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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Brought by Fate STORY UPDATE~!!!!!!!!!!!
Okie dokay~! I thought of a title!!!!!!!!! I called it that, because Junsu's gonna be the cute nerd~ ^o^ OH YEAH!!!!!! And Yoochun's gonna be a popular kid who cares for nobody but himself.. JaeJoong and Changmin were just couple of friends who started to get fall for each other (awww~)

Yunho is kind of like the matchmaker, and he is Yoochun's friend. He's also popular, and he tells Yoochun to do the unexpected.. Here's the story:

Yoochun is an overconfident and selfish popular high school student, who doesn't care for anyone but himself. When he heard about the "Best Friend Contest", he had no care for the world. Until Yunho, his closest friend, told him about the 100,000 dollar prize. Yoochun couldn't find anyone to act as a best friend, because Yunho was the host of the contest. So he found a kid named Junsu, who has no friends whatsoever and has no social life, that he thought was cute and told him that he wants to be his friend.

And JaeJoong, who is best friends with Changmin, is just random two students who wanted to join the best friend contest, because they think they have what it takes to win the competition. But they start to get close to Junsu and tell him that Yoochun's using him to get the 100,000 dollar prize.

Once Junsu starts to believe Jaemin, drama starts to happen....

So yea.. there's my story idea. ^^ I hope it doesn't make me have second thoughts and then think of ANOTHER story idea... I hope you like the idea and please leave me your comments~ <3

Love to you forever,

Bubbly heart

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Aug 11, 2008 @ 12:43am
I love that idea.
I can't wait to read it. biggrin

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