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View User's Journal

Hey-lo Wassup? Read me?
No longer me.
I tell my name like you say what you are wearing. For who I am, I am a shadow. An image that has faded into the background. I am a memory, what is left when someone has gone. I am the phantom in your nightmares, hiding in the shadows… I’m the face you cannot match with name. I am only a fraction of what I used to be, I am only a spirit compared to who I used to be. That is what I am, that is all I will ever be. The soul that is lost. A wound that refuses to heal, or the last of a species crying to the wind. I am alone. I am silence. I am fog. It is a heart, that is broken. Some things, only time can mend. I am one of those things. Though, time has not yet helped me become a better person. I am still lost, wandering the world. I am still failing at the game of life. I am not well, I am no longer me.

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