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View User's Journal

The woes of the writer: Boredom and writer's block abound!
Well, I write, need I say more?
"Hannah, you're such a slacker.."
"Hannah, you're disappointing everyone..."
"You're living so much in the past"
"You're so self pitying,"
"You're failing everything..."
"You're gonna have to lose your holidays to catch up"
"Don't look at me like that,"
"Get out of your wardrobe"
"Look at me when I'm talking to you,"
"If you keep like this, you're going to go to the local high school,"
"No more internet"
"I'm not being harsh with you, my father was worse!"

The only place I feel I can escape form all this is my walk in wardrobe, the only place of solitude and comfort in this whole house...
Sometimes I think about slitting my wrists, and lately I've been thinking of how easy it would be to just fade away, jump from a building and never have to worry again...
In a few weeks, I will lose all access to the internet, and recently my time has been limited, I wish I had more...
Life is becoming so stressful, I want to scream and if I do everything will just get worse... there's no one to talk to anymore, councellors, they made it worse last time...
Everyone expects so much of me, and everything just seems to be closing in on me...Most of the time I just want to die and get it over with... It's so hard to keep breathing because there doesn't seem to be a reason to breathe....

Well, yeah... see you...

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Nov 29, 2004 @ 11:13am
Im aways here for u and will be... forever

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