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The woes of the writer: Boredom and writer's block abound!
Well, I write, need I say more?
Gomen nasai!
Hi hi all you peoples

Sorry to those I haven't replied to over this week or two, my gramps has been in hospital after '3 important events' happened concerning my grandfathers hear,t no one has told me exactly what has happened to him, but he has been released from hospital and that's ok.

BUT now he has whooping cough and such, so I might not be replying as much as I should and I apologise to those people...

On a lighter note I was shortlisted for the Mosman Prize, that writing competition I entered, I'll find out if I won anything on Thursday (or Wednesday depending on where you live in the world) and if I did you're all gonna hear about it pretty soon! ^^

Right now I am: Extremly tired

Why?: Because on Friday night I played Baldur's Gate 2 til 4am the next day, and than on Saturday I repeated this, and on Sunday night I backed up all the stuff that was on my computer and such. So.. yeah ^^; just a little tired (cough cough)

Anyone interested in my hols can ask me via pms, don't expect a quick reply however.

Jya mata ne minasan! ^^


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Yates Aeon
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Sep 13, 2005 @ 10:00am
You know Hannah-chan...you've changed....

Don't worry, I'm sure everything will turn out fine, I hope.

Baldurs gate 2? I hope you mean the PS2 version, because its a great game! I played the female cleric, and by the end of it, I had two longswords, one +5 flaming, ice sword, and one +5 flaming thunder sword (Can't remember what they where called) but because of my power, I was called the goddess of the forge....?!

Please, please reply soon, I hope you arn't avoiding me...I made promises to you, remember? And no matter what you do, I'll keep them, okay? ^_^

I'll always be there for you, please remember that...you can tell me anything, as I do you. If you can't reply in length...can you please....just smile?

your friend,
Yates Aeon

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