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The Physical State of My Humiliation
Lucky Charm Part 6
Kibum was still home alone, wondering where Ryeowook can be. He looked over at the phone that was laying on the table in front of him. He picked it up and dialed a number. But it wasn't Ryeowook's number...



"Hmmm? what is it?"

"My brother's missing."


"No, Tico. YES Ryeowook!"

"Oh. I was about to say... Umm, I don't know. Have you tried calling him instead?"

Kibum sighed, then answered, "Yes Donghae. I would always call the person who's NOT responsible first instead of the--- YESH!!!!!!"

"Well sorry! I didn't think---"

"Wait wait!"


"I think I know where he could be..."

Yesung was looking at his phone, then slowly towards Ryeowook. Ryeowook shrugged, "What? Why you looking at me like that?" Yesung rose a brow, then asked, "Are you SURE this is his phone number?" Ryeowook's eyes widened, then exclaimed, "Are you accusing me of lying?!" Yesung sighed, then looked back at his phone, then pressed DIAL.

Kibum was still sitting patiently on the couch angrily, waiting for something. He finally heard what he wanted to hear: his ring tone. He picked up the phone, "I knew you'd call."

Yesung sighed, then said calmly, "Look, I need to talk to you."

Kibum chuckled, then said, "What is there to talk about? Except the fact that you snuck Ryeowook out and---"

Ryeowook interrupted madly, shouting, "Hey! I snuck out on my own! It's not Yesung fault!" Yesung stuck his finger in his ear, then said, "Ow. My ear, Ryeowook." Ryeowook jumped, then said, "Oops! I'm sorry! Here." he blew on the ear, and rubbed it gently. Yesung's ear slowly landed on his shoulder, saying, "Stop stop stop! That tickles!" Ryeowook pouted, then rested his chin onto Yesung's shoulder. "I just realized something, Kibum."

Kibum started getting nervous, thinking that Yesung figured it out. About his... age. Yesung smirked to himself proudly, thinking, I knew this would work... "Kibum, it seems like you lied about your age. You're not older than me." Silence on the other line. Kibum couldn't believe it. He figured it out. Ryeowook giggled to himself. You caught him, Yesunggie. Kibum suddenly got furious. He felt steam coming out of his ears, and his grip tightened. He hung up the phone, then got up from the couch, got his coat, and walked out the door.

Yesung, on the other hand, heard the dial tone, then said, "Ryeowook?" "Hmmm?" he said, with his drink's straw in his mouth. "I think we should go." Ryeowook took one sip, then set the drink down. "Why?" Yesung slid his phone into his pocket, and sat up. "I think I got your Kibum boiling..." @

TBC~ heart

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Aug 08, 2008 @ 07:25pm
I kept laughing at the argument between Kihae. lol.
And Kibumie is mad now...
Lol, I smell a fight coming. kekeke.

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