
Nightmare Mountains
Nightmare Mountains is a cold, treacherous place filled with the horrors one only sees in their darkest dreams. It is filled with terrible, yeti-like beasts with snow-white fur. They hunt in groups and nest near and in the caves. Shadowy spirits also wander the cold, along with saber-toothes. And these are just a number of the creatures that lurk in these harsh mountains.
Heartbreak Forest
Heartbreak Forest is a beautiful but gloomy glade. There are many pools of water, the biggest being in Lonely Clearing. Here, the weeping willows really weep. Their tears trickle down their branches and drip into the pools of water. It is a solemn, quiet place where the only sounds are the gentle wind and rustling leaves and branches of trees. The sun shines a lot here, but it is more of a dreary haze than happy, uplifting beams.
Soulless Grasslands
The soulless grasslands are a place for the soulless. Among them are the evil Cheshires, shapeshifters who delight in confusing and tormenting others with riddles and tricks. Then there are the Versikar, terrible snake-like beings that travel through underground tunnels. The grasslands themselves are fairly peaceful, with a few small woods here and there. The air is very still here. Other monsters lurk here in these soulless plains as well.
Rose Thorn City
Deceptively beautiful, Rose Thorn City shines brightly in the afternoon sun. The queen herself lives behind its walls. The first wall, also known as White Wall, wraps around the outer part of the city. Around the city is a large river, which eventually tarries away into the waters of Moonwar. A glorious bridge leads across the river and through White Wall. Then, after passing through the outer city, one comes to the inner city gates, which is known as Black Wall, not because of its color, but because of the vines and black colored roses covering it. Past this wall lies the inner city and the castle itself. The castle courtyard is more of a rose garden, with two pools of water running down its length.
Inside, the castle floors are made of sheen marble. The walls are composed of large, bright colored stones. The windows are made of crystal.
There is a card army in the inner gates of the Rose Thorn City, although the playing-cards are not normally thought of as real beings they seem to have minds of their own. They are animated life-sized playing cards who paint the black roses in the Queen's rose garden red, for eternity. These cards are a gloomy bunch if you ever run into one of them, their eyes are dull with the weight of slavery and a few seem to talk in riddles and rhymes.
Star Savannah
Star Savannah is a place of unending darkness, though not the foreboding and chilly darkness from monster movies. The stars in the sky wink happily and the moon glows cheerily. There a moon-flowers near the oasis' in this place and three small cities. Star Shine the capitol, which glimmers softly like the North Star in the darkness is built in a Desert seeming area of the Savannah. Amber Twilight is built around Fallen Star oasis, where the moon-flowers sparkle gently like many different colored night-lights. The Knight-berry bushes are always rustling with some small critter trying to pick out it's sweet berries with getting hurt by the Knight-berry's thorns. The last city is Night Wind, which has been mysteriously deserted in the past three months, no one knows exactly what happened to all the White Rabbits who lived there.
Denmart City
Denmart city is a city almost identical to Rose Thorn, though when you get through the gates, the inside is mostly rolling hills and farmland, there are a few big lakes in the city and the city is made up of theaters, out-door markets, traveling merchants, Inns, Taverns, and housing for those that live in the city. There is no great castle to see like in Rose Thorn, though the Mad Hatter and March Hare reside within this cities walls. They set up their Tea party everyday at noon, and play in the forest right next to the pasture.
Moonwar Beach
Moonwar is a lovely place with small sand dunes bordering the beach, and islands of Eco-friendly plastic buildings or older islands of floating metal buildings stretching as far as the eye can see a mile or so out on the wide open sea. It's an amazing sight, the water is clear yet tinted a wonderful aqua blue; and people who seem human at first swim under the water with agility and ease.

Denmart is the home of the Cheshire people, they are shape shifters who can shift into any feline or feline-looking creature. Though when in human form they have cat ears and cat tails. They come in all different colors they are nothing like the Cheshire from Alice in Wonderland. They are tricksters who sneak around they are sly and yet if you befriend one they can be very loyal kind and honest.
White Rabbit
The White Rabbits another shape-shifting race who originated from Rose Thorn, these people can shift into rabbits or rabbit-like creatures. Usually seductive in their human forms, these are the hopeless romantics and the empaths. They can be sadistic little things if you don't watch out though... White Rabbits make great companions and friends once you get past the flirty part of their nature.
Lythes live mainly in the mountains, they are a canine-like race. They grow as big as a full lion if not a little bigger, and are as fierce in battle as the Leos. The caves at the feet of the Nightmare Mountain rage are dug by the Lythes. These creatures create tunnel systems within the mountains, and make the mountains their fortresses. Lythes live and hunt in packs, though the biggest packs and clans of Lythe people live in the Nightmare Mountains smaller groups roam all through Wonderland.
Leos live in the Savannah, they are cross between a lion, a wolf, and a bird. Each Leo unique in it's outward appearance. These are the wonderful creatures who buildt up the sand city of Star Shine, and the sparkling crystal city of Amber Twilight. The Leos are majestic and noble, they love a good fair fight, and they enjoy the hunt.
The first soulless beings to walk Soulless Grassland were the Madmen phantom-like Creatures who look more bird then human. Their feet never seem to touch the ground they perpetually hover or float as if they were ghosts. The usual long hooded cloaks that the Madmen wear don't help them look any friendlier. Once Madmen reach adult hood they have a choice about their lives, live on being soulless with a nightmare touch... Or gain more human emotion and understanding.
Those Madmen who have given up their power are a testy sort they make good leaders and are good at whatever they choose to do in life. They are usually the dark figures found around the cities and other regions of Wonderland, though they may seem foreboding they are a gentle yet tricky people.
Those who keep the 'Dark Touch' are known as Nightmare Bringers who can bring anyone's worst nightmare to life, and put you in a coma-like state until you conquer your nightmare or someone conquers the nightmare for you.
The Meremad people are humanoid yet they have small fin-looking ears giving them the look of an amphibian their hands are like a humans and yet their feet are webbed. The skin of these people range from a light blue to an odd green color and their eyes are almost always black or an almost clear blue.
Heartbreak forest is the home land of all Vampyer people, they have a vampire's thirst and the appearance of an elf. Though these creatures don't feed off of blood, they feed off of other living things energy, and they don't need much to get by. If a Vampyer starves himself his face will twist into something horrible, and the first live thing he crosses will most likely have all of it's energy drained leaving it in a lifeless state. The Vampyers are a nomadic and mostly peaceful people who build homes in the ancient trees