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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Brought by Fate Part 5
Yoochun took in a deep breath, and approached Junsu studying under a tree. "Hey, you!" Junsu looked up, then whispered, "Oh sh--" "Hi! Whatcha reading?" Junsu closed his book, sticking his finger at the page he was on, then said, "What are you up to? I know you're up to something. I wasn't born yesterday!" Yoochun looked at Junsu, acting as confused as good as he can. "What are you talking about?" Junsu gathered his books, then stood up. "Look, I need to go." Just when Junsu was about to leave, Yoochun stood in front of him, stating, "Wait! I'm sorry to bug you before, but I want to be your friend." Junsu laughed out loud, then said, "You're joking, right? You're a popular bully, and you can NOT be seen with me. I'm a nerd!" Yoochun shrugged, then said, "Well, I'm going to change my ways. I just need some help with some details." Junsu sighed, and looked down, "Fine. I give up. But I'm not FULLY trusting in you yet." Yoochun smiled, then said, "Don't worry. You will soon." When Yoochun turned his back, he smirked to himself, and walked away.

"Changmin?" "Yeah?" "Do you really think that... Yunho has changed?" "Oh great, you ask me that, NOW JaeJoong?" "I'm just asking!" Changmin and JaeJoong were in class. They ARE supposed to be working on a project together, but they couldn't help but do anything BUT work. "I'm not too sure, JaeJoong. I'm not too sure. I also heard that Yoochun's trying to change, too." JaeJoong replied shockingly, "No way! That can't be possible! But who's gonna help him if Yunho and him are giving each other the silent treatment?" Changmin looked around, then whispered in Jae's ear, "Junsu." JaeJoong whispered back, "No! That makes no sense! Why would Yoochun hang out with Junsu anyway?" Changmin shrugged, then said, "I don't know, but I feel as if he's up to something. Yunho? I kinda understand, because he wasn't bad ALL the time. But Yoochun was bad for a loooong time, way longer than Yunho." JaeJoong nodded, then commented, "True." Changmin said, "I'm going to think about this for a while, so I can get things a little straight." JaeJoong nodded, "Okay. You should do that, since you're the smarter one." Changmin giggled, "Thanks, but I'm not all that--" JaeJoong's eyes widened, then said, "Hey hey, what did I tell you about modesty? Be proud of yourself. You have so many things to be proud of. Changmin smiled, then said, "Thanks."

Yoochun, Yunho, and Junsu were in the same class, and Yoochun kept looking over Junsu for the assignment answers. Yunho, who was the only witness on what Yoochun was doing, tapped him on the back, and gestured him to stop. Yoochun stuck out his tongue, and continued to do what he was doing. Yunho sighed, then continued on his work, ignoring what Yoochun was doing. Junsu felt warm breath on his neck, so when he looked back, he saw Yoochun smiling innocently to him, acting as if nothing's going on. "Stop. Cheating." he whispered. Yoochun pouted, and sat down, crossing his arms. Junsu ignored his actions, and continued on with his work. Yoochun sighed, and looked at his paper. He still had 10 questions left. How am I supposed to answer all these questions without anyone to cheat on? If only if I had Yunho. He looked back, and saw that Yunho was almost done. He looked at Junsu and saw that he was drawing on the back side of the paper. Everyone else was basically finished, except him. He raised his hand, waiting for the teacher to acknowledge him.

"What is it, Yoochun?" the teacher said, approaching his desk. "Ummm.. Can I retake this assignment?" The teacher shook his head, then said, "Nope. You can either do it now, or accept a zero." Yoochun sighed, then said, "Fine." the teacher nodded, and went back to his desk. Yoochun finally gave up and just laid his head onto his desk. Aw well. I can accept another F without spazzing out... he thought to himself...

After school...

"So, Junsu?" Yoochun said, trying to catch up to Junsu's fast-paced walking. "How about it? Are you going to the Best Friend Contest with me?" Junsu stopped, and glanced over towards Yoochun. "Look, you need to give me just a little time to think about this. Is that okay?" Yoochun nodded, then said, "Sure? Why didn't you say so?" Junsu rolled his eyes, and looked at his watch. "Well, here's the thing. I DID tell you, for the last 15 minutes." Yoochun shrugged, then said, "I guess that's another thing I need to work on: my listening skills." Junsu nodded, as he watched Yoochun happily skip off.

"You know, I'm starting to regret meeting him in the first place." Junsu said to himself... @

TBC~ heart

Note: Whoa... I guess things are tying up with Yoosu~ You may be wondering how this unusual relationship is going to get along, huh? I guess we're all going to have to wait until the end... DARN! I hate waiting! xD

And I looked for some pics that may match this story. Shockingly, I found one! Maybe two... >_>... <_<..

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Either this one, since of Yoosu... xD

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Or this one... I think this one suits best, because of the chalkboard and that Yoochun's the closest to the camera... xD And doesn't Yunho look so leader-like? Well, after all, he IS the one who got Yoosu together in this story~ <3

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Aug 15, 2008 @ 11:20pm
And I really love the first picture. whee
Keep writing your awesome stories. biggrin

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