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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Lucky Charm Epilogue
Knock knock knock "Mmmm, five more minutes..." Knock. Knock. Knock. "We'll be there..." KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK "Alright alright!!" Yesung got up from his bedroom, and opened the door, and saw Kangin. "What are you doing in--- Oh, hey Ryeowook..." Kangin wiped his eyes then exclaimed, "RYEOWOOK?!" Ryeowook waved his hand innocently on Yesung's bed. Kangin smiled at Ryeowook, but whispered towards Yesung, "What is he doing here?" Yesung answered, "Oh, he's just staying here for a couple of minutes so he can---" "Make out with yoooooooou?" Kangin smiled big. Yesung glared and crossed his arms, then pushed Kangin out, saying, "Look, you need to go." Kangin shouted, "Wait, why? I raised you! Don't treat me like this! Don't---" Slam. Yesung closed the door, then locked it. Ryeowook giggled, then Yesung asked, "What you laughing at?" Ryeowook shrugged, then said, "Your 'dad' is cute. He's funny." Yesung shook his head, then said, "Not if you lived with him for so long..."

Kibum walked up to the front door, and opened it. "Hey, is Ryeowook here?" Kibum shook his head, then answered, "Nope. He's at Yesung's house." Donghae smiled, then walked into the house, saying, "Look who's letting little Ryeowook mingle with Yesung~" Kibum smiled back, then said, "Yeah. I guess I was kind of harsh keeping him here." Donghae shook his head, then said, "At least you learned your lesson~" then gave Kibum a short hug, before sitting down on the living room couch. "So what's for dinner?" Kibum walked into the kitchen, then answered, "I don't know. Maybe galbi?" Donghae stood up on the couch, and jumped happily, "AWESOME!!!!!!!!!" he jumped off the couch, then quietly walked behind Kibum. Then he wrapped his arms around Kibum's middle. "I'm glad we get some time alone." Kibum sighed happily, then said, "I missed your hugs, Donghae." Donghae shrugged, then said, "Well..."

Eeteuk was using Kangin's laptop, searching through the Internet. When Kangin walked into the room, Eeteuk said, "Hey hon. What's Yesung doing?" Kangin sighed, then laid down on the bed next to Eeteuk, answering, "I don't know. All he did was push me out of the room and locked his door." Eeteuk frowned and tilted his head, then said, "Oh, Kangin. Maybe he just wanted some alone time?" Kangin sat up, "Doing what?" Eeteuk's eyes went back towards the computer screen, then said, "Who knows? Maybe they were talking about their future together, like we did during our high school years." Eeteuk sighed and sat back on the chair, going back to the time when he and Kangin were young. "Yeah, those were the years." Kangin shook his head, then said, "Eeteukie, that was when we were young! We didn't know any better!" Eeteuk looked over at Kangin, then said, "Look, Yesung's old enough, okay? He's not the little baby anymore. But doesn't mean he's still not OUR baby." Kangin clicked his tongue, then said, "Eeteuk, you're sweet and kindhearted, that's why I love you, but sometimes you overdo it.." Eeteuk shook his head, then said, "Oh Kanginnie..."

Ryeowook was looking over Yesung's shoulder when he was using the computer, and then he said, "See? This is Wondergirls' new song." Ryeowook nodded, then said, "I like it." Ryeowook looked over towards Yesung's bear, then squealed. "Awww, a bear!" Yesung looked over towards Ryeowook snuggling the bear, then said, "That bear is pretty stubborn though..." Ryeowook looked over towards Yesung, with the bear nuzzling his neck, then asked innocently, "What do you mean?" How cute~ Yesung thought. "She's just mean to me and stuff." Ryeowook tilted his head, then said, "Yesung? Do you talk to his bear?" Yesung's eyes widened, then said, "No way!" Ryeowook gently let the bear down, and crossed his arms. "Yeessssssung?" Yesung sighed, then said, "Fine. I do. So what?" Ryeowook's innocent eyes made Yesung give up, so he had to tell him. "Yesung?" "Hmmm?" "Aren't you... a little old to be talking to a stuffed animal?" Yesung shrugged, then said, "It's a habit I couldn't break." Ryeowook picked up the bear and threw him out the window, saying, "I'll help you break that habit." Yesung looked out the window, and saw the bear get taken by a little girl. "HAH!!!! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR TRICKING ME TO THROW A WATER BALLOON AT AN OLD LADY!" Ryeowook rose an eyebrow, then smiled, giving Yesung a hug around the middle. "You're cute when you're competitive." @

-End of Epilogue-

thank you for reading~ ^^

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Aug 10, 2008 @ 05:41am
Why is Ryeowook always doing those things in your fanfics. lol.
And when you mentioned galbi, I got hungry.
Thanks for writing. biggrin

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