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The Physical State of My Humiliation
KangTeuk: Lovesick Part 1
"Rock, paper, scissors! Haha, I win!" Eeteuk called out, flicking Kangin on the head. "Darn it!" Eeteuk chuckled. "I want a rematch!" Kangin complained, getting up from the carpet floor. Eeteuk smiled big, then said, "Okay, but let's make it an arm wrestling match, instead of rock, paper, scissors." Kangin smirked, then rolled his head, and cracked his fingers. "Finally, something that I'm good at." Kangin stated.

The friends left Kangin's house, and they started running around, pretending to shoot each other. Eeteuk "shot" Kangin, and Kangin fell to the ground. Eeteuk laughed out loud, then ran towards Kangin, who's still laying down on the ground. Eeteuk sat down on top of Kangin (don't worry, it doesn't hurt him ^^) and said, "I win. Pay up!" Eeteuk said happily. Kangin sighed, then looked at Eeteuk's hand out, waiting for some payment. Kangin grabbed the hand, and pinned Eeteuk down onto the grass. "Yeah. YOU win.. HAH!" Kangin said sarcastically. Eeteuk laughed, then his smile disappeared, when he caught Kangin's eyes. Kangin's smile also disappeared when he saw Eeteuk staring at him. They were just staring quietly, with Kangin still holding firmly onto Eeteuk's shoulders on the grass. Suddenly, Kangin ruined the silence by saying, "YOU pay up." Kangin smiled. Eeteuk smirked, then gave Kangin 2 dollars (in Korean money). Kangin smiled big, then said, "Thank you!" Eeteuk pouted, then got up after Kangin did.

They were sitting down on the bench, watching kids play on the playground. Eeteuk felt a bit anxious around Kangin, after settling down from wrestling and playing. Eeteuk had a secret that he wanted to tell Kangin, but he doesn't know how he'd react. Eeteuk thought that it was a secret truely strong, that it can destroy their friendship. Kangin looked over towards Eeteuk, and saw that he was thinking of something. Kangin pouted, then asked, "What's wrong?" Eeteuk slowly looked over towards Kangin, and said, "Nothing. I'm fine. What made you think that something was wrong?" Kangin shrugged, then said, "You were quiet, and it looked as if you're thinking about something." Eeteuk shook his head, then said, "I have no idea what you're talking about." Kangin rolled his eyes, then said, "I know when you're thinking about something or not. Tell me what's in your mind. Please?" Eeteuk sighed, and his fingers started tapping against each other. "Well, my mom and my dad are almost poor. You know that, right?" Kangin nodded. "And my mom wanted my dad to get a job. But they couldn't find a job that payed a lot and lived near here." Kangin started to get worried. "But my dad found a job that payed a lot, but it was really far from here. So, we might have to move away, and I might not be able to see you again." Kangin was speechless. He didn't want Eeteuk to go.

Eeteuk sniffled, feeling like he's about to cry. Kangin sighed, then asked, "Why haven't you told me this before?" Eeteuk looked over towards Kangin, then studdered, "I-I-I-" Kangin got up, then said, "Why did you keep it in? I would have understood if you told me sooner!" Eeteuk looked down, then said softly, "I'm sorry..." Kangin answered loudly, "Thanks, but sorry doesn't change the way I'm feeling right now!" Kangin turned around, then left Eeteuk. Eeteuk sighed, watching Kangin leave. He felt bad that Kangin was mad at him. He got up, then slowly left the park, without Kangin.

Eeteuk walked into the house, and it was quiet. Eeteuk walked into the living room, and saw his mom and dad being, well mom and dad. Eeteuk called it, "snuddling", a combination of snuggling and cuddling. Eeteuk stuck out his tongue, then went to his room. He looked out the window, and sighed. He was thinking about Kangin, and how he reacted when he told him what was going on in his household. Eeteuk really liked Kangin, his mischevious, raccoon-like personality, and how he always pinned him down in rough-housing and always won in arm wrestling. He also loved how he always won Kangin in Rock, Paper, Scissors. And lastly, he loved Kangin's smile. He loved everything about him. That's why he loves him in general.

Kangin was sitting in the basement, looking through the telescope his dad got him before he left the house for good. He was looking at the stars, but when he moved his telescope down, he saw Eeteuk looking out his window, thinking and, was he crying? Kangin felt bad, but he knew there was no way that he can tell Eeteuk, "Sorry." Or was there...?

Kangin left the house quietly, and walked up towards Eeteuk's house. He sighed, then told himself, "They won't approach the door! They're probably sleeping by now!" Kangin looked at his watch. It read: 11:00 PM. He decided to walk to the back of the house, and knock on the window, asking Eeteuk to let him in. He walked to the other side of the trailer home, and saw Eeteuk's window. He looked around, making sure nobody was watching, and knocked on the window.

Eeteuk, on the other side of the window, heard the knocking, and woke up. He was looking around wondering where the knocking came from. He got up, and walked up towards the window, then opened the curtains to see who was knocking on the window. He saw Kangin smile weakly. Eeteuk's eyes widened, then opened the window. "What are you doing here?" he asked. Kangin sighed then said, "I wanted to talk to you about, earlier today. Can I come in?" Eeteuk looked down at the window sill, and asked, "I don't know, can you?" he smirked. Kangin laughed, then crawled into the room. @

TBC~ heart

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jul 16, 2008 @ 04:14am
That is a sad plot.
Very close friends must move away from each other. crying

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