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View User's Journal

The woes of the writer: Boredom and writer's block abound!
Well, I write, need I say more?
Today my best friend was buried 6 feet under... and I just want to let out these feelings that all my friends on Gaia haven't heard yet, last week my friend was involved in an 'accident', but it turned out to be much worse... she'd killed herself. I could have stopped her, if I had understood that note she gave me.. maybe I could have stopped her...
I'm sorry, Jules, maybe I was too weak to save you, rest in peace...

Maybe I was blind
Maybe I just didn't want to see
I didn't mean to cause you pain
I just wanted to see your smile
I guess that's not going to happen now...
I'm so sorry...
I'm sorry for everything

I never wanted it to end this way
You were my friend
The one who always understood
Now you're gone
And it's all my fault

I didn't mean to make you fall
I didn't mean to break your wings
All this time you've been beside me
And now you're down six feet deep
It seems I've failed where I've tried to succeed
I should have understood

It's to late to regret everything
There's nothing I can do
You're gone and nothing I can do or say
Will ever bring you back

I thought we would be friends forever
Or at least for a few more years
It's only been a few monthes and now
I'm on my own again...

I'll never forget the way you laughed
Whenever we did something wrong
You'd make it seem like it was all ok
And it would all be alright

I'll also remember the way you played
You were an ace when it came to the piano
We were going to make a team
I'd sing, you'd play and we'd be fine
But it doesn't seem like it's going to happen
Now that two is down to one

As I write these things and look down
To the flowers, the picture, the fresh dug earth
I wonder wether you died in vain
Or if there really is anything worth fighting for
You're making me question
All the things that I thought I understood

Maybe you can see these words
Maybe you can hear my crying
Maybe you can feel how much I miss you
My best friend
The one I couldn't save

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