So, I got a condom thrown at me. At lunch no less. Like what? A week ago?
This is how the whole thing went.
Alex (guy)
Archie( guy)
Jazz (girl)
Me (girl)
All sitting at lunch, eating, talking having as much fun as you can at school...
Erica (girl) Comes over and sits next to archie and puts her arm around him, goes "I've noticed you've been spending a lot of time with the guys." To me and Jazz. Then she says "I want you to be safe." And she throws soemthing down behind my tray.
Alex Jazz and Archie are all laughing...
I didn't see it. So I grab it, and see "Trojan" Written in white across a red package... and I go "A condom?"
Erica's like "Yes."
I'm all "Thanks Erica... for the lovely gift." sarcasm is a b***h.
Erica: "Use it well kitty."
She gets up and walks away. The school cop walks by right as I put the damn thing in my pocket so he doesn't see it. and I'm sitting there like "Okay, what do I do with this?" Cause I'm the one chick out of all of them who is least likely to need one of those evil things at the moment.
Jazz wants it I give it to her.
A day later, it's taped into her "Guide to highschool" book she's writing with Bev.
Man oh man. the day after that, it's gone. with writing that says "I stole it and used it" where it used to be taped. And then I flip to the back of the book, and it's there.... this part isn't funny but whatever. And It's got paper covering it.
Brandon's like "what the hell? Why cover it with paper? It's not like the teach is gonna take it." And I'm sitting there like... "Brandon, your a dumbass...." WHILE WE'RE IN HEALTH TALKING ABOUT STDS AND SEX.
Oh I will never forget that day...
Teach: Whoever put a**l leakage up here... I don't know. But you won't have this unless your a HOMOSEXUAL MALE who has a lot of a**l sex.
Brandon: Like Archie.
Me: Oh god, bad mental images. Thanks.
Me and brandon had this whole fake conversation about ********... and telling one another to go get tested for aids before we did s**t. We're amazing stupid. But whatever....
Anyway. Today. It was like flashback central. Erica threw a condom at someone else today though. Where in hells name does she get those things? Cause I'm sure she isn't one to walk into a store and just grab them off an damned shelf. Then again I've misjudged people before. You never know.
That's pretty much the funny and weirdness of my life at the moment.
Besides the time Toby offered to start an orgy with me in 7th period...
Man, that totally blew me away.
Then again it's my fault for telling him sarcastically that we were going into the auditorium to start a group orgy....
Man. I really gotta stop saying things like that around guys.
Like again, today after lunch with archie. Bev had images in her mind, then told us it was about us to "touching, kissing, clothes flying. etc." and I go "Oh yeah, cause I'm totally gunna rape archie."
And the b*****d goes "You can't rape the willing."
Why don't I just get new less perverted friends?
Oh yeah that's right!
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