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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Heechul's English Lesson Part 7- From the "author"
Dear following readers,

Hello. This is Kim Heechul currently typing to you my deepest thoughts. The previous entries were very special to me, for they meant a lot of memories and special moments that I have shared with Super Junior members. All of them share an important part in my heart, especially Kibum.

Ah, Kibum. He is one of my favorite little maknaes that I have met during my journey that is continuing on as I live more seconds, minutes, days, years, decades. Although we remain just friends, we show our love completely different than other members of Super Junior. We show our love by being mean to each other, teasing, and other things that a lot of people do not consider "loving". Although many others try to keep us apart to keep us from "fighting", we are just showing each other our ways of saying, "I love you."

So, we finished the lesson, and he said that my English is very satisfying and expertised. He says that there is going to be a lot more things to learn, but I'm going to have to learn them on my own without anyone else's help. And I'm perfectly fine with that. Just as long as Kibum's there to assist me whenever I need it, I accept it.

And what about Ryeowook?

He has slowly gotten used to controlling his curiousity. Before then, he was going nuts about not being curious and not following his nose, but he managed when we helped him a little and gave a little time. Our little Ryeowook has became mature.

Now, you are probably wondering, "What happened to the ending of the story?" Well, here you go

*I recommend listening to Super Junior - Way for Love when reading this part:

Kibum and I were discussing, but I noticed that Kibum wasn't looking too hot. so I asked him, "Kibum, are you okay?" He nodded, but after a while, he shook his head. "Heechul, I need to tell you something." the only thing I can express in response is a blank stare, waiting to hear what he has to say. "I receieved another contract." I felt nervous. "They want me to film in another show, in addition to the current show I am filming in. Manager hyung accepted it, hardly reading between the lines, so I have basically no choice on going to this show or not." I nodded, and did nothing but nod. Kibum continued, "And besides, Super Junior needs the money, especially during the breaks in seasons. So, I had to accept it too. That is why, starting tomorrow, I am going to start being a lot more busy."

I really had no thought. I was pretty shocked that after taking such long breaks and spending much time together, he was back to being the busy, hardly-seen member of Super Junior. Well, I really was going to miss him. Him AND his glasses. However, I wasn't the only one who looked stunned.

Kibum looked totally depressed. It looked as if this lesson was all he did during his "rest". Maybe it was? He kept looking down at the tutor table (we called it that, although it was the table for the living room) and he didn't lift his head up, no matter what I did. After a long moment of silence, I asked him, "So what does this mean about the lessons?" Kibum sighed, not lifting his head up, and replied, "Today's lesson will probably have to be the last."

That's when it hit me. It was the last lesson. No wonder he was teaching me from the back of the "How to Learn English in 20 Days" tutor workbook too soon. I really wish he would have told me sooner. But I assumed that he probably didn't know until last night. That was probably the reason why Manager hyung called him late at night, asking to talk to him privately.

It hurt. It hurt real bad that he couldn't teach me anymore. *Then that's when he told me these words that stay in my mind and heart forever:

"Don't worry, hyung. Although our lesson didn't last as long as I assumed, at least we have longer lasting memories. And believe me, the time that I spent with you will stay within me forever, just as long as you are here with me. And although you may think of the last previous days as your English lesson days, I will remember them as memories and dates that we had together." @


Note: *sniffle* That was so touching!! The last paragraph really made me smile. And the "*" part was pretty right. If you play that song, it gives you the feeling of hope and happiness that's really indescribable, and you can only understand what the heck I'm saying if you do it yourself ^^ I hope you enjoyed the story, and please come back for one of my best stories of all time: The Super Junior Shapeshifters!!!! WHOOOOOO!!!!!!! *dies of superspazz*

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