Hey guys" I said dropping down. X-Ray's eyes were opened wide as he looked below us.
"Okay so far so good" he said. I nodded and we headed down the stairs. We split up from their going to two targets. Rogue, Echo and Me had left to distract the police. Flare, Faint and X-Ray were going after the diamond. We stayed in contact with our com links.
"Hold up" X-Ray said through the link. Well actaully he whispered it. None of us were that stupid. I knew he wasn't talking to us so we kept going toward the front of the building. I stuck my head out through a wall and looked around. I quickly brought my head back in.
"What'd you see?" Rogue asked.
"There weren't any cops" I said starting to freak out. We all reached the same conclusion together.
"It's a trap!!!" we yelled running back into the building. We didn't bother with stealth now. Rogue was leading his power coming in handy now. He could see the trail people made when they walked and he could track them anywhere and if he concentrated he could isolate specific people.
We made it to the room where the diamond was and saw an eye full. The ceiling was open as a helicopter hovered over it. A rope ladder was being retracted up it. Two figures were on it the lowest one holding a body.
"Faint!" I yelled running after it Echo and Rogue backing me up. How dare they try to take my family. They'll pay for it. I jumped using a glass case as a stepping point and grabbed the ladder. I started climbing as fast as I could but suddenly the ladder started falling.
Faints eyes opened slightly and she saw me falling. "Phase!" she screamed but that was all she got out before they knocked her out again.
"Faint!" I screamed before I hit the ground and everything went dark.
Flare. X-Ray! Faint!! No come back. Come back....
I could see them but I couldn't reach them. They kept going. Farther and farther away until they were gone.
I woke up a few seconds later my head killing me. I scratched my head feeling something cloth around my head. Suddenly everything came rushing back giving me a headache. I looked around and saw Rogue leaning against a wall. Echo was leaning towards me a wet towel in her hand.
"They're gone aren't they?" I asked softly. Echo nodded. Her eyes were red and puffy meaning she had probally been crying. My hands gripped my shirt hard. We were going to rescue them.
"We need to go back" Rogue said. I looked up at him like he was crazy.
"Why?" I asked confused.
"We need to tell Shade" he continued. I nodded agreeing with him. I hated it when I was proved wrong but I conceded defeat this time. I tried to stand but Echo pushed me back.
"You need to heal" she chided gently like a nurse. I smiled shaking my head. I moved through her hand and stood up. I wobbled on my feet and almost fell before she caught me. "I told you you need to heal" she said in a 'I told you so' tone.
"Fine, fine" I said. "Let's at least make it back home first" Echo sighed but nodded. Rogue stood up as we all loped back to the hideout. We did it in silence still thinking about what happened.
How could I let Faint get captured. I should have gone with her. I could have saved her if I hadn't said we all go. She had so much faith in me and I let her down. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice that we had made it home. As we walked in the sun was coming up. Flare was always up for them.
Shade came out to greet us and noticed our lack of numbers soon. His face became serious at once.
"What happened?" he asked fearing the worst.
"We screwed up man" was all I could say.
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Love is an emotion. Like pain it can be tamed. It can be broken. And eventually...it can be left behind