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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Story Update: Brought by Fate - The Gods' Test
Uhhhh... Hi ^^;; Sorry for the momentarily weird Yunho POV, but I got another story update~! Ba ba ba baaaaaam!!!! >_O

I wanted to write a Brought by Fate 2 story... ^^;; I just wanna add more Yoosu~ Here's some info about the Brought by Fate 2:

Yoosu, although didn't win the contest, are still looking forward to their junior years. They are so glad that they have met together, and everyone's in peace with Yunho. But there is one problem...

There has been rumors that Yoochun "did" something with Yunho, and it was spreading FAST. The rumor was suddenly reached to Junsu and this was a big bummer to him. However, Jaemin tries to sort things out between Yoosu, thinking that this was a test from the gods to see how strong Yoochun and Junsu's relationship is.

Will they manage to pass this "test" and get their relationship back? Or will their love come to an end?

Please come back to see what happens with Yoosu in Brought by Fate - The Gods' Test Part 1!!!! Awww, I wish things get along with Yoosu~ TToTT

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Aug 28, 2008 @ 02:13am
I love that idea!!! xd
Can't wait to read part one. biggrin

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