[21:02] Megelise: OH
[21:02] Megelise: random
[21:02] Megelise: and off-topic
[21:02] Megelise: I took vitamin D today
[21:02] Megelise: and it like
[21:02] Megelise: made me feel healthy XD
[21:02] kitty: Lol wut?
[21:02] Megelise: lol
[21:03] Megelise: I think I have a vitamin D deficiency
[21:03] Megelise: because I don't go out in the sun
[21:03] kitty: Oh.
[21:03] kitty: x3
[21:03] Megelise: that was a random tangent, I know
[21:03] Megelise: xD
[21:03] kitty: Oh well.
[21:03] kitty: I drank soda today and it made me feel fat
[21:03] kitty: =O
[21:04] Megelise: =O
[21:04] Megelise: was it diet soda or regular kind?
[21:07] kitty: regualr
[21:07] kitty: [20:58] Restyn: You can't ever type.
[21:01] kitty: jrhfv
[21:01] kitty: shut.
[21:01] kitty: up.
[21:01] kitty: D:
[21:02] Restyn: *zips his lips*
[21:04] kitty: -blinks-
[21:04] kitty: now..
[21:04] kitty: I CAN TOO YPE
[21:04] kitty: ia
[21:04] kitty: -pants-
[21:04] Restyn: *stiffles a giggle*
[21:04] Restyn: Of course you did, Kitty.
[21:05] kitty: -dying of laughter with a red face over here-
[21:05] kitty: I swear.
[21:05] kitty: I just...
[21:05] kitty: it just ********...
[21:05] kitty: Oh my god...
[21:05] kitty: -laughs-
[21:05] Restyn: Hehe
[21:05] kitty: YOU SEE THAT? I S RUNNING AWAY!
[21:06] Restyn: I see, I see.
[21:06] Restyn: It escaped from that one, too.
[21:06] kitty: -nod-
[21:06] Restyn: Damn animate keyboards
[21:08] Megelise: Rofl!
[21:09] kitty: x3
[21:09] kitty: don'tch love me?
[21:09] kitty: was that cute at all?
[21:09] Megelise: I do
[21:09] Megelise: you're adorable xD
[21:09] Megelise: <3
[21:10] Megelise: even if your pesky keyboard hides itself from you XD
[21:10] kitty: -smiles-
[21:11] kitty: I'm pro at smoothness
[21:12] Megelise: indeed, you are
[21:12] Megelise: you're all the cool without the douchebag
[21:14] kitty: Yayy!
[21:19] Megelise: guess what?
[21:19] kitty: chicken utt?
[21:19] kitty: butt*
[21:20] Megelise: yeah
[21:20] Megelise: and
[21:20] Megelise: I'm not wearing a bra
[21:21] kitty: x3
[21:21] kitty: I should need to know this why
[21:21] kitty: ?
[21:21] kitty: and brb I'm going to go cook brownies
[21:22] Megelise: because
[21:23] Megelise: I felt like sharing the information XD
[21:23] Megelise: an k
[22:27] kitty: krgfb
[22:27] kitty: Sorreh
[22:28] Megelise: it's k
[22:28] Megelise: I had a lengthy discussion about boobs in your absence
[22:29] Megelise: so
[22:29] Megelise: all is well
[22:29] Megelise: did you make brownies? =D
[22:29] kitty: no.
[22:29] kitty: >.<
[22:29] kitty: thanks to dad
[22:30] kitty: he spilt the batter.
[22:30] kitty: byebyebrownies.
[22:30] Megelise: awww =(
[22:30] kitty: I went to the store t get everything... and he just.
[22:30] kitty: D:
[22:30] kitty: and I wanted them too!
[22:30] kitty: so badly.
[22:30] kitty: PMS makes me crave them.
[22:30] Megelise: =(
[22:30] Megelise: I'm sorryyy
[22:30] Megelise: mine makes me crave hot chocolate and hiking
[22:30] Megelise: 0.o
[22:31] Megelise: *snuggles*
[22:31] kitty: -giggles-
[22:31] kitty: I like running.
[22:31] kitty: and brownies.
[22:31] Megelise:
[22:31] kitty: anything chocolate actually.
[22:31] Megelise: me too
[22:31] Megelise: same here
[22:31] Megelise: chocolate is amazing
[22:31] kitty: =D
[22:32] Megelise: and lately I've been addicted to fruity candy, too
[22:32] Megelise: like skittles
[22:32] Megelise: skittles are amazing
[22:32] Megelise: except for the purple ones
[22:32] Megelise: they can go to hell
[22:33] kitty: xD
[22:35] Megelise: but you know what's amazing?
[22:35] Megelise: take 5s
[22:35] kitty: I've never had one.
[22:36] kitty: they tell me they're good though
[22:36] Megelise: OMG
[22:36] Megelise: seriously?
[22:36] kitty: seriously.
[22:36] kitty: Dead serious.
[22:36] Megelise: Take 5's are like everything good and delicious in the world combined to make one mind-blowingly perfect candy bar.
[22:36] Megelise: you have not lived until you've have a take 5
[22:36] Megelise: GO
[22:36] Megelise: GET ONE
[22:37] Megelise: flyy!
[22:37] Megelise: had*
[22:37] kitty: -flaps imaginary wings-
[22:37] kitty: IM TRYING!
[22:37] kitty: T-T
[22:37] Megelise: =((((
[22:37] Megelise: TRY HARDER
[22:37] Megelise: YOU CAN DO IT@
[22:37] kitty: I THINK I NEED MONEY!
[22:37] kitty: XD
[22:38] Megelise: XD
[22:38] kitty: my wings need MONEY!
[22:38] Megelise: LOL
[22:38] Megelise: and their own customs officers!
[22:38] Megelise: Mind the drug dogs!
[22:39] kitty: I WILL!
[22:39] kitty: I WILL!
[22:39] kitty: -whines-
[22:39] kitty: ough.
[22:39] kitty: ONE JUST BIT ME!
[22:39] kitty: D:
[22:39] kitty: Kiss it better?
[22:40] kitty: -points to arm-
[22:40] Megelise: *kisses arm*
[22:40] Megelise: *snuggles*
[22:40] Megelise: it's all betterrrr
[22:41] Megelise: I almost acted like a dog and licked you myself XD
[22:41] kitty: we should totally make a book out of all our randomosity
[22:41] Megelise: we'll file a complaint about that drug mutt!
[22:41] Megelise: rofl XD
[22:41] Megelise: it would be really hard to follow if you were anyone but us
[22:41] kitty: So?
[22:41] kitty: it'd mae people laugh.
[22:42] kitty: make*
[22:42] Megelise: Hell, I can hardly follow myself already
[22:42] Megelise: XD
[22:42] kitty: x3
[22:42] kitty: No durh.
[22:42] kitty: Your only one person
[22:42] Megelise: ahaha
[22:42] Megelise: dur
[22:42] kitty: You need two for that.
[22:42] Megelise: I haven't heard that
[22:42] Megelise: in years
[22:42] Megelise: OH
[22:42] Megelise: Okay =D
[22:42] Megelise: Will you help me?
[22:42] kitty: Sure.
[22:42] kitty: =D
[22:42] Megelise: Yeee! =D
[22:42] kitty: I'll be you.
[22:42] kitty: You be yourself.
[22:43] kitty: Okay, now.
[22:43] Megelise: okay
[22:43] kitty: You shall follow yourself.
[22:43] kitty: Follow that?
[22:43] Megelise: Yes
[22:43] Megelise: wait, no
[22:43] Megelise: yes
[22:43] Megelise: yeah, I think so
[22:43] Megelise: XD
[22:43] kitty: Okay.
[22:43] kitty: Start walking.
[22:43] Megelise: okay
[22:43] Megelise: *starts skipping down the street*
[22:44] kitty: -skips after-
[22:44] kitty: =O
[22:44] kitty: HOSHIT
[22:44] Megelise: =O
[22:44] Megelise: WHAT?
[22:44] Megelise: I am not a hoe!
[22:44] Megelise: YAY
[22:45] kitty: -starts giggling hysterically-
[22:45] Megelise: GO MAKE SOME!
[22:45] kitty: Oh man..
[22:45] Megelise: AND EAT IT!
[22:45] kitty: I'm saving this.
[22:45] Megelise: all of it
[22:45] Megelise: in one night.
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