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The woes of the writer: Boredom and writer's block abound!
Well, I write, need I say more?
Hello everyone,

I have an announcment:

I'm going away for a while.


I need a bit of a vacation from Gaia, I'm taking a bit of a break.

I've been a little emotionally overloaded lately, and some people who I hold very dear to my heart are worried about how little I reply to them, this is because I'm feeling just a 'little' drained of thought processes.

Don;t worry, after a few weeks of rest and relaxation (and seeing my cousin over the weekend!!!!!!!!!! He's twenty and I haven't seen him for 3 or 4 years! HE came all the way from Perth!) I'll be fine.

Tommorow I will not be on, nor the day after that, nor the day after that and so on and so forth.

So I say a fond farewell, for good bye seems to suggest I will never return, and that is a lie.

Farewell, adieu, until we meet again.

Hannah Amelia J.

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Yates Aeon
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jun 24, 2005 @ 08:48am
*Yates sits down on a high rock, playing a small tune on his guitar, crying softly* Well...I shall play a song for you...and play I shall until your long-awaited return..I love you, and please, have a safe trip...

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