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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Brought by Fate - The Gods' Test Part 5
Yunho approached Junsu, who was reading another book outside in the school yard, and called out, "Junsu?" he looked up from his thick book, and saw the tall Yunho towering above him. "Oh, hey Yunho." he said, forcing a smile and pushing his glasses up. "What's up?" Yunho sighed, then answered, "You and Yoochun." "Who?" Junsu asked, acting as if he doesn't know who Yunho was talking about. "Look, you know who I'm talking about!" Yunho exclaimed. Junsu sighed, "Fine. What do you want for me?" Yunho shrugged. "I want you and Yoochun to make peace?" Junsu shook his head, then rose the book back in front of his face, blocking his view of Yunho. "I can't do that." "Why not?! Yoochun's dying without you!" Yunho shouted, throwing his left arm in the air in the direction where Yoochun is weeping on an empty picnic table. Junsu answered, "Well, maybe he shouldn't have had contact with you if he knew this was going to disappoint me." Yunho scoffed, "We did nothing involving the rumor!!!! You need to believe us!" Junsu shook his head, "Look, if you're going to argue with me, then I suggest you leave." Yunho studdered, "But who's arguing-- Ahh, forget it!" Yunho gave up, and left Junsu. Junsu sighed, Maybe I should believe them?

Yoochun's eyes have remained the same pink color ever since Junsu has stopped talking to him for 1 week straight. Yunho, who has been worrying about him the most, sighed at the sight of Yoochun still depressed and sad.

Changmin was the first to approach Yoochun the next week, sitting down next to him on the table, saying, "Hi. How are you?" Yoochun shook his head, whispering, "Depressed. I've been talking like this for so long, I don't remember what my voice sounds like." Changmin pouted, "I'm sorry to hear that. Yunho's trying to sort things out with Junsu. Everything's going to be fine, trust me." Changmin rubbed Yoochun's back in soft soothing circles. Yoochun sighed, not keeping his eyes off the grass, where him and Junsu used to study at.

JaeJoong said bye to his other friends before he saw Changmin and Yoochun sitting next to each other at a nearby picnic table. JaeJoong walked up there, while saying, "Hey guys!" Changmin looked up then said, "Hey hyung!" while waving. Yoochun didn't dare looking up, then whispered, "Hey hyung." JaeJoong looked down at the sad other, then sighed, "Still depressed?" Changmin nodded. "Yeah. Still is." JaeJoong shook his head. "I can't believe this has been happening for so long!! You guys need to say sorry and make up, like, now!" Changmin sighed, "If only if it was that easy, hyung. If only..." JaeJoong shook his head, "It'll be that easy if they did it already! They'll both be happy, because I KNOW that Junsu is feeling bad too. He's just hiding it." Yoochun shook his head. "I don't believe that." he whispered. "Kinda ironic that Yoochun can't believe something so obvious, and Junsu believed something that's beyond the possible." JaeJoong glared over towards Changmin, signaling him to never say that again.

After school...

Yoochun felt so cold. He didn't like this feeling that he felt for 7 days. He missed Junsu's warmth next to him. And it felt so horrible without him beside him. He always was walking down the hallway with his head down, and his headphones around his neck and hands in his pockets. And if it was a rainy day, he will be doing the same thing, just wearing a dark-colored hoodie and walking through the rain.

Junsu didn't feel too different as Yoochun did. He felt guilty that he left Yoochun. He didn't like the idea that he was alone, and he couldn't trust Yunho and Jaemin, especially Yoochun. He wished that he can believe his partner more than the rumor, but it was too good to be true. And it was really big and it took him over. So, he had no control over any part him. Everytime he wanted to see Yoochun, his eyes led him somewhere else. Everytime he wanted to talk to him, his feet led him to the wrong direction. And lastly, when he tried his hardest to think about him, his mind won't allow it. However, on the back of his mind, he knew that the person who cared for Yoochun and will always love him no matter what they say, is still there. He just doesn't know how to let that person back out...

Yunho, JaeJoong, and Changmin were walking together down the hallway, and talking about the big situation at hand. "Who do you think is spreading the rumors, Jae?" Changmin asked the eldest. "I don't know. I think it's Jungmin. To put revenge for us for not allowing him into our group." "Okay, Yunho?" "I'm not too sure... Maybe it's that girl that always stalks me around..." Changmin and JaeJoong looked over towards the tallest, "Why?" they asked simutaneously. Yunho shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe because I refused to go out with her..." he started counting with his fingers, and throwing his head back, and mouthing numbers to himself. "... say, around 32 times?" "Wow." Jaemin said. Yunho nodded, and pursed his lips slightly. "Okay, my bet is on the girl." "The girl." "Then it's settled then. I guess we're going to have to inspect around her a little..." @

TBC~ heart

Note: Yeah... not my best part once you start thinking about it... *shrugs* I guess I'm getting more and more horrible, eh? Ahahaha... ^^;; I guess I need a liiiiiiiittle more practice... But no planning!!! It ruins the fun for me.... *pout* And I guess it sorta ruins the fun for you guys... ToT Since you guys are more important to me, I'm willing to plan the stories if you guys want me to~ <3 All for my readers ^^

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Sep 04, 2008 @ 03:33am
Poor Yoochun can't get a hold of himself.
And finally!!!
They are going to go talk to the stalker girl. lol.
Can't wait to read part 6. biggrin

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